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How to support your child after an injury

Child after injury holds her arm

Whether your child is injured as a result of a sports injury or a broken arm sustained in a car accident, the consequences of the damage go far beyond the physical effects. Many children feel upset, jumpy, or worried after an injury. Parents may also feel this way. The options below may help you to support your child after an injury better.

About the severity of a child’s injury

Contrary to popular belief, it is not only the most severe injuries that can result in powerful emotional reactions. Less severe injuries can also be harmful to a youngster’s mental health. Traumatic stress symptoms might develop due to an accident that is scary for you or your child.

These symptoms can include reliving the event, avoiding reminders of the event, and having difficulties sleeping, eating, or paying attention. Let’s look at some helpful tips if your child has been hurt.

Recognize and accept new fears and concerns

When something frightening occurs, such as an injury, anything associated with it may be seen by your child as a signal of impending danger. There is nothing like a specific location, a certain person, a specific sight or sound, or even a specific fragrance to bring back those terrifying sensations.

It is understandable that you would wish to keep your child away from things that remind them of the injury. Keep your child safe, of course, but also assist them in confronting new concerns while you are present to provide support.

Provide a safe sanctuary

Your child may fear something horrible will happen again in the days and weeks following an injury. If this sounds familiar, assure your child that you are doing everything you can to keep them safe. Giving extra hugs to them is one way to convey a sense of security.

Also, reassure your child that it is normal to be unhappy, scared, or bewildered following a traumatic event. If they worry about treatment, talk with them about how the options might help, for example, the Benefits of Chiropractic for Kids. If your child is willing to talk about it, that’s fantastic. If not, propose that they create a picture or write a story about how they feel to help you better understand their concerns and address any worries.

After your child’s injury, bring back the routine

Encourage your child to get enough sleep, eat regular meals, and keep up with schooling to encourage healing. Your youngster may require extra time with you right now, too, whether doing so helps them feel less alone, takes their mind off things, or for another reason.

As for how you spend the time together, that’s up to the two of you. Perhaps you read, play games, or watch movies together.

Another idea is to encourage friends and family to visit too if the child seems lonely or has been isolating themselves while in recovery. Having assistance from loved ones can be helpful after a traumatic incident.

If your child struggles to get back into their normal routine because of pain and discomfort, you can acquire the help of pediatric physical therapy professionals. Physical therapists specialize in helping children recover and can give them strength-building exercises to help their muscles heal properly. Strength-building exercises can also help your child become more physically and emotionally resilient as they work through their recovery.

Your emotions matter too

Allow yourself some space to process your own emotions, too, as a parent. In addition to all the things you do to assist your child, remember to also look after yourself.

If you are anxious, upset, or overwhelmed, it will be more difficult for you to help your child. Discuss how you feel with other adults, such as family members, friends, clergy, your doctor, or a professional counselor.

Photo by ภาพของSeahorse Photo in BKK (Canva Free Content License).

1 thought on “How to support your child after an injury”

  1. HI Christy, you have shared some valid comments and concerns here. In February, Michael fell off the sports stands at school during war cry practice. The boys on the level above him pushed forward and Michael and some other boys fell forwards. Michael was quite badly hurt as he hit his head and blacked out. He was diagnosed with concussion and was booked off school for a week and off sport for six weeks. He now has a burden of anxiety about getting hurt at school. It has really impacted on his happiness. He is seeing a counselor and taking an anti-anxiety pill but it is an uphill journey.

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