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5 inspiring tips for first-time women art collectors

First-time women art collectors

Art collecting can be a side hustle, a full-time career, or a hobby. Whichever one interests you, the time is now! But how do you go about collecting art? The tips below for first-time women art collectors will provide a great starting point.

The gender gap

Collectors are primarily men in the traditional art market, as per Forbes. Interestingly, the same source explains that men often use different criteria when evaluating art than women. While men tend to focus on the artist and their background, women put more emphasis on the artwork itself.

Having broader representation not only for artists but also for art collectors is integral. If you are interested in buying and dealing art, make it happen. In addition to knowing what to look for, it’s important to be wise with your money. Find more inspiring tips below.

Top tips for first-time women art collectors:

1. Get educated

Getting educated is the key to success, whichever medium you choose and whatever investment you plan to start with. As a newbie, invest effort in learning as much as possible.

Read up on artists and mediums, visit local galleries, attend events, and participate in walk-throughs. You may even find a like-minded mentor to help guide you in the field. These efforts at the onset enable you to understand the depth of the artwork and invest wisely.

2. Take your time

Collecting artwork is like building a relationship with the piece you want to own. Pay attention to your intuition here.

Take your time understanding whether a piece of work is worth a hefty investment. Avoid buying in a hurry as you may end up regretting your decision. First-timers often go wrong with impulsive purchases, so go slow.

3. Explore your options

Beginners may have a shaky start in the field of art collection because some pieces entail big spending. But you can get more comfortable by exploring your options over time.

Choose a reputable platform to buy artwork and grow your collection. Also, think beyond the traditional medium and check fine art photography. You can find incredible ones like danny lyon photographer once you start to dig deeper.

4. Newbie women art collectors: Develop your confidence

Another valuable piece of advice is to develop their confidence. You may initially feel overwhelmed if you are a beginner in the art world. That’s natural with anything new.

It also might be intimidating to find your peers are mainly men in the art market. And let’s not forget that some art pieces require a hefty investment that you might not be comfortable with as a beginner.

But you can definitely advance by developing your confidence. Trust your skills and knowledge to buy the best pieces at the right prices. Also, embrace your mistakes and learn from them because you will probably make a few in the beginning.

5. Set a budget

This final tip is a no-brainer when investing in art to expand your wealth. Consider it a business and set a budget for the investment.

Starting small is the best way to go, though you can grow it once you learn the ropes of art investment. Remember that you don’t need to be a billionaire to build a premium collection. You may find some hidden gems in secondary market galleries at a fraction of the cost.

The takeaway for first-time women art collectors

The art collection world is still male-dominated. Gender balance is long overdue. As you embark on collecting, whether it is a full-time, part-time, or casual endeavor, practice the tips outlined above. Doing so can help you build an amazing collection.

4 thoughts on “5 inspiring tips for first-time women art collectors”

  1. Collect what you like to live with. It would be a bonus if it increases in value over time, but when selling, don’t count on it. Intermediaries will expect a portion of the sales price.

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