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Internet etiquette: Your guide to the online rules

Internet etiquette rules

With the rise of technology, the way we communicate is changing dramatically. It turns out that there are more than only the classic etiquettes of “thank you” and “sorry,” although these ones obviously still have their place online and offline. Below are some basic internet etiquette rules to guide you through various situations and events with ease.

Silence your phone for good Internet etiquette

Smartphones are everywhere, and technology is helping bring families together when they’re physical distances apart, which is great. At the same time, though, the constant ringing of the phone is one of the ultimate concentration breakers, as well as a sign of disrespect in certain scenarios.

For example, a ringing phone in the middle of a job interview is rude. The same holds true in a client meeting.

To avoid making a negative impression, put your phone on silent in these kinds of events. If you are expecting an important text, there are smartphone features that allow you to instantly message people, letting them know that you occupied and will return the message when you’re available soon.

Think before you Tweet

Twitter is used by millions of people today. This platform enables you to stay current on news, celebrity headlines, and funny videos. Keep in touch with friends and relatives there too.

It’s also useful to voice your opinion. But the 280 character limit is long enough to land you in trouble, if not used wisely. People can easily misinterpret Tweets and, hence, the choice of words ought to be sensible.

And when you have an opinion about an issue, by all means share about it, but please do so in a constructive way rather than breaking down someone in a way that does not add any value at all. Also be aware that you might upset family and friends by sharing your Tweet; be willing to take those consequences before hitting the button to make the Tweet live.

In other words, think before you tweet.

Internet etiquette: Watch your tone

The way you say something is as important as to what you say. The tone of the voice can easily reveal a company’s way of thinking or send a clear impression about a brand.

Thus, online marketers, in particular, need to be careful – A bad tone can put off potential customers.

Ideally, your biz will want to have a way of talking that is unique, so it is easily identifiable. It could be sassy or humorous, for example, if that’s appropriate to your products or services.

Be careful about emojis and texting

Emojis are a fairly new way of expressing feelings online. However, this trend can backfire if you are using it in the orkplace. One study revealed that using emojis at work can make your colleagues think you are less competent, causing trouble both personally and professionally.

Thus, Internet etiquette reveals not to use an emoji when involved in a serious discussion with clients whom you don’t know well. Use emojis here and there to contribute a lighter side to a conversation.

Taking pictures

The high quality of the camera in your smartphone likely means you are taking selfies and pics of your surroundings regularly. And there’s nothing wrong with that; you’re capturing great memories!

But taking photos can sometimes be a bit bothersome to those around you. Thus, get permission before clicking pics of others or their pets. Not doing so is disrespectful but legally wrong too.

Also, avoid clicking selfies in sensitive areas like hospitals and funerals.

Dining and Internet etiquette

Look around a cafe or restaurant and you’ll likely see a lot of eyes glued to their smartphones instead of enjoying their meals. Um, what is the point of eating out when you don’t even pay attention to savor the food?

It is also an insult to the person you are having dinner with if you are spending the hour together sending texts and surfing the Net.

No matter how busy you are, proper digital etiquette is to keep the gadgets away during meals, whether at home or not. Besides, sitting around the table together is an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships with your kids, parents, and friends.

On the phone unnecessarily

It has become an unconscious habit for most people to check their phones for no reason. Part of it is FOMO or the Fear of Missing Out.

This is one of the main symptoms of smartphone addiction. It can seem rude if you are checking your phone though while in an important meeting. It merely signals that you are not interested in the conversation.

Therefore, try to set boundaries for smartphone usage. Cultivate a new habit of checking your phone only when necessary. This will tremendously help you to focus more on your real life and even increase productivity at work.

Above are some of the golden rules of the digital world that would prevent a lot of fumbles, both online and offline. Practicing these rules would also make you more approachable, helping you personally and professionally.

14 thoughts on “Internet etiquette: Your guide to the online rules”

  1. Impressed by your blog
    People don’t usually think that they are living two lives; one that is real and the other is on social media.
    I also wrote about it in my latest blog, so lemme know your thoughts on that.

  2. I’m not addicted to my phone, at all! It’s useful, handy, but no FOMO for me.
    Hahaha! that FOMO made me laugh out loud. First time I ever heard it.

    1. It’s amazing how much people are on their phones, from when they’re crossing the street to walking down the grocery story aisle or sitting at a cafe. Thanks for always supporting the posts here! I’ll be over to visit shortly xx

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