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Stop! Feminists are Not All Man-Haters

Modern feminists strive for equality between sexes

So here’s the thing. Contemporary feminism gets a bad rap sometimes. But not all feminists are man haters, despite what some people say. Instead, the focus is on equal rights. Let’s start to dispel the misconceptions, starting today.

Let Me Tell You About a Time…

Last weekend I attended an art show with family and my bf. We were having a great time, looking at pieces of art and photographs. A local jazz band was playing in one part of the building and there were appetizers laid out on tables (I sampled!). Then the music went quiet, and the event’s coordinator announced a slam poetry reading. Well, yes, I love poetry, and this got me excited. Live readings! The first two poems were from teen females.

The “F” word was spoken, as were a few other cuss words, in these poems. One poem was about the menstrual cycle, and both were spoken in angry voices, with a focus on how women are treated (on personal, community and more general levels). Many people looked uncomfortable at the language and the harsh tones of the voices behind the microphones, which were at odds with the calm environment of the rest of the event. A few people – men and women – said they found it highly shocking to hear, especially with many young people at the event. I said to one family member, “this is why feminists get a bad name sometimes.” You see, it makes it seem like all feminists are overcome with anger. And that we hate men.

But I don’t. And I’m a feminist.

Feminism: A Turn-off for Men?

Feminism has been a turn-off for at least one man I’ve known. Here’s one of my experiences.

I went on a first date with a guy a few years back that I had met online and we had a fun conversation when we met in person. He liked that I was witty, and I the same for him. Fast forward a few dates later, and we realized we both have public profiles – he showed me his YouTube page, and I showed him my Twitter feed. Well, he looked at the word “feminist” within my Twitter bio and went “Woah, you didn’t tell me that” (me paraphrasing). Let’s just say he found that word a turn-off and wasn’t shy about telling me so.

It could be that he’s been met with angry women before who identified themselves to him as feminists – and believe me I DO get their anger. I get the poems being said at the art event I went to were likely in an effort to stand up for the past generations of females that have been wronged. Trust me I get it. But why do we have to be shocking and yelling in tone to get our points across? Wouldn’t respectful voices get more of a positive reaction? I know I don’t do well when someone raises their voice at me – I usually get my back up when that happens and don’t listen clearly.

Striving for equal rights between the sexes, this woman reaches up
Ladies, we deserve to have equal rights and opportunities to men.

Equal Rights: What Feminism Is and Isn’t

To me, feminism is not about “let’s put down men to help women get what we deserve.” NO. I believe that for women to reach gender equality, we must work with men rather than being against them. It will take all of society to move toward equality.

BUT let this please be known. To anyone who says gender equality is already here, I disagree and many other feminists likely agree with me. Yes, there’s the #MeToo movement. And I know that sexual harassment in the workplace affects men as well as women. It affects more than twice as many women as men though, as per a 2017 CNBC survey.

I believe that feminism is about equality in society, politics and all other rights between the sexes. So, is that a turn-off? And do we have to use a shocking tone of voice to shake up a peaceful art event to share this message?

What I am also saying is that feminism is not about being “the same.” We have different physical attributes, obviously. So we cannot get to the same physicality between genders most of the time. Even between guys and between girls there are different levels of strength. Instead, feminism is about equal RIGHTS and OPPORTUNITIES.

Rethinking Assumptions about Feminists

Are there extremes when it comes to feminists attitudes? As with most things, I’m sure there are. But to anyone who is against the term feminism I ask that you please understand we’re not all man-haters. Or searing with anger 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I have a boyfriend I adore, a father I love deeply, and one of my best friends is a guy. And, yes, I’m a feminist.

What are your thoughts on grouping feminists together as man-haters? Do you think there’s still a long ways to go to achieve equal rights between women and men?

127 thoughts on “Stop! Feminists are Not All Man-Haters”

  1. One fundamental problem is that feminism is asking for change. If you are benefiting from an inequality, you are not going to see the need for change, and you are quite likely to resist the change. At the same time as you say there is no need for change your resistance to change is confirming that you don’t want to give up your advantage. So I suppose we have to understand this understandable resistance.

    It is very hard for a man and a woman to discuss sexual inequality. Just as it is hard for a white person and a black person to discuss racism. One has more skin in the game, and has been hurt by this inequality, and the other hasn’t, so struggles to see it. It is important that the hurt side helps the non-hurt side to see what is happening every day to them in a myriad of ways. The seemingly insignificant things: the song lyrics, and portrayal in tv comedies, and assumptions that a Dr is a man, the lack of dynamic and go-getting role-models.

    Men are not the enemy, but they do need help in seeing what the problems are, just as white people need help in seeing what the problems are. I am in a good relationship with a man who would now identify as a feminist, but he, like pretty much all men, initially mocked feminism because he misunderstood the need for it. Now he totally gets it, and calls me out when I make an assumption or limit the expectations on myself.

    1. It’s amazing how many assumptions we make as we try to put ourselves into another person’s shoes but cannot always do so.. Thanks for your sobering comment as it really does add to the conversation here.

  2. Great post, Christy. I agree that a reasoned and measured approach tends to keep people from getting defensive, and when they’re not defensive, they can be more open-minded. My husband became a feminist when he realized I was making 10% less in pay than my male peers. The biases impact everyone, not just women. We are a long long way from equal rights and opportunities. The fact that women in the US may lose their right to make their own healthcare and family planning choices is an example of how fragile our rights are. Men would never expect or put up with their rights being so curtailed. Keep speaking up, my friend.

    1. GREAT point Diana that the biases impact everyone. Your note about your husband really brings that point home. Thank you for your thoughtful comment and encouragement ♥

    1. Thank you, Shoba ♀ Absolutely, I welcome all social shares on blog posts here. I’m flattered by it ❤

  3. I have a query, what happen when I as a feminist propose freedom for women which in some manner might inevitably lead to restrictions on the other gender (like in my blog post above) , Is it the right approach?

    1. I would say that limiting others by being free ourselves isn’t the ideal solution – for sure.

    1. It saddens me that you believe this but we are each of course allowed our opinions. Thank you for your comment, Dabir.

  4. You said something about feminist.
    I love girls who are feminist.

    I feel blessed by your writing right now.
    I found delight love and joy in what you just wrote about women. Though am a man but a women gave birth to me.  So I respect then a lot.

    I will love my own part of the contribution here and the feminist I have come across.

    Here is the little summary:

    I asked a Muslim girl who is my friend on Facebook, an Algerian  girl. She is a blogger also.  After a long chat we discussed some recent issues about women in the Society and likewise chinanmanda adichie a popular feminist in USA(the writer of purple hibiscus)

    So I throw up a question to her

    Question- Can you be a Feminist?

    Her answer(reply)
    One thing you should know about feminism is that there are many kinds of feminisms. Not all movements have the same goals and views. I can be a feminist. I might agree with some feminists like Adichie because they speak of troubles women go through in certain places and it makes sense. What I don’t agree with, though, is being a fanatical feminist, those who are fighting just for the sake of fighting. There needs to be a cause and as a Muslim woman, I fully believe that my religion has covered all what a woman needs to have. Islam assures all the rights of women and preserves them very well. So all what we need is to follow the rules of our conviction and work in accordance with them. And then we wouldn’t need a feminist movement at all. Thats my belief.

                                       Latina Khadidja

    Again such a beautiful writing.

    I Enjoy such post about feminists. Keep the good work.

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    1. Thank you Patrick for your support here and the beautiful comment. I agree with Latina about there being different kinds of feminism. I wrote about Difference Feminism in another post, for example. Feminism is an umbrella term. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week :)

    2. I just skimmed through your reply and the reply was wow. And I must say, it really cool to have you here.

      Please keep the post coming Mrs Christy B

      Thank you so much for adding such a post.
      On your blog.



      Peace ✌and Love ❤

  5. I really liked this post! And it seems we have very similar views on equality! I do not believe men and women should be “forced” to be the same. And I don’t think the fact that we are not the same is a problem – on the contrary, diversity is a strength. And exactly as you say, I strongly believe in equal rights and opportunity for all, regardless of gender (or skin colour, ethnicity etc). I believe everyone should be respected as a unique individual and not judged on the basis of being a woman or man, black or white etc. But I have never seen myself as a feminist. This is because most of the feminists I have encountered – in real life and online – have not shared the beliefs and values I described above. They have instead showed contempt, anger and even hatred towards men in general. And they have based most solutions on the principle of dividing all humans into different subgroups based on gender and skin colour and then proclaimed that every individual should be judged and treaded according to which gender and skin colour subgroup he or she “belongs to”: 1) the privileged guilty and evil oppressors who must be brought down, or 2) the innocent poor victims who must always receive special support and help.

    I know that this is not at all true about all feminists. Obviously you are a proof of that. And I wish all feminists were like you. Not the least because, as you point out, there are still inequalities, stereotypes and problems in society – many affect women more and some affect men more. I have personally experienced one aspect of this as my wife is a professional martial artist and self defence teacher. As you can see, I even started blogging about this! :)

    1. I’m looking forward to checking out your blog, especially based on its name! Your comment is not only motivating me to continue to blog about feminism but also to take the road that does not condemn men or view them all as “less than” rather than being key to positive change. Thanks for being here :)

    2. That’s nice to hear! As I said, I wish all feminists were like you! And yes, we all need to work together for positive change. :)
      And of course you are welcome to check out my blog! It’s still very much a work in progress – but cool that you liked the name! :)

  6. I really liked this post! And it seems we have very similar views on equality! I do not believe men and women should be “forced” to be the same. And I don’t think the fact that we are not the same is a problem – on the contrary, diversity is a strength. And exactly as you say, I strongly believe in equal rights and opportunity for all, regardless of gender (or skin colour, ethnicity etc). I believe everyone should be respected as a unique individual and not judged on the basis of being a woman or man, black or white etc. But I have never seen myself as a feminist. This is because most of the feminists I have encountered – in real life and online – have not shared the beliefs and values I described above. They have instead showed contempt, anger and even hatred towards men in general. And they have based most solutions on the principle of dividing all humans into different subgroups based on gender and skin colour and then proclaimed that every individual should be judged and treaded according to which gender and skin colour subgroup he or she “belongs to”: 1) the privileged guilty and evil oppressors who must be brought down, or 2) the innocent poor victims who must always receive special support and help.

    I know that this is not at all true about all feminists. Obviously you are a proof of that. And I wish all feminists were like you. Not the least because, as you point out, there are still inequalities, stereotypes and problems in society – many affect women more and some affect men more. I have personally experienced one aspect of this as my wife is a professional martial artist and self defence teacher. As you see, I even started blogging about this!

  7. You right! Some women are angry but so are men. I honestly want equal rights & I don’t openly say it in every aspect of my life but I will point out rather forcefully that I will not be treated differently & that I command respect from both men & women. I have a opinion & would like it to be heard like every other persons at the table. Your right people have stereotyped feminism. I honestly believe the people (both men & women) that say these things are unknowing of what it means to be treated as equal, & have not yet experienced the same treatment.

    1. Thank you for such a heartfelt comment and for sharing your views on equality, for women AND men <3

  8. Great post! I did a post like this myself, and I was shocked that the first comment I got was trying to tell me that feminism is not a stance for equality. (Thankfully I put him right). I’m so glad you did this post because there are surprisingly so many people confused about what feminism is, and the more posts like this that are out there, the better. Well done!

    1. Oh Zeta it was scary to post it because I know many people think feminists are all angry and so I thought I would get some terrible comments – but instead there has been much love shown here, including your wonderful comment! Great that you’re also trying to put a stop to the myths about feminism. I’ll check out your blog!

  9. Thank you, Christy, for sharing your thoughts about feminism. I also consider myself a feminist, but it is in celebration of what women has and can contribute to society as partners with men. It’s not about hate, but about mutual respect for each other. It’s unfortunate the label has received such a bad name.

  10. Thanks for the great post Christy! I think feminist is a great word and I’m proud to have that label.

    On a side note, I just went to see the movie RBG. I’ve had a decades long appreciate for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It’s nice to see her story made into a movie.

  11. What a great post and well said, Christy. I agree in that being a feminist doesn’t mean being a man-hater. It’s about equal rights and opportunities, as you conveyed. With that being said, things won’t always be equal between men and women because of the physical differences and other factors. It’s like being in a relationship. It won’t always be 50/50. It’s give and take on both sides.
    Regarding voices, it’s too bad that louder volumes are attention-grabbers, too, but I can also see a softer, firm, confident voice getting the message across, as well. I’m on the fence with this, but as we’ve grown up to learn, anger isn’t the answer. Shouldn’t it be “our” desire and goal to calm things down in the human race? I truly understand, though, why some women feel they have to raise their voices, otherwise, they may not be heard. It’s still truly astonishing, the mentality that women should be less than men in any circumstance, be it job position, salaries, etc. May it be someday (sooner than later) that both women and men can be respected equally…❤

    1. We’re all humans and ought to help one another… right?! I get what you are saying, Lauren, and fully back it. The divisions being created are not making sense to me… I’m nodding as I read your comment. Hugs <3

  12. Great post and very thought provoking, thank you! For myself I’m a feminist too and no those negative stereotypes do not apply to me or any of the feminists I know. One of the reasons feminism has developed a bad rap in some quarters is also because of inaccurate propaganda and a backlash by those that don’t really understand what feminism is. It never was about hating men or hating anything, it was about equal rights. Yes it’s true that feminism probably means something different to everyone, but one over-riding fact still remains – that feminism was and is simply about EQUALITY. That’s it, equality. It’s not a scary thing, its simply about having men and women treated with equal respect, getting equal pay for the same job, having an equal voice in society and having equal freedoms. That’s it. It’s not threatening anyone, just as equal rights should never be dependent on the colour of your skin, your ethnicity, religion or lack of, sexual orientation, cultural background, etc., it also should never be dependent on your gender. If women are angry about not having equal rights, that is not only understandable but should never be misinterpreted as hysteria or hatred, the same way that the civil rights movement were understandably angry that people of colour were being denied basic human rights because of the colour of their skin. As a wider society, we all have a part to play in ensuring that ALL people have equal rights and equal pay, so no, it’s got nothing to do with hate just about equality and fairness. :)

    1. Loving the passion I feel from your words here, Sophie – and there’s no man-hating involved :D Great to read your words!

  13. Great post, Christy! It’s interesting how some people equate being a feminist with being a misandrist. This phenomenon occurs whenever someone is afraid to stand in their own power. They feel guilt, shame, fear, and anger for not doing so. Thus, when they see a minority person standing in their own power, they ridicule them in an attempt to make themselves feel better. They skew the truth; and the sad is that they don’t even know what the truth is. The flip side of this is people calling themselves feminists when they are, in fact, misandrists. It gives feminists a bad rep. Add to this that anger is often mistaken for hatred, especially when spoken by a woman who identifies as a feminist. The culprit here is fear; and it wears an ugly face. Hugs for sharing this wonderful post, my friend ❤️

    1. It’s really just too bad that some people put others down and create divisions, when feminism is meant to be the opposite of that, in my opinion. Great point about fear, Tina! Your insights here are great <3 Hugging back

  14. Tricia Drammeh

    Great article, Christy. I’ve always thought of feminism as equality between men and women, not as women being better than men as some people think.

  15. I’m 100% with you Christy. A feminist doesn’t mean haters, but sadly like many movements, they’ll attract extremists. A most excellent article my friend. <3 xxx

    1. It’s nice that you recognize where I’m coming from. It was a bit scary to publish this one but the support has overwhelmingly been positive. Thanks Debby <3

  16. Christy, I agree entirely. Wanting to be treated fairly and being respected by the opposite sex does not, should not mean we hate men. Perhaps some women use the push for equal rights as an excuse to express their own resentments and aggressions, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a shame when the words and actions of a few outspoken individuals become a stereotype for an entire movement. I believe that in order for women to truly receive fair treatment, we must insist on such for everyone. After all, “equal” can only truly be applied across the board, not to one area or group irrespective of the rest.

  17. One of the best posts I’ve read here! Thank you Christy! I’m 100% on your page.
    Yet, we are eons ahead of many societies, so we are lucky. Many men on the planet do not, and will not for the foreseeable future, accept women as equals. My heart goes out to the young girls in India who are raped, and murdered because they go to school. This is just one example. It’s a long row to hoe, for women, as a whole.

    1. In the earlier comments, someone else mentioned India too. It’s so sad, Resa. Thank you for the brilliant feedback on this post — So appreciated!

  18. Beautifully said. I agree that they took the word “feminism” and turned it into something with a negative connotation–and we need to take it back. It’s a word of strength. I think it’s partly from women who truly are angry and hateful but also from men who try to belittle our stance and turn us into un-women. That’s why when I see men proudly call themselves feminists, I think it’s sweet, and I really appreciate their support. It’s not just a woman thing, after all. It’s a human thing.

    1. OMG yes – the other day my boyfriend asked me if men can be feminists – Of course, I said! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Do you mind if I quote from your comment within a post about men as feminists?

  19. I don’t like it when black-and-white reasoning is applied to anything, but most of all feminism. I see posts on FB all the time where women put feminism down and it just makes me want to sigh when it becomes apparent they don’t get what it truly stands for.

    1. Hi Jeri! You know what, growing up I always had black and white reasoning. It wasn’t until I was an adult and had to see a therapist about issues that I even realized I thought that way! Glad to have you on the feminist squad <3

  20. Hi there, a very interesting read! To add my two cents… although in certain circumstances the anger isn’t really appropriate, poetry, and especially slam poetry, is all about vocal expression. It’s important not to take the anger and the feminist perspective and make them one and the same. Some of my favourite slam poets speak about totally unrelated things to feminism but they get so into their art that they really let all their emotion out. And that’s okay. Similar to a comment above, women have historically been expected to “not make a fuss” and anger is perceived as a traditionally male emotion, so it’s important that we don’t bash women for being angry. I think if you’re speaking or debating about feminism with someone then it’s important to be calm and diplomatic, but artistic expression without emotion is just kinda…meh!

    1. Thank you for explaining more about slam poetry here. I think perhaps it was simply that the environment for it wasn’t a great fit.

  21. You clearly state the separation between feminism and man-hating. I’ve been a feminist since the sixties and have evolved through anger to sadness and compassion for men who have also been formed in a gender specific world. At this time in my life I see the defenses of so many men and women as fear of change. I look at my activism of the 70’s and 80’s and see the same issues today. I do have hope that more women are speaking out and more men are getting it. thanks for a thought provoking piece.

  22. Christy, this is so well stated. In some circles, feminism has become a dirty word, precisely because of what you describe. I try to use the opportunity to remind people that, at its core, feminism is about women having equal rights, period, and that if you believe women should be able to vote, own property, and have access to the same jobs as men, being paid the same for doing the same work (and not be harassed simply because we’re women)… then you are indeed a feminist. And perhaps more mainstream women need to be bold about making that kind of statement to re-normalize the label.

  23. Thank your for wonderfully putting it together. Agreed that feminism is quite often misunderstood, especially because resentment shown by few is more visible than silently done great deeds of many.

    1. I’m understanding now that it’s those raised voices that get heard. But it’s not always easy to be heard in a crowd… Thanks for your support here.

  24. Feminist do seem angry and never appear in the news as level headed…maybe that’s why they make the news???
    Glad to see they are all not the same😍

  25. This is such an interesting post and hits so close to home. Because I like to consider myself as an evolving feminist; suffice to say that I am still understanding what feminism stands for and more importantly what it doesn’t – male bashing as you said. There is a draft in my folder, and I have no idea how to articulate my thoughts and experiences without it as coming across as a rant! This anger, especially as my environment becomes more and more ridiculous (I am from India, and we are not evolving!!), keeps building up. It is important to have a two-way dialogue instead of a one-way rant.


    1. I hope you do publish that draft one day, Prajakta. I welcome all opinions, as long as they are written with respect, and I think whatever you end up publishing will get that kind of response from your readers. It saddens me that India is so far from gender parity. I do hope that you know I send you much love.

  26. I think men and women should work together on building a better future and not against each other! And it has a lot to do with the way we educate the young generation.
    Teach them to love, respect and work together instead of hating and competing with each other on who’s better.

    Great post Christy! Have an awesome day :)

    1. Working WITH men rather than against them is absolutely the way to go :) I’m nodding as I read your comment here, Cristina. Thanks for your positive light xo

  27. How timely a read for this gal! Just this morning, I was making a statement to my husband and actually used the phrase, “back when I was a feminist.” He replied with, “Aren’t you still a feminist?” It was a watershed moment for me. I realized that what I should have said was more akin to something along the lines of, “back when I still had very strong anger/trust issues with men.”

    I **am** a feminist and always have been. but now it is a part of my philosophy, not my cause celebre, so to speak. Thanks, as always, Christy, for your enlightening words. xox

    1. OH my that really does make this a timely read for you, Micki! I think our definitions of things can change over time too. I’m happy that you’re in the feminist realm with me and that we can cheer one another on <3

  28. Many people believe in a cause, be it feminism or veganism but some people seem to lose themselves to the cause; breathing, eating & sleeping the cause until they end up believing that only their opinion is right and woe betide you if you try to suggest otherwise or don’t concur.

    1. I think that when that happens that people are too immersed in the cause to be able to see it clearly, like when we look at a blog post draft for a long time and no longer see issues with grammar. I get what you mean!

  29. Really interesting post that definitely got me thinking so here are my views on the subject: I believe that we all have masculine and feminine energy and that the only way there will ever be genuine equality is if we focus on our similarities and not on our differences. Extreme feminists have widened the gap rather than narrowing it because they are so determined to separate themselves from men in all ways possible. If we all place ourselves into one group or another we will naturally find things to disagree about – we have voluntarily placed ourselves on, what amounts to, opposing sides. This breeds anger and resentment and extreme behaviour from both sides. If we can work together, listen to other opinions and accept each other as individuals rather than a member of one group or another I believe that we’ll have much more success.

    1. “Extreme feminists have widened the gap rather than narrowing it” – Yes, you said that well! It’s very polarizing. Your sentiments here are appreciated.

  30. I feel that labelling feminists as man-haters is done simply to discredit. That way, the message can be easily dismissed and no discussion has to be entered into, which says a lot about the person dishing out the label. I also think that sometimes we confuse anger with aggression, which is why women are often afraid of it. For me, anger is best expressed assertively – I love to hear women speak with confidence, passion and clarity, which is exactly what you have done in this fantastic post. Thanks, Christy.

    1. I agree – I think the man-hating label has always been largely inaccurate, but it’s a great way to weaken the narrative.

      I also think anger is okay. Whatever emotions we’re feeling are okay. Having women subjugate their feelings because they make men feel uncomfortable is part of the problem. When shitty things happen, anger is an appropriate response. But it’s not the only one, and feminism comes in all shapes and sizes – it should come in the form of every single woman, and I definitely demand it from every man I care about as well. It’s a sickening thought, but the oppressed always need the cooperation of their oppressors in order to rise up.

    2. Jay, you are bringing up a great point here – Oppressors by their very definition have the power and so change comes when they participate. But I also hope that not all leaders are oppressing women (maybe I’m naive!). Anger isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just needs to be channeled in a healthy way xx Thank you for your insightful comment, as per… always.

    3. Oh goodness I am most humbled by your compliment, Julie ❤ And that’s a very smart statement you make about labeling feminists as man-haters as a way to stop discussion right then and there – I hadn’t thought of it like that before!

  31. Totally agree with what you said. I’ve always thought people who confuse feminists with man-haters are dumbing things down deliberately to change the subject. The other two ideas that people get confused are hate and anger. I can be very angry about injustice, for example. But I can also be a loving and caring person who doesn’t hate anyone.

  32. This is one of the issue for feminists being grouped together as man-hater. Some are not man-haters. I can understand the reason the feminists have gone through great sufferings with men who bullied and even humiliate them. However, there are also men who treats women well.


    1. Your comment shows respect, understanding and the commitment to making things better :) Thank you. I requested access to your blog, which I see is now deemed Private.

  33. I am a feminist but I am also hurt when you hear women who are militantly against men for no reason at all. Yes some men have done heinous things against women but there are loads out there who are doing the right things. Somehow we have to differentiate between the good and the bad.

    1. That’s exactly it, Tony – There ARE great guys out there and I, for one, refuse to paint all of them as bad. Nope. Thank you!

  34. Much needed conversation! I often feel a whole generation of women was betrayed by the initial wave of feminism, because instead of having the opportunity to pursue a career outside the home women were seen as just another work force to exploit. It happened at the same time the economy was in awful shape; women were forced to work. There are 3 issues which the latest wave of feminism has yet to address: (1) Confusing empowerment with objectifying your own body, especially on social media; (2) The hypocrisy of acting out in all the ways you hate about some men; and (3) Competition with other women rather than cooperation and mentoring.

    1. You’ve gotten to the heart of the issues – well written, Mary Jo. I am proud to have you here. There’s much to sort out and with intelligent adults like yourself we’re going to get there!

  35. Yes, yes, yes, YES. Well said, Christy. You’ve got a feminist sister, here! And I agree 100% with all that you’ve said. It’s about equality, not putting men down. Because, as you mentioned, there are some pretty amazing men out there, just like there are some pretty amazing women out there.
    Great work, and wonderful writing. You hit the nail on the head yet again, my friend.

    1. YES, Kelsey, yes! Amazing men AND women. Sometimes I get comments here that I’m only speaking to women. But the reality is that that’s what I’m passionate about and my doing so is not in any way trying to say men are not a part of the equation. They ARE and will continue to be. Thanks for being here <3

  36. My first thought is, “those w/the loudest voices are heard” – anger catches our attention, and we remember it most often. My second thought is, softer more positive feminism probably doesn’t show up on most people’s radar – or, at least don’t recognize it.

  37. Thanks for sharing this, Christy!😙 You’re EXACTLY right abl ut feminists receiving a bad rap!😬 Amazing posts like yours makes all the difference. You are fantastic and amazing.💖 I posted an update about my family right before the Well Shit moment and don’t know if you saw but know I appreciated all of your support and I finally updated everyone a little!
    Never stop being yourself!💖 You are an inspiration.😚💖

    1. Aw! Just reading that post now – you’re right, I missed it! HUGE hugs and sending prayers for you with the latest doctor’s appointments. I appreciate your heartfelt posts and the beautiful comments here too xo

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