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Graduation Season: Prevent Your Teen Drunk Driving

Graduation season 101: Teen drunk driving isn't cool

Graduation is a time of celebration as adolescents cross the bridge toward adulthood. Whether they plan to enroll in college or the military, backpack across Europe, or get a full-time job, graduation marks a new era. From school rehearsals and relocation requirements to family festivities and peer-driven parties, there’s enough activity during graduation season to build lifelong memories for your teenager. But a drunk driving accident can transform a potential lifetime of memories into decades of heartbreak, pain, and regret. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), teenagers are in the highest risk age bracket for fatal crashes and most of those occur between the months of April and July. So, how do you prevent your teen from drunk driving?

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by lawyer David Femminineo and I have been compensated for posting it. Rest assured I have overseen all written content.

Talk Honestly about Teen Drunk Drinking

Your teen may feel and try to act like an adult, but underage laws still apply and you’re still legally responsible for their care and safety. According to results of the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, only 1 in 100 parents believe their teenager binge drinks but 1 in 7 teens actually do.

You may think you’re being a good parent by turning a blind eye to the probability of their drinking. But being realistic offers a better shot at saving their lives. Graduation parties and peer pressure go hand-in-hand, and alcohol will likely be available. Talk to your kids about the real risks surrounding teen drunk driving.

Also discuss potential consequences, such as:

  • Sexual assault
  • Car crashes
  • Emergency room visits
  • Alcohol addiction

Have these conversations before they put themselves or someone else in harm’s way.

Know about Their Graduation Season Parties

Chances are your teenager has been invited to several celebration activities or parties. If their graduation class is quite large, they may be attending multiple parties during graduation season. If you’re able, offer your teen a ride to and from the events. Doing so can help prevent them from entering a dangerous situation, such as teen drunk driving.

Talk directly with the parents hosting the parties and verify times and make sure alcohol will not be available. If they say or suggest it will be, remind them of state laws and social responsibilities. It’s better to be the temporary “uncool parent” than to spend the rest of your life grieving over a preventable drunk driving fatality.

Make and Confirm a Backup Plan

Over 40% of underage drinkers get their booze from adults they know, and the average drunk driver has been behind the wheel of a vehicle at least 80 times before they’re arrested the first time. So a teenager may insist they can drive safely even under the influence.

After all, they’re already in a bubble of invincibility. But, since 33% of drunk driving fatalities involve drivers between ages 16 to 20, we know that the risks are real and significant. It might be a driver in another car that is hurt or even dies, or it could be a pedestrian or bicyclist.

Arrange or provide safe and sober transportation from a party or event, regardless of how late it runs. And if you’re not able to pick up your teen yourself, insist they call an Uber or taxi. A little precaution and pre-planning go a long way to avoid calling your Michigan auto accident attorney and help usher your teen into adulthood.

25 thoughts on “Graduation Season: Prevent Your Teen Drunk Driving”

  1. I love how you inspire people to be aware and think about how to stay safe, and keep their loved ones safe too. The danger with drinking in driving is – as you said – someone else could get hurt or killed. Drinking and driving changes lives forever in the blink of an eye. Thank you Christy, for a wonderful post and all your wonderful work in helping others! You are a very special person.

  2. Don’t know bout the driving but he’ll lose his licence before he gets it if he doesn’t kerb his intake….he got drunk last Tuesday, had an argument with a stranger & instead of punching the stranger, he punched a wall…1 broken & open break of a metatarsal & broken bones in little finger….also missed the chance of working with a top class chef on the Thursday….stupid

    1. Oh wow that’s a story that says don’t drink and drive! A testament to what can be lost, for sure. Thanks for taking time with these comments, Pete! I’m catching up today :)

  3. Those stats are scary. Thank god my kids survived their teenage years! My daughter, who is 22 and just graduated from college(!) chooses not to drink. My son, who is 26, does drink on occasion but usually only at a party in someone’s home where he and his friends will stay and spend the night if they’re too tipsy to safely drive.

  4. I know families that have been affected by this firsthand, so thank you for your post. We need to ensure that our kids are not too afraid to call us if their ride has been drinking. Save the judgments and just let them know you are available for them

  5. I’m so glad my kids made it through their teens without a tragedy related to drinking and driving. Hopefully, they were smart, but as the article suggests, parents are often clueless. Great points and excellent ideas for keeping everyone safe. :-D

  6. I know I’ve asked you this before, but have you ever thought about having a post about girls thinking of a military career, females heroines of today, etc.

  7. Great tips Christy,

    I believe that number two is very important. Communication is the key of everything. We need to make a friends from our kids and than we have a chance to hear something from their life.

  8. Important post, Christy! One statistic stands out – that ‘ the average drunk driver has been behind the wheel of a vehicle at least 80 times before they’re arrested the first time’. Frightening! Personally I never have a drink and drive – in my younger days many saw me as ‘lame’ – nowadays this is the recognised norm – thankfully!

  9. When my sons were teenagers, I allowed them to try beer, at home. Then we talked about how it made them feel and if there was a moment that they thought they shouldn’t have more. I “taught” them how to drink, so to speak. We don’t do that in this country.

    And they were NEVER allowed to drink and drive. They knew to call me if they were out at a party drinking and needed a ride…no questions asked.

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