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What are the things to consider when buying land?

Consider when buying land

Buying a piece of land can be an excellent investment and a way to build your own home or start a business. However, it can also be a complicated and challenging process. That’s why it’s crucial to be well-informed and to consider all the important factors before making a decision. This guide will cover what to look for when buying land for sale Australia, including location, zoning, utilities, topography, environmental factors, future development plans, price, title and legal issues, survey, and professional advice. By taking time to research and consider all of these factors, you can make a more informed decision when buying a piece of land.

Top considerations when buying land:

When buying a piece of land, it is crucial to consider the following factors:


The location of the land is one of the top factors to consider when buying. Look for a location that is convenient and accessible, with good road access and nearby amenities such as shopping centres, schools, and public transportation. This will increase the land’s potential value and make it more attractive to potential buyers or renters in the future.


Make sure the land is zoned for the intended use, whether residential, commercial, or industrial. Zoning laws vary by municipality and can affect what types of structures and businesses can be built on the land. If the land is zoned for the intended use, it could be easier to develop it in the future.


Check that the land has access to essential utilities, such as water, electricity, and sewage. This can be a costly and time-consuming process to set up if the land still needs access to these utilities.


Consider the land’s topography, such as slope and soil type, as it may affect the cost of developing the land. For example, a steep slope may require more excavation and grading, while rocky soil may make it difficult to install a septic system.

Environmental factors

Ensure the land is not in a flood zone or other environmentally sensitive areas. This can affect the cost and feasibility of development and make it challenging to get insurance.

Future development plans

Research if any planned developments in the area may affect the value of the land in the future. For example, a planned highway expansion or a new shopping centre could increase the land’s value, while a planned landfill could decrease its value.


Compare the prices of similar plots of land in the area to ensure you are paying a fair price for it before relocating to build a new home or another project. Look at recent sales prices for comparable properties to get an idea of the current market value.

Title and legal issues

Review the title and any legal issues related to the land, such as easements or outstanding liens. This can be done by hiring a lawyer to conduct a title search, which will reveal any potential issues with the land’s ownership or use.


It is also essential to have a professional survey done on the land to confirm boundaries, zoning, and any other issues that could arise. This will ensure that you know exactly what you are buying and can avoid future disputes with neighbours or the municipality.

Professional advice

Get professional advice from a real estate agent or a land use planner to help you navigate the process and identify potential issues. These experts have the experience and knowledge to help you make an informed decision and can provide valuable insight into the local real estate market.


Top photo via Canva

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