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4 Practical Ways to Live a Green Life

live a green life

The environment will always be important, even when it’s no longer trendy to support it. After all, it provides us with the natural resources that we use to survive daily. However, environmental issues aren’t solvable by a single person, hence the need for everyone to come together and contribute what you can to help out. Often a mental shift is necessary for people to learn to change habits that don’t help the planet. With that being said, if you’re currently on that journey, here is how you can embrace a green life within your home. Yes, you really can make a difference in a positive, eco-friendly way, starting right in your home.

Recycle More

Not everyone recycles, and it’s actually one of the simplest ways to give back to the environment. You can start by recycling your home waste which, although mandatory in some places, isn’t the case everywhere.

If you aren’t someone who recycles often or you don’t recycle at all, start now. Below are a few helpful tips:

Get Rid of all Unwanted Paper. As you probably already know, paper is one of many items that are recyclable. But there are more options than only newspapers for what to recycle paper-wise. Other items are wrapping paper, envelopes, and old phone books.

Wash Food Waste. To help your recycling center, you should always wash food waste off of any plastics or glass you recycle. It will only take a few minutes and makes their jobs a lot easier.

Consider Selling Your Waste. If you want to make money from your waste, then think about selling it. Consider selling items such as wine corks and jam jars on eBay as they could be useful for planning craft projects.

Green Life: Get Solar Panels

For those who are looking for more energy-efficient ways of managing their homes, try getting solar panels. They are a great way of generating your own energy which can be so beneficial to the environment.

In addition to this, it’s also a good way of saving money as solar can help reduce your electricity bill. Aside from this, the panels have low maintenance costs that can be attractive too. If you do decide you want to try money-saving solar panels, Going Solar gives you more information on the benefits and the options available for homes.

Drive Less

Another tip for living a green life is to drive around less. As you probably already know, driving produces carbon emissions that can be harmful to the environment. For example, if I can get to my destination within a 30-minute walk then I’ll do so.

Alternatively, consider more eco-friendly cars, such as a hybrid. They have lower fuel consumption and sometimes warrant grants from the government as a way to encourage environmentally-friendly habits.

Picking a good plug-in hybrid vehicle doesn’t have to be difficult either. This type of auto provides more range in electric mode, which means less gas burned. Check out this comprehensive guide to the best plug-in hybrids to help guide you.

Reduce Food Waste

Aside from the mentioned things above, you may also want to think about trying to reduce the amount of waste that you produce as a family at home. At times, you end up wasting more food than you should by either cooking more than you need or buying more perishable foods than you’ll eat. We’re guilty of that sometimes in our condo and it makes me feel terrible to throw away food that spoils before we get the chance to consume it.

To reduce food waste, consider buying only the fruits or veggies you need for this week’s meals. Also, check the use-by dates so foods like meats don’t spoil before you cook them up. The last tip is to embrace freezing foods after batch cooking them too. Did you know spaghetti is just as yummy after being defrosted as beforehand?

Is It a Green Life for You?

Are you living in an eco-friendly way? Is it through the activities above or another activity?

19 thoughts on “4 Practical Ways to Live a Green Life”

  1. I love this article Christy and I love that you’re bringing awareness to this issue. We do recycle everything we can in our home. Admittedly, my husband was a good influence on me in this respect because growing up, my family never did unfortunately.

    Not long ago, I discovered these websites with truly gifted people, making the most amazing products out of “up-cycled” or recycled home goods. Empty toilet paper rolls sell on Ebay and other online eCommerce platforms for a surprising amount of money for this very reason!

    We’ve only been given one earth. Nothing can undo the damage we’ve done as a people, but we sure can try to make it better for the generations to come. :)

    1. Holly, I saw the LinkedIn endorsement a few minutes ago and thank you for it! Your kindness resonates there and in your comment here. Let’s treat our earth well – one day at a time. Hugs 🤗

  2. My home is fairly energy efficient, but when it comes to the property my family owns, I have been looking into solar panels and a composting toilet. There have been no improvements made on the land in terms of utilities, and I’m glad for that now since I would rather go green as I continue to spend more time over there.

  3. We are lucky to live in an area that has regular collection of recycling as well as trash, but for those who don’t have that service, or for unusual items like batteries, paint, or appliances and electronics, consider checking local listings for drop off centers.

  4. The problem is the packaging, Christy. If you consume in this country, you have not option but to buy a product wrapped up to within an inch of its life with packaging. It is not like that in the UK. You can buy fresh fruit and veggies and have it weighted and bagged. We have so much shop lifting, the food comes in a protective covering.

  5. petespringerauthor

    Thanks for writing this important piece, Christy. Many people working together can accomplish great things. If people can’t come together on issues of safety and the preservation of the planet, we are in serious trouble.

  6. Great tips. Plastic has become an issue, BTW. So, recycling is a must… and I mean it…. in many levels. 😌 Thank you for sharing and sending love, dear CB 😘🔸😘

  7. Helpful tips – thanks for sharing them! We recycle a lot here – I agree that rinsing out the containers is helpful – it also keeps the critters and bugs away from our garage!

  8. These are all good suggestions. Another way to help the environment is to reuse containers at least once before recycling them. If I bake cookies and give them to a neighbor, as an example, often they are given in clean cottage cheese containers or some other type of container that is being reused. We also have a compost pile in our backyard for kitchen waste such as eggshells, coffee grounds, and vegetable or fruit peels, etc.

  9. Great tips, and so many points that are quite easily manageable. The eco friendly car is the one thing I’ve not moved towards yet, though my car is better in terms of emissions than my old one, it’s still not a hybrid. Maybe one day I’ll be able to afford a new car, as I’d probably opt for a hybrid then.xx

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