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Common causes of fatigue (and how to fight it)

Common causes of fatigue

Feeling tired is an issue that affects many adults. While the reasons behind why you have low energy are often not serious, it is still important to arrange a visit with your family doctor to ensure there are no significant underlying medical issues. Below are common causes of fatigue, as well as ways to combat it.

Being inactive

Inactivity is a leading cause of tiredness. With technology being a staple in the lives of many people, a growing number of adults are living sedentary lives. Inactivity can lead to low muscle tone, making movement more difficult and commonly causing fatigue.

If it’s been a while since you got in a workout, doing so is likely to boost your energy levels. One place to start might be walking through your neighborhood. Make sure to do this daily and gradually increase the time you spend moving, and only start getting active after receiving the approval of your doctor. You might also try out exercises like yoga and Pilates to help you improve your strength and flexibility.

Low in iron? This is a common cause of fatigue

Low iron levels can cause anemia. This condition often impacts women who have heavy periods, but it can affect anyone.

If you worry that a low iron level is why you are tired a lot, visit your doctor to find out for sure. The medical professional will perform a simple blood test to determine if your iron levels are in a normal range. If they are not, your doctor will make recommendations for dietary changes that can help raise your iron levels or prescribe you iron supplements.

Poor sleep quality

Getting poor-quality sleep will naturally lead to tiredness during waking hours. Adults, on average, ought to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. To get a good night’s rest, ensure you have a good quality mattress, pillows, and bedding.

Also, try to create a restful, calming atmosphere in the bedroom. Aim to replace your mattress at least every eight years too, or sooner if you feel that it is no longer providing the support you need.

Mental health

Mental health issues can have a significant impact on energy levels too. Depression and anxiety are mental health issues that can zap energy, leading to feelings of tiredness.

If a mental health condition is something you are dealing with, get in touch with a professional such as a therapist or counselor. They will work with you to identify any causes or triggers for your issues and help you work through difficult emotions or experiences.


Dehydration is also a common cause of fatigue. When we become dehydrated, we may experience thirst, headaches, dizziness, and an inability to concentrate. You should ensure that you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to avoid becoming dehydrated, especially if you are starting to exercise more.

It is also best to avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol, which leave you feeling parched. Having effective dehydration remedies such as hydration drops on hand at home can be invaluable for preventing dehydration. Take a look at the range offered by Drip Drop for more information.

Unhealthy eating

The foods we eat can have a direct impact on our energy levels. It is crucial that we eat a healthy, balanced diet filled with all the vitamins and nutrients we need to remain healthy.

Eating lots of refined sugars, processed items, and junk food can leave you feeling drained. While these foods are fine to enjoy in moderation, ensure you include plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and protein in your diet to avoid diet-related fatigue.

Stress is a common cause of fatigue

Stress can take up a lot of energy. It can also cause sleepless nights, further compounding your feelings of tiredness.

If you find yourself stressed out about something, it is a good idea to find healthy coping mechanisms and techniques to help you relax. Meditation, mindfulness, and talking therapy can all be excellent ways to reduce stress, whether you’re in school training to be a counselor or a different career, are busy at work, or finding it hard to balance life in general.


An over-reliance on caffeine can end up being detrimental to your energy levels too. Having a cup of coffee or two each morning to perk us up for the day is common and will usually not have a negative impact on your energy levels.

However, if you drink excessive caffeine throughout the day, this can result in tiredness over time. Common culprits include strong coffee and sugary energy drinks. Generally, drinking minimal caffeine throughout the day and avoiding drinking anything caffeinated in the immediate hours before you go to sleep is a good idea.

Also, opting for a healthier source of caffeine is better than the synthetic forms. The healthy and vegan-friendly energy drinks of XiteYourMind use only natural caffeine to give a more sustainable energy boost and do not give you a crash.

Keep a diary to pinpoint possible causes

A wide range of factors can lead to tiredness. Often, we may not know what is causing our fatigue, so it can be helpful to keep a diary of our activities and eating habits. Write down when you feel particularly tired and see if you can find a pattern to identify the potential cause. 

Are you feeling tired lately? What do you think are the reasons for it?

14 thoughts on “Common causes of fatigue (and how to fight it)”

  1. ‘One place to start might be walking through your neighborhood.’ This is the best remedy I have come across so far. Works every time, especially if the place is surrounded by trees and flowers.

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