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9 things society judges women more harshly for than men

Women are judged for these things

Women are often judged more harshly than men for the same things, putting us under an unjust magnifying glass 24/7. This societal bias, whether unconscious or not, can affect our mental, physical, and emotional health. Below are some of the choices that are acceptable for men to make but not for women.

Gender stereotypes: Women are judged for these 9 things:

Let’s look at the double standards of women being criticized for choices routinely accepted when made by men. From career aspirations to physical appearances, ready or not, here we go:

1. Being assertive at work

As a supervisor, women often get labeled as “bossy” after taking the same actions as men. That is because western society generalizes women as being the softer, more emotional of the sexes, so many people react negatively when a woman doesn’t act this way.

Carrying a high level of authority at work and being criticized for hiring, firing, and other actions may result in going to an outpatient mental health treatment near San Diego. Professional treatment can help with depression and other mental health conditions that stem from contradictory gender expectations.

2. Being career-focused

Women have been traditionally expected to take on the homemaker role while their husbands go to work. However, not everyone wants to say bye-bye to careers when getting married, and not every woman wants to be a wife.

Wanting to be in the workplace, women can get labeled as career-obsessed. Would the same thing be said of men? And then there is the whole other topic of gender-stereotype jobs.

3. Women judged for being muscular

Society says women should be fit and healthy, but not too fit. If women become too muscular, then they’re called unfeminine. What’s wrong with a woman wanting muscle definition? And taking good care of their bodies? Nothing, that’s what.

4. Having multiple sex partners

Sleeping around is a badge of pride for some men. But for women, they’re called “loose and immoral.” Thankfully, this mentality is slowly being weaned out of society, but it’s still not completely judgment-free for women.

5. Having body hair

Body hair naturally grows, yet women are forced to spend all the money in the world to remove it. There are so many methods out there – It’s big business. Whether it’s shaving, waxing, or doing laser removal. Men, on the other hand, are allowed to be as hairy as they want.

6. Not wanting children

Women are shamed for not wanting to be mothers. Either they aren’t able to, or because it’s a personal choice, they are always met with the suggestion that they’ll “change their minds later.” Yet when men decide they don’t want to be fathers, society seems fine with that.

7. Women judged for clothing choices

A woman should always look her best, according to society. She must always wear form-flattering clothing instead of what’s comfortable. Walking out in a t-shirt and sweatpants? She either doesn’t care about herself or she’s having a bad day. A man is not met with this same scrutiny.

8. Aging naturally

Women are expected to always look youthful. If they have wrinkles or grey hair, society wants them to invest in all the skincare products and hair dyes to keep themselves looking young. Men, on the other hand, are allowed to grey and have wrinkles.

9. Being a higher weight

Putting on a few pounds isn’t something that ought to be met with decries of exercise and eating healthier. That’s what a woman receives when she does; a man is allowed to have a “dad bod” without being called unhealthy. Speaking of weight…

The weight of being judged by society as women

The criticisms of society can weigh heavily on a woman’s mental health, leading to depression and other illnesses. Speak with a medical professional if symptoms do not improve after a week or two or significantly interfere with your daily life.

Looking at the gender norms and disparities, a few questions come to mind. How can we challenge and break down these ingrained biases as a society? As individuals, what can we do to be more supportive of women’s choices?

13 thoughts on “9 things society judges women more harshly for than men”

  1. Vitamins Revive Blog

    Women have always been stereotyped but the truth is that it’s a lot better these days. If we also take measures not to buy into these stereotypes and refuse to be labelled, things will change for the better.

  2. All true, from my experiences. When will it end?
    A while ago, I told a female acquaintance I was going o grow out my grey hair.
    She reacted negatively and said – people will think your N’s mother!

    Point being, women have to stop buying into those ideas, which may have come from men, but are now marketed aggressively to society in general.
    Corporations are getting rich on our insecurities and their hair dye.
    They are now turning their product focus on men.
    It’s up to us to set the record straight!

    1. It’s fear, Resa ~ Fear that coprorations are using to make HUGE profits. And so few people see it! I don’t dye my hair anymore. Like you, I was met negatively with this decision by another woman. It is our body, our say. And we say we’re going natural!! Hugs.

  3. Hi Christy, I must be honest, I think society judges men for these things too, maybe not as harshly as women, but we live in a plastic society where Barbie and Ken are the role models. They don’t age, gain weight and always look perfect – because they are plastic!

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