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How to get justice as a victim of sexual assault

Justice for sexual assault victims

Sexual assault is an incredibly difficult experience to go through. Not only do you have the violation of the body, but the emotional trauma and stress that can occur in that moment and in the aftermath are challenging to move past. It’s critical to provide sexual assault victims with the support and motivation to seek justice. Removing those attackers from the streets means more individuals are protected, and there are fewer victims. With this being said, here is some useful guidance regarding getting justice as a victim of sexual assault.

Report the crime to the police

While it may not be something you want to do within the initial aftermath of it occurring, speaking to the police is essential. While it’s still fresh in mind, reporting the crime to the police is going to give the victim the best opportunity of tracking down the culprit and ensure justice is served.

Many victims of SA will choose to remain quiet or not report the crime to the police for fear of embarrassment or not being believed. However, it’s something that should be actively encouraged because the police are there to help those who are in need.

Get a lawyer

The next step required is to lawyer up. This stage is important, especially when it comes to seeking justice. Having legal aid to support and provide guidance in what can already be a traumatic experience is going to help swing the decision to prosecute in the victim’s favor.

A sexual assault lawyer may be a suitable choice for those who are after a specialist lawyer with the relevant experience required. Using a lawyer in this niche area compared to a general lawyer, might be beneficial to getting the results the victim wants.

Find any other victims of the accused if applicable

In some cases, the accused may have had a previous history of sexual assault. It’s these types of predators that typically find it hard only to offend once. Chances are, a victim may have been one of many, and this is where it can be handy to band together.

Do some digging with the lawyer to see if there are any other victims that may have reported or made attempts to prosecute the individual in the past. This could be helpful in seeking justice not just for the victim in question but for previous victims who either didn’t come forward or didn’t manage to prosecute successfully.

Prepare for court questioning

The most challenging part of getting justice is the court appearance itself. For some, the appearance physically might not be necessary, but there is a chance you’ll be called in to give testimony. Making sure preparation is done for court questioning is essential, and it’s something that a victim will be guided through by their legal team.

Surrounding the victim with support and comfort is the best approach for anyone whose loved one has gone through this. Use these tips to make sure justice is served.

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