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Frequently asked questions about silk clothing

Silk clothing questions answered

From wearing silk to washing it, there is a lot to ask about this luxurious fabric. To help you enjoy silk clothing, this guide provides the answers you’re looking for in an easy question-and-answer format.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Helping Hands and I have been compensated for it. Rest assured that this post is written by me and designed to help you enjoy silk fabrics longer.

Is silk really delicate?

Yes, this fabric is delicate, which is why it’s important to take such good care of the shirts, scarves, and other garments. As it is so special, be sure to follow the fabric care instructions on the label.

If it gets wet in the rain or a splash of water, don’t stress. Silk dries well, so you likely haven’t ruined it. Speaking of water, you might be nervous when washing your clothes. Let’s tackle that question next.

How to wash silk clothing?

The best way to wash those items in your wardrobe is by hand at home. Another option is to take them to the dry cleaner, and that’s likely the way to go when the fabric care label says “Dry Clean Only.”

Although hand washing does that time, as opposed to throwing the garments into the washing machine, the gentle method will help the items last longer. Plus, it’s nice to be able to do it in the comfort of home.

To wash silk by hand, begin by filling the sink with cool water. Add the garment, submerging it fully beneath the water. Ten, add a small amount of a detergent made specifically for delicates. Leave the item for about five minutes, before gently stirring the item by hand in the water, much like would happen in the washing machine. This process helps remove any dirt.

Next, drain the sink and carefully rinse the item completely under a tap of cold water until all soap is gone. Wrap a clean towel around it and gently pat to absorb excess water. Finally, hang to dry or use a drying rack.

Can you iron silk?

If your beautiful item has wrinkles, it won’t look its best, but is it safe to iron silk? Or do you risk ruining the delicate fabric?

Yes, you can iron silk, but ensure that the iron is on the lowest heat setting. Most irons have a setting especially for silk, so use that.

Begin by laying the clothing on the ironing board on its wrong side. Then, put a press cloth on top of it. That provides a layer between the garment and the iron, preventing any heat damage.

Avoid wetting the fabric when ironing or you may get water stains. If the fabric is damp, let it dry completely first. Doing so will help preserve your gorgeous Hand-Dyed Midnight Silk Scarf from Ten Thousand Dandelions, on Happening Hands.

Woman wearing silk scarf
Hand-dyed midnight silk scarf. Photo used with permission from Happening Hands.

Why is silk clothing so soft?

The smooth, soft feel is one of the most appealing qualities of the fabric. It is a strong natural fiber and very comfortable, making it a great choice for shirts, dresses, scarves, and more.

This silkiness comes from a specific part of the manufacturing process. When sericin is removed from its fiber, the silk becomes softer. This step is called degumming. If the fabric is not degummed, it has a coarser feel to it.

What are the types of silk fabric?

There are many types! The main types of natural silk made around the globe are:

  • Tesar silk – More textured than other types
  • Muga silk – Shimmery and glossy
  • Mulberry silk – Often the most affordable variety
  • Eri silk – More durable than mulberry

Just as there are several variations of handmade jewelry, there are also many kinds of silks to choose from. Welcome to the amazing array of fashion and beauty!

Is silk clothing cooling?

Yes. Silk is sensitive to heat, absorbing it. Silk is cooler than cotton, which makes it a good fabric to wear in warmer temperatures. It breathes well in hot weather.

This fabric naturally has strong moisture-wicking properties, so if you’re looking for a lightweight bridal dress, a silk one might be the best choice for the special occasion.

There are many great alternatives to polyester for those who want to make a great statement with their clothing and accessories. Ten Thousand Dandelions has colorful, vibrant pieces that complete your outfit beautifully.

Silk clothing FAQs

What clothes are made with silk?

The fabric is versatile, used for furniture, clothing, wall hangings, sheets, and even parachutes and bike tires! Of course, this guide focuses on clothes.

The range of silk clothing options include:

  • Jackets
  • Wedding dresses
  • Blouses
  • Ties
  • Formal dresses
  • Pajamas
  • Kimonos
  • Lingerie

The silk fabric gives these items a dressy appearance. That makes them terrific for special occasions, treating yourself, wearing as professionals in the workplace, and giving as gifts.

How long will silk last?

When treated well, the fabric can last more than 10 years. That makes it a great investment for clothing. Being able to wear these pieces over the years saves you from continually buying cheaper, less-well-made pieces that only last a season or two.

If it’s a favorite item in your wardrobe, that’s great to hear that it is made to last! You might even be able to pass down a nice silk piece to your child. That makes it even more special.

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