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Hit your goals in 2021 with this simple guide

Hit your 2021 goals

Let’s pretend 2020 never happened, right? For most people, it has been a car crash of a year, and one none of us want to repeat it. Those goals that you set yourself for 2020 – did you meet any of them? Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, you didn’t stand a chance. Coronavirus put a stop to it. However, 2021 is a new year, and it’s an opportunity to hit your goals.

While life right now is certainly not in any way normal, there is light at the end of the tunnel as the vaccine rolls out. Let’s take the opportunity to revisit the goals you set for last year and make 2021 the year that you reach them, whatever happens.

To hit your goals, break them down into bite-size chunks

Assuming you have your list of goals from last year, break them down into smaller, easier-to-digest chunks. Let us take weight loss as an example, as it is one of the most popular resolutions.

If you want to lose 100lbs over two years, that’s a big goal. It’s achievable, but still big.

That might be a little intimidating to face, so break it down into smaller chunks instead. You might say, for example, that by the summer you are going to have lost 30 lbs, and then another 20 lbs before Christmas next year.

When you hit any of these mini goals, reward yourself. This leads me to the next point.

Reward yourself

Humans are instinctively driven by rewards. Sometimes, individiuals are motivated to act on the basis of internal desires and needs. At other times, the desire for extrinsic incentives drives behavior.

If you know there is something waiting ahead, you are much more likely to stick with it. Take the weight loss example. If you are planning to buy a great new outfit or pair of shoes, buy preroll packaging or have a spa day when you hit each of the smaller targets. Do that and you are much more likely to stay on track.

Get support to hit your 2021 goals

Support is crucial to success. Embracing the help of those who care and listen to you bolsters your fortitude and ability to manage the pressure caused by your resolution.

If you feel overwhelmed or unable to achieve your goals independently, there is no harm in seeking the help of a motivational coach. They can offer strategies to modify your goals in such a way that they are achievable. That can also help you change any of your potentially unhealthy behaviors and address any psychological problems that may hold you back.

Don’t worry if you have bad days

We are always going to have days when we feel like we are going to fail. The biscuit tin seems too tempting; the shoes are too alluring; the extra hour of sleep is more appealing than the workout.

Low points are going to happen as you pursue plans to hit your 2021 goals. It’s important that when those downtimes happen, you draw a line under them and start again the next day. A bad day doesn’t have to mean the end of the journey. Instead, it’s just a bump in the road.