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3 air conditioner maintenance tips year-round

Air conditioner maintenance tips

If you have an air conditioner in the home, you know that it brings the benefit of being cool and comfortable indoors during the warmer weather months. This appliance is one that you rely on to keep your home one that is a pleasure to be in, especially in the intense heat of summer. But it’s important to realize that the unit won’t operate at its best without proper upkeep. Here are three air conditioner maintenance tips to help you do so.

First, let’s look at what problems you want to steer clear of by regularly maintaining the A/C device.

What you want to avoid

The last thing you want is for the A/C unit to malfunction or break down entirely. That can create uncomfortable and difficult conditions within the home. So, taking steps to avoid any breakdowns and to keep your air conditioner running smoothly is an important part of being a responsible homeowner.

The good news is that keeping your air conditioner working properly isn’t as difficult as you might have imagined. Performing the right maintenance on your unit throughout the year, and being vigilant in spotting any indicators that a problem might be developing, can help you to avoid those unexpected repairs to your A/C that can sometimes arise.

Now, let’s get to the three tips to help you keep the air conditioner working properly all year long.

3 air conditioner maintenance tips:

1. Service it regularly

The first thing to start to incorporate into your annual home maintenance schedule is to arrange to have your air conditioning unit serviced by a qualified professional. Keeping the appliance up to date will help it work at its best.

Scheduling a professional service through a service business scheduling software on your air conditioner at least once a year makes sense. Doing so ensures that it will continue to run well when you need it the most.

During the service appointment, you will find out about any wear and tear on the appliance, if you don’t already know about it. This is the time when the expert will repair any issues before they potentially develop into a more serious condition.

Regularly servicing also reduces the risks of a sudden breakdown in your unit when it starts to work overtime for you in the middle of the summer. Having it shut down unexpectedly would be frustrating! That’s all the more incentive to follow these air conditioner maintenance tips.

2. Keep up with landscaping

Another thing to do is keep up with the landscaping around your A/C unit. This tip might surprise you.

When the appliance kicks on, the fan can attract debris, such as leaves and branches from bushes and trees in or around the yard. These fragments can block the entry of air into the unit and cause your A/C to work much harder than it has to do.

To alleviate any undue stress on the unit, keep up with landscaping around the unit. For example, trim the bushes and make sure that there aren’t any leaves piling up around the machine.

3. Replace filters as part of air conditioner maintenance

Another important part of air conditioner maintenance involves remembering to change out the filters regularly. This task is an easy one to do on your own and can make a major difference in performance.

Ideally, change your filters every 3-4 months. You might have to do it more often, though, if you have pets or a lot of people in the home. Changing out the filters regularly helps keep the air quality in your house up to a high standard and also ensures your unit isn’t working harder than necessary.

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