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4 common health issues for young adults

Health issues for young people

There are many health issues that young adults experience. If left untreated, these problems can worsen and have devastating outcomes. The good news is there are preventative measures young people can learn that go a long way toward reducing the risks of developing those health-related problems.

It’s not just seniors that get sick

If you think that only seniors and middle-aged folks are at risk of getting ill and experiencing conditions detrimental to their health. But, you’d be mistaken to assume that.

There are risks across the lifespan, unfortunately. The list is endless, from experiencing obesity and abusing alcohol to having anxiety attacks, long hospital stays with COVID-19, and more.

Fortunately, by identifying early warning signs, one can get the help necessary for the physical or mental condition while it is still relatively new. That can increase the chances of getting through it significantly.

Here are a few health challenges that many young adults face today.

4 health issues for young adults:

1. Mental health issues

Mental disorders are among the most common health problems of the younger generation. If not dealt with, depression can worsen as they grow into adulthood. That can interfere with their relationships, putting a strain on family ties and their social life. In turn, feelings of anxiety and isolation can develop.

The teen’s work performance can suffer too. An overall lower overall quality of life becomes a reality.

That is why seeking professional help as early as possible is essential.

It’s also important to note that mental health issues form a big category. It includes anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, behavioral disorder, paranoia, panic, body dysmorphic disorder, anger issues, and many other conditions.

2. Bodily injuries

Young adults are also at a high risk of bodily injuries. The many physical activities many young people engage in are what puts them at risk of harm. Yes, sports injuries are a big one when it comes to health issues for young people!

Ankles, hands, wrists, clavicle, head, elbows, and knees are the common areas for injuries. A good course of action is to get chiropractic treatment for misaligned joints before the injury worsens.

A youngster may also experience stress fractures, shin splints, tennis elbow, or tendonitis by being active in sports. If experiencing any of these injuries, get professional treatment as soon as possible.

3. Chronic illnesses

These are long-term diseases known to affect older people. Several chronic illnesses do not have a cure; individuals have to live with them for the rest of their lives. The only treatment available aims at managing the illnesses and reducing effects.

Common chronic illnesses include asthma, cancer, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and heart conditions. Sadly, children as young as 5-15 years of age are also at a high risk of getting a chronic illness.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the chances of getting a chronic illness. It can help to change your lifestyle as part of your efforts to start living healthy. Ensure that you eat the right food. Maintain a healthy balanced eating plan with a range of nutrients.

Also, drink plenty of water and exercise safely as part of a bigger strategy to reduce health issues in young adults. Going for regular health checks is also a good idea as it provides the opportunity for a doctor to detect potential illnesses and find the right treatment.

4. STIs and HIV/AIDs

Young adults are reporting new cases of HIV infections. There are also a number of children born with the virus.

Young adults are also at risk of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when they engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. Not to mention unplanned pregnancies and being in an intimate relationship before they are mature enough for it.

Some examples of STIs are hepatitis B, genital herpes, syphilis, and human papillomavirus (HPV). To protect yourself against STIs, use condoms during sexual intercourse and know there are always risks when being intimate with someone.

Vaccines can also help protect against HPV and hepatitis B. If you worry that your STI has developed into a sexually transmitted disease, consider taking an at-home STD kit or seeing a doctor. Starting the proper treatment as soon as possible is important for your best health.

What are some other health issues for young people today?


Top photo by Caique Silva from Pexels

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