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What will you learn in a phlebotomy school class?

Phlebotomy school class

If you’re considering a career in phlebotomy, you may be wondering what classes to take. Below, let’s discuss the phlebotomy school classes that will provide a comprehensive education to help you become successful in this career. First, though, a definition of phlebotomy.

What is phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy is when someone draws blood from patients for testing, transfusion, or donation. It is a vital part of healthcare, serving as the first step in many laboratory tests.

The person performing the procedure is known as a phlebotomist and has specialized knowledge and skills related to venipuncture (blood collection from veins). The term “phlebotomy” comes from the Greek words “phleb” meaning vein, and “tome” meaning cut.

Why is it important?

Phlebotomy is essential in healthcare because it allows doctors to accurately diagnose and treat illnesses by providing them with laboratory data to help them decide on the best treatments for their patients. Additionally, blood donations are important for treating those who suffer from diseases such as anemia or cancer. Donating blood through phlebotomy also helps reduce shortages of available blood products during emergencies, such as natural disasters.

Three phlebotomy school classes:

Now that you know what phlebotomy is and why it’s important, the next question is how to become a phlebotomist. Below are some of the most important classes to consider when researching different phlebotomy programs.

The school program typically features these three courses:

1. Theory and practice

This course offers an introduction to the principles and techniques of phlebotomy. The knowledge you can expect to learn in this type of class includes safety procedures, infection control, collection methods, specimen processing, quality assurance, ethics, legal issues, and communication with patients.

Theory and practice also covers the topics of human anatomy, the physiology of the circulatory system, and laboratory values related to blood tests. This class provides students with an overview of the fundamentals of phlebotomy so they can begin their careers with confidence.

2. Hematology and clinical pathology

This course covers the basics of hematology and clinical pathology related to blood testing. Students will learn about various laboratory tests used to diagnose various medical conditions and diseases.

You can also learn how to identify abnormal results on lab reports and interpret those results for diagnosis or treatment purposes. This class gives students an understanding of how laboratory tests are performed and interpreted so they can better serve their patients in their future jobs.

3. Laboratory procedures and protocols

This course introduces students to proper laboratory procedures for collecting specimens from patients for analysis in a clinical setting. It also covers topics such as safety protocols for handling specimens, quality assurance measures for accurate testing results, equipment maintenance, and data management systems for patient records.

Also on the learning agenda will be specimen handling techniques, specimen labeling requirements, infection control policies, laboratory waste disposal regulations, administrative duties associated with laboratory workflows, and more. All these topics help prepare students to successfully perform their job duties in a range of medical facilities they may work in after graduation.

Takeaway on phlebotomy school classes

Phlebotomy is a medical procedure to draw blood from patients for testing purposes. It can also be used to collect samples for donation or transfusion.

There are many courses available when considering pursuing a career in phlebotomy, but some are more important than others in gaining comprehensive knowledge about this field. The three main courses discussed above—Phlebotomy Theory & Practice; Hematology & Clinical Pathology; Laboratory Procedures & Protocols—are essential foundation skills needed by any aspiring phlebotomist looking to achieve success in this profession.

Knowing what courses are necessary can help you make an informed decision on which program best suits your needs. That way, you can embark on a rewarding career path sooner rather than later!

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