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How to relax yourself when it seems impossible

How to relax yourself

Whether it’s workplace stressors that are getting you down, or it’s the pressures of raising a family, or upcoming college deadlines, sometimes it feels impossible to unwind. Feeling overwhelmed or anxious isn’t uncommon but it’s important to find effective ways to manage stress. Even when it seems impossible, though, there are solutions for how to relax yourself.

Why you need to rest

When you feel unable to relax, it can have far-reaching effects on your life. You may experience more anxiety or develop a low mood, just to name two examples. Another scenario is that you have trouble sleeping, which could impact your ability to focus at school or work.

If you’ve been struggling to relax or want to step up your self-care routine, these top tips are ones to try now. When you do so, you will discover new ways to increase the tranquility in your life, and more than one of them might be a good fit for you.

The first step is to:

Identify the cause

If you’re feeling tense, irritable, or stressed, take the time to really think about what’s causing or triggering this poor mental health. Be as specific as possible when trying to determine why you’re feeling stress or anxiety.

It’s easy to attribute a low mood to something vague like “work.” But I encourage you to go deeper than that. Deciphering exactly what it is about a particular situation that’s causing you to feel tightly wound can help you to resolve it.

Even the act of identifying the cause of your feelings can help to give you the peace of mind that is so needed right now. While you may not have a solution right away, knowing why you feel the way you do can enable you to unwind a little more than you did yesterday.

Relax yourself by prioritizing sleep

When you’re finding it hard to relax, falling asleep and staying asleep can be tricky. If you regularly lie away for hours or stay in bed on your phone because you can’t nod off, you may want to overhaul your sleep hygiene routine.

Some people find that taking a melatonin supplement helps them to get a better night’s sleep. On the other hand, you may want to try an alternative, like Penguin CBD, to promote relaxation in the evening.

From nighttime exercise to a warm bath, there are numerous ways to help get your sleep cycle back on track. Consider areas of the home that you could improve, as well, to promote quality sleep.

If you’re not able to get a decent amount of shut-eye, it can exacerbate stress and tension. By making sleep a top priority, you will get the mental clarity and motivation to address any issues bothering you.

Take a break from media

In today’s climate, almost everyone is surrounded by media day in and day out. Whether it’s via the TV, a laptop, or your phone, the connections to the news are constant.

While this connectivity enables you to stay up to date with world affairs, it can have a negative impact on your emotions. Being consistently exposed to negative news cycles can leave you feeling nervous, fearful, or depressed.

Additionally, extensive use of social media has been linked to dissatisfaction with one’s own life, which can fuel feelings of low self-esteem and unhappiness. If you assume that other people are more successful or happier than you are simply because of what you see on social media, it’s time to take a step back.

Exactly what switching off social media means will depend on what you decide; it might be for a certain number of hours per day or taking a long-term break instead. To enhance your ability to relax and boost your mood, consider taking a break from digital content and offline media.

How to relax yourself? Spend more time outdoors

Unless you have an outdoor hobby or your job involves working outside, you probably spend most of your time indoors. This limits your exposure to the sun and can lead to vitamin D deficiencies.

Although you’ll want to cover up and protect your skin when out in the sunshine, it is important to get enough vitamin D throughout the year. If you don’t get enough of this vitamin, the lack of it can make you feel fatigued, anxious, or tense.

What’s more, surrounding yourself with nature can be a great way to boost your mood. If there are parks, hiking trails, or walking routes nearby, try to get out and use them regularly.

A simple way to enjoy the outdoors is by taking a brisk walk during your lunch break. Or, sit in your garden for a few minutes a day to rest the mind and body simultaneously.

Practice mindfulness, meditation, and yoga

We tend to assume that we should be able to relax easily but, just like anything else, true relaxation needs to be learned. If you’re having trouble quietening your mind or resting your body, you can learn the skills over time.

Mindfulness, meditation, and yoga are all well-known for promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. If you prefer one stress reduction method to another, then focus on it, or you might choose to use a combination of all three of them. Incorporating them into your life can have a major impact on how restful you feel at the end of the day.

If you’re a beginner at one or all three of these activities, it’s easy to get started. As well as bespoke online coaching and local groups, you’ll find plenty of free guides online. With guided meditations, instructional yoga videos, and mindfulness tutorials, you can learn everything you need to know about stress reduction, quickly and easily.

When to get a little more help

If your inability to rest is having a major impact on your life, you may want to consider talking to your primary care physician or a therapist. When you’re having trouble unpicking your feelings and identifying the cause of your stress, for example, this can be a great way to gain additional clarity.

Sometimes, talking to an independent and objective third party helps to rationalize your feelings and create solutions to issues bothering you. Also, an experienced therapist or counselor can help you to learn how to relax your mind and body, regardless of the situations you find yourself in moving forward.

A few last words on how to relax yourself

Despite awareness of mental health issues increasing, many people are still reluctant to seek help. However, there’s no need to feel embarrassed about seeking extra support when you need it. While self-care is a great way to achieve total relaxation, talking to a professional can also be an effective way to minimize stress and anxiety in your life.

10 thoughts on “How to relax yourself when it seems impossible”

  1. So timely, as always, Christy! Keeping a regular sleep schedule and TRULY resting is so difficult for so many right now I agree with Michelle! this weather is AMAZING and we are trying to soak it all in!

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