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What are human rights and why are they important?

What are human rights

Now, more than ever before, this discussion has to happen. What are human rights? Why are they important? Let’s talk.

What does it mean to have human rights?

Each person is endowed with dignity and value. Recognizing and respecting people’s human rights is one way to demonstrate your appreciation for and realize their inherent worth.

Human rights are an umbrella term for a set of concepts relating to justice and equality. They respect people’s autonomy in making life choices and achieving their full human potential.

It is about living a fearless, harassment-free, and unprejudiced existence. Human rights may be generally described as a set of core rights deemed necessary by people globally.

Examples of basic human rights are:

  • The right to live
  • Fair trial
  • Personal liberty
  • Protection against harsh treatment
  • Freedom of expression and religion
  • Right to health
  • Right to education
  • A decent standard of living

These fundamental rights impose on everyone, man, woman, child or adult, wealthy or impoverished. They apply to all, regardless of your ethnicity, geographic location, or what you consider acceptable. This is what makes human rights universal.

Who is responsible for safeguarding human rights?

Human rights are a set of mutually agreed-upon rights and responsibilities that link people together. A person’s ability to exercise their basic rights is conditional on others upholding those values. This indicates that human rights entail societal duties and obligations.

Individuals must exercise their rights in a manner that is respectful of the rights of others. When exercising one’s right to free speech, for example, one must do so without invading others’ privacy. In the US, states have a special duty to ensure that citizens may use their rights freely.

To be completely effective, governments have to ensure that people respect the laws of the land. No one is allowed to belittle the other.

The policies allow people to leave knowing that their rights are being recognized and protected. The right to education, for example, states that everyone has the right to quality schooling. This concept implies that governments have a responsibility to offer their citizens educational facilities and recreational centers.

The government should be keen on offering patients guidelines on how to choose a medical malpractice attorney for health-related lawsuits. Whether governments do this or not, it is their duty, and citizens may hold them accountable if they do not respect or defend their fundamental human rights.

What does the term ‘human rights’ entail?

Human rights relate to almost every aspect of life. Civic and democratic freedoms refer to a person’s ability to participate in their society’s social and political life without fear of ridicule or harassment. These include voting rights, the right to privacy, the right to free speech, and the right not to be abused.

Economic, social, and cultural rights refer to a person’s ability to thrive and develop and participate in social and cultural activities. The right to health, the right to education, and employment are all included in this category.

One of the most significant distinctions between these two types of rights is in the case of civil and political rights. In this instance, government officials must help ensure that individuals, or any other organization, do not deprive people of rights in society.

In economic, interpersonal, and cultural rights, authorities must take proactive steps to ensure that rights are respected. Some rights may belong to groups of individuals or staff members.

This is often an acknowledgment of the reality that certain groups have been historically marginalized and disadvantaged. That necessitates more robust protection of their rights.

These are called collective rights. Individual rights solely apply to people, such as the right to a fair trial.

Why are human rights important?

Tolerance, equality, and mutual respect are all principles that may reduce social conflict. By bringing human rights ideas to life, we may be able to create the society we want.

The way you think about and implement human rights concepts has changed dramatically in recent decades. This has resulted in several good outcomes: human rights knowledge may empower people and answer particular issues.

Human rights play an essential part in how people interact with one another in all sections of life, including trade, politics, and foreign affairs. Everyone must try to understand what human rights are to be able to achieve equality and global well-being.

Can my human rights be taken?

It is impossible to take human rights from a person. But, this is not to say that human rights breaches and abuses do not occur from time to time. We hear terrible tales of murder, violence, racism, starvation, unemployment, poverty, abuse, homelessness, and prejudice on television and in newspapers.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights accords, on the other hand, are more than simply lofty ideals. It’s a set of fundamental legal concepts.

Many countries have integrated these concepts into their legislation to fulfill their international human rights responsibilities. Individuals now have the option of having their complaints resolved by a court in their nation.

Individuals from some nations may also file a complaint of human rights abuses with a UN committee of experts, which would subsequently issue a report. Furthermore, human rights education is equally as essential as having laws to protect individuals. Long-term development can only be effective when people know human rights and the norms that apply to them.


In rare and extremely particular situations, most human rights may be temporarily limited. The limitation must meet the following requirements: It has to be legal, reasonable, proportional, and legitimate.

States must make sure that every individual is treated equally. If they can’t, they’ve broken the law.

There are certain human rights that will never be curtailed, even in proclaimed national crises or conflicts. The right to be free from torture, freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and the right to be free from slavery are all examples of absolute human rights.

You may argue that one of these rights is more essential than the others. But, remember that respecting all human rights is necessary for living a life of dignity.

Human rights also ensure that individuals have the resources to meet their fundamental requirements, such as food, shelter, and education, to enjoy the benefits of all possibilities. Finally, through ensuring life, liberty, equality, and security, human rights safeguard individuals against abuse by those in positions of authority.

2 thoughts on “What are human rights and why are they important?”

  1. An important topic, especially as human rights are abused daily, even in countries like the USA.
    I’m thinking sexual enslavement rings that get uncovered & people (men and women) who are smuggled in and kept in illegal imprisonment until someone from the captives’ families pay exorbitant ransoms for freedom.

    I am reminded here of Hillary Clinton’s famous quote: “If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.”

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