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5 reasons to never sleep with contact lenses in

Sleep with contact lenses

Do you ever keep your contacts in when going to bed? While most people may wake up with only a little dryness in their eyes when wearing standard lenses, others may experience significant eyesight and comfort issues. The consequences can be severe, as you’ll see in the list below that explains the top reasons to never sleep with contact lenses in. Also, choose reputable contact lens brands from a leading provider like Pure Optical. You can wear some without compromising quality or comfort and without dryness or irritation.

1. Hypoxia

The corneas of your eyes come into touch with germs daily, but infections are unusual since the eye has built-in barriers to infection. Hydration and oxygen, on the other hand, are essential for the cornea’s function and maintenance.

When you’re awake, blinking maintains the eyes moist and healthy. That’s because oxygen can flow through your tears to improve this lubrication.

When you wear contacts, the amount of oxygen and moisture your eyes can receive is significantly reduced. Combine this with sleeping, and your risk of infection skyrockets since the cornea can’t fight germs as effectively. Hypoxia occurs when there isn’t enough oxygen in your environment.

2. Sleeping with contacts in? You risk bacterial keratitis

Bacterial keratitis is an infection of the cornea caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both are naturally present in the body and the environment.

You are more likely to get keratitis if you wear contacts for lengthy periods. You’ll also be at a higher risk if you have immunodeficiency or an eye injury. In most situations, bacterial keratitis is usually treatable with eye drops from your doctor and may leave permanent corneal scarring if left untreated.

3. Corneal ulcers

Wearing your contacts for too long may raise the likelihood of corneal ulcers too. These types of ulcers are open sores on the surface of the cornea.

To help prevent this issue, properly care for your contacts by regularly cleaning them. Doing so can help remove bacteria that could otherwise remain under the lens. In addition to bacteria causing these ulcers, other causes include viruses and injury.

According to research, people who regularly sleep in their contacts are significantly more likely to get corneal infections. Redness, severe discomfort, blurred vision, eye discharge, and the sensation of something foreign in your eye are all possible indicators of a corneal ulcer.

4. Parasites and sleeping with contact lenses

If you wear your contacts for months at a time, you risk getting an infection from Acanthamoeba. It’s a parasite that can harm the eyes, skin, and brain.

Watery discharge, sensitivity to light, and stabbing pain in your eye are all symptoms of this disease. If you think you have this eye infection, it is critical that you visit an ophthalmologist.

5. Conjunctivitis

Pink eye, which is often referred to as conjunctivitis, is a common virus. While it usually isn’t as hazardous as the others on this list, it is still a cause for concern.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctive membrane, which covers the white of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid. This illness causes the eyes to become itchy and uncomfortable. It may affect those who wear contacts since bacteria on the lens can spread to the eye and create discomfort.

2 thoughts on “5 reasons to never sleep with contact lenses in”

  1. This is an important post. I have contacts, and these are measures I try to avoid as much as possible and using a certain cleaner for my contacts is key.

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