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Healing naturally: An interview with holistic nutritionist Katrina Foe

Katrina Foe, holistic nutritionist

When looking at health, we need to look at the whole body, and Katrina Foe knows this well after overcoming her cancer 100% naturally. How an individual chooses to move forward with healing is valid and deserves respect, whether a natural healing approach for the body, conventional, or integrative. I had the opportunity to speak with Katrina, the author of the bestseller Nutritional Pilates, about how she is using her experiences to help individuals, especially middle-aged women, recognize and address symptoms, ultimately preventing chronic diseases.

Disclosure: This sponsored post features a board-certified holistic nutritionist who provides insights on cancer prevention and holistic health. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Interview with Katrina Foe

Katrina Foe is a board-certified in holistic nutrition, Restorative Wellness Solutions master practitioner, and certified in the Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Katrina and her team work with clients all over the world to help them uncover why they had cancer and how to prevent recurrence.

Katrina, thank you for sharing your experience overcoming cancer. How do you help others today?

I am passionate about spreading the cutting-edge use of food as medicine through speaking and my international best-selling book, Nutritional Pilates: Relieve Joint Pain, Lose Unwanted Weight, and Prevent Chronic Disease to Become Your Most Vibrant Self!

My team and I work with clients from around the world using functional lab testing in a 1:1 setting, group setting, and retreat setting. My program, Cancer Freedom, allows clients to understand their labs and how that translates to changing their health so they never have to fear cancer.

How does food play a part in health? What about in terms of cancer?

Food is the foundation of our health as it is what we are literally made of. If we feed ourselves rancid poison, that is what our body will be made of, and while our body is incredibly good at compensating, there is a limit to how much garbage it can take before health issues arise.

In terms of cancer, we know that the higher blood sugar will be giving the tumor more of its favorite food: glucose. It is key to get the metabolism under control and feed the body alternately with fat – a cleaner burning fuel to boot.

So, avoiding carbohydrates is key – but that doesn’t mean not eating healthy low-carb veggies. Quality must be stressed here as all food is not created equal.

Talking holistic healing your body
Katrina is passionate about empowering women in the holistic health realm.

Conversation with Katrina Foe cont’d.

What do you hope that readers will gain by reading Nutritional Pilates?

Nutritional Pilates is designed to give women the big-picture view that THERE IS MORE. There are so many reasons why weight loss, joint pain, and even chronic disease are not magically fixed – it is often complex, and there is no magic bullet. But there are specific things you can investigate and do about it. Weight is just a symptom of larger issues.

For so many women, this changes their whole life, not just their health trajectory but also their feelings about themselves and the world around them. So many suffer from not feeling good enough or not feeling comfortable in their body, and I want to make sure they know there are other options so they can get to their happy place.

In the larger trajectory, when people address these niggling health symptoms at this stage, it avoids the scary chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer – this is my bigger mission.

Who is the book intended for?

Nutritional Pilates is intended for middle-aged women that have some symptoms creeping in. At this stage, we often brush things aside and say they are “normal” when what we really mean is they are common.

These are NOT normal, though, and should be our wake-up signals to make changes and prevent the ominous diseases that are farther down the road.

I’m curious: What health-related obstacles hinder healing, and how can they be addressed?

There are many issues that can block healing, derail weight loss, and lead to the scary chronic diseases. We have never been exposed to so many chemicals, heavy metals, molds, pesticides/herbicides, and other toxins ever before in human existence.

Our bodies were not made to detox this much – each person has a different threshold based on their genetics and epigenetics. We do, however, have great functional testing to point us in the direction of where to clean up our environment and how to address these imbalances for the individual.

Do you recommend health detox? Why, and what are some basic principles to follow?

Absolutely! Detoxification is the key in today’s world. We are drowning in the toxic soup that we live in, and for those of us suffering with chronic disease, we are not able to detox enough on our own.  The first step is to stop, or at least slow down, the inflow of toxins as much as possible – especially those that are high in your specific environment/body.

Then, it is important to lighten the load on the body by supporting the body’s own detox processes and using modalities known to enhance the elimination pathways, such as infrared saunas, coffee enemas, castor oil packs, and more. This is outlined in Nutritional Pilates, although the specifics will differ for every individual.

More on naturally healing the body with Katrina Foe

Do you want to guide people, empower them, or a bit of both?

I empower my readers to own that there are things they can do to improve their health and avoid future health crises. I guide my clients on the path to health for them, specifically based on their lab testing, symptoms, and history.

What is the mindset you want to encourage in others?

I am passionate about how influential your mindset is within a health crisis. I tend to be very linear, and my own health journey, as well as those of my clients, has taught me that things don’t always progress in a linear way.

Healing often comes from unexpected places and in unusual ways, and if we pre-decide how it has to happen, then we block the possibilities. It is imperative to keep positive and stay open-minded.

This is why I always address the neurotransmitters upfront with clients. If they are depressed or anxious, how in the world are they going to be able to do the work that deep healing takes?

In addition to staying positive, what else did you learn from your cancer?

Cancer has been one of my greatest teachers! I have learned that my kids are more capable than I ever thought possible.

I learned that it is important who you surround yourself with – their energy will affect you in profound ways that are hard to quantify. I have learned that it is important to assess your life and where you want to go regularly, not just let circumstances push you around passively.

I have learned that if we lean in, God will show up in ways that we never would have imagined.

Thank you for being here, Katrina Foe! One more question: How do you celebrate being cancer-free?

I celebrate being cancer-free by living every day to the fullest and by helping my clients do the same.

Nutritional Pilates book cover

Get your copy of Nutritional Pilates

Katrina Foe’s best-selling book Nutritional Pilates: Relieve Joint Pain, Lose Unwanted Weight, and Prevent Chronic Disease to Become Your Most Vibrant Self! offers a comprehensive approach to health, emphasizing a low-carb, high-quality approach to eating for middle-aged women Katrina guides readers through detoxification, empowerment, and a positive mindset.

Nutritional Pilates is on Amazon in paperback, kindle, and soon audiobook.  It will be in bookstores soon as well, Katrina told me. There is also a link at to get a free copy that only requires shipping and handling – her gift to you!

Connect with Katrina Foe on social media

She is on social media! Follow Katrina Foe on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on her journey and inspiring messages.

“I feel very blessed to get to share this work with the world and help others live without fear of cancer!” — Katrina Foe

Please note: This interview is not intended as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only.

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