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How to lose cheek fat: 4 effective ways

Chubby Cheeks

Your face is one of your most distinguishing features; it’s like a physical signature for eyes. It’s one of the first things people notice about you, which can make some people very conscious of personal appearance. Each person’s body deposits fat in different ways, and sometimes the body deposits some of its excess fat in your cheeks. If you’re looking for how to lose cheek fat, there are a few things you can do.

Chubby cheeks: What’s the cause?

Your face can change its shape according to how your body weight. If you put on pounds, excess fat can build in certain areas of the body, including the cheeks.

If you’re not eating healthy or exercising regularly, weight can increase and result in chubby cheeks. But if you don’t like the look of them, what can you do?

There are very few targeted exercises to reduce fat in the cheeks and jaw area. Reducing cheek fat requires you to burn fat all over your body, which isn’t an easy task.

It requires a ton of lifestyle changes, as well as hard work and dedication. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to lose face fat.

Start eating right

A change in your diet and eating habits can work wonders for you. Having a set routine is a crucial component of eating right.

Your body likes routine because having a set time to perform tasks allows it to prepare for them. Tasks like digestion take a lot of time and energy, and the body can perform these tasks with more ease if they happen at the same time every day.

Cardio for chubby cheeks

Add cardio to your workout

Cardiovascular exercises are a great way to burn fat all over your body, including the face. The benefits of a cardio workout can never be overstated; these exercises improve mobility and balance, strengthen joints, build lung capacity, and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

The increase in blood circulation can have a profound effect on the face. It can remove any puffiness, help with dark circles, and burn some fat stored in your face because you’re burning fat during these exercises.

Hydrate to lose cheek fat

Water retention is one of your body’s defense mechanisms against dehydration. When the body feels like it’s going into a state of dehydration, it begins to retain water within the tissue.

Water retention can cause your face to look puffy. The chubby cheeks can be mistaken for fat.

There are a number of remedies for water retention, depending on the cause. A potential cure for water retention due to dehydration is increasing water intake and consuming electrolytes.

This strategy helps to rebalance the salt levels in your body and permits the body to flush out any excess water.

If your sodium levels are disproportionately higher than your potassium levels, this activity can lead to water retention too. One of the ways to reduce water retention in such cases is by eating potassium-rich foods.

Fresh vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium include:

  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Oranges
  • Bananas

It’s important to consult a physician to determine the cause of water retention within your system. This professional will provide you the appropriate solution.

Yoga for how to lose cheek fat

Try yoga

Yoga has been around for centuries but is growing in popularity across the globe. There is a good reason for this too; yoga has many benefits for your mental and physical well-being.

The various poses in yoga are designed to strengthen and tone specific parts of your body. As your body gains definition, your face can become leaner than before as well.

3 yoga poses to help lose cheek fat

1. Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)

A specific yoga pose that can target facial muscles is the Simha Mudra or Lion Pose. It is a relatively simple yoga position that requires you to sit straight and open your chest by pushing your palms into your knees.

Once you have assumed the correct position, stick your tongue out towards your chin as far as possible and exhale making a ‘ha’ sound throughout the motion.

Keep your tongue extended. While inhaling, slowly return to your normal facial position.

Repeat this activity 5-10 times a day to lose cheek fat.

2. Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)

The Jivha Bandha or Locked Tongue Pose helps burn cheek fat and chisel your jawline for that slim face you’ve been looking for. To assume the Jivha Bandha pose, first sit down in a comfortable position.

Next, push your tongue against the top of your pallet. Do so until you begin to feel the stretch in your neck.

Repeat this activity 5-10 times.

3. Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock)

Jalandhara Bandha or Chin Lock is useful to tone your neck and jawline. To begin Jalandhara Bandha, you will need to first sit down in the Lotus position.

Once assuming the Lotus position, place your hands on your knees and inhale deeply. As you do so, straighten your shoulders.

While bending forward slightly, tuck your chin into your throat, between the collar bones. Hold this position till you run out of breath.

Then inhale slowly while straightening your neck. Return to the original position.

Final words on how to lose cheek fat

Reducing cheek fat is something that not a lot of people talk about. But if you’re uncomfortable with having chubby cheeks, then it can be helpful to know what to do about it. Use these tips to help you get what you want.