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Fibroids diagnosis: Which tests determine if you have uterine fibroids?

Fibroids diagnosis testing

Uterine fibroids are one of the many health challenges for women across the globe. Some women have these growths in their pelvis and don’t know it. That’s because uterine fibroids don’t always show any symptoms. Scary, right? In most instances, you don’t know if you have uterine fibroids until a doctor provides a pelvic exam. To determine fibroids diagnosis involves testing.

Fibroids can cause abnormal changes in your uterus, which makes these non-cancerous lumps risky if they go undetected for long periods. In most situations, you will have to undergo some tests to determine if you have fibroids and how far they might have spread.

Here are some medical tests your doctor may recommend to test if you have uterine fibroids:

1. Ultrasound for fibroids diagnosis

You are probably familiar with the term “ultrasound.” It is often the first imaging test you will need to undergo.

The process uses sounds to take pictures of your uterus. It shows your doctor if you have uterine fibroids, their location, and their sizes. During the test, your doctor or technician will move the ultrasound machine over your abdomen or insert it into your vagina to take pictures of your uterine wall.

Get health screenings regularly, ladies, to ensure your doctor catches anything unusual in the early stage.

2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

If ultrasound doesn’t provide conclusive data, you may need to get an MRI. It can determine what kind of fibroids you have to decide the best treatment method.

The MRI involves an IV injection of a special dye to help your doctor to see the fibroids more clearly. You will go into the MRI and lie down for about 60 minutes to complete the test.

During the process, your doctor or technician takes pictures of your pelvic area. That can result in detailed images of the uterine fibroids, where they’re located, and their sizes.

3. Hysterosonography

Hysterosonography involves a fibroid specialist nyc filling your uterus with sterile saline to make it bigger. That allows your doctor to check the lining of your uterine wall and any fibroids in the areas of soft tissue that x-rays may not show clearly.

You will probably need to take this test the week after your period and avoid having sexual intercourse a few days before the procedure. Some women may have pain or cramps after the test, but that’s quite normal. However, your doctor may recommend that you take a few days before engaging in sexual activities to decrease any risk of infection.

4. Hysteroscopy

For this test, your diagnostic specialist inserts a small telescope through your cervix into your uterus. The doctor will need to inject saline to widen your uterus and better see your uterine wall and fallopian tubes.

The medical professional may also give you medicine to help you relax, numb the area, or sleep during the process. The doctor will use special instruments to remove any fibroids in your uterine wall and fallopian tubes.

Also, you may feel some cramping or slight bleeding for a few days after this procedure. But these side effects will subside as you continue to heal.

The bottom line on fibroids diagnosis

Visiting a fibroid specialist is the best way to determine if you have fibroids or not. The best specialists to treat the condition will offer a unique approach to test, treat, and care for patients with fibroids. Visit a doctor with the specialization and experience to detect and treat uterine fibroids today for the best results.

1 thought on “Fibroids diagnosis: Which tests determine if you have uterine fibroids?”

  1. My fibroids were diagnosed through an ultra sound, It is one of the main reasons why women end up having hysterectomies. After much research, I chose to have a Uterine Fibroid Embolization. I just would caution women who have been diagnosed with fibroids to look into alternative methods such as UFE. In my experience doctors push surgery even when it is not absolutely necessary.

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