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Build an Epic Pillow Fort with this Printable Fort Kit

Pillow fort kit amuses bored kids like this girl

For young kiddos with a lot of energy, it can be a challenge to find activities that keep them engaged. While a run around the playground or games in the backyard is a great way for rambunctious kids to have fun, on rainy or cold days, indoor activities make more sense. The problem, though, is it can be challenging to come up with projects that keep their attention. That’s where the pillow fort idea comes in!

Printable Fort Kit for Indoor Fun

Imagine it’s a rainy afternoon, and you’re looking forward to relaxing with a cup of tea. But your kids are feeling cabin fever. Ug, it can be a struggle to reign in their restless energy.

To help prepare for that rainy day ahead of time, pillow fort kit. It includes instructions that empower kids to learn the basics of creating a pillow fort. The DIY kit even includes signs to let the whole world know who the fort belongs to.

It even includes a pillow fort kit gift tag. Put your kid’s name on it for fun. Or put the name of their friend on it and gift the fun kit as a present the next time they have a birthday party to go to, and you don’t know what to get a child under 10.

Make a Pillow Fort: Easy DIY

The kit has the basics. Then you simply put together a few inexpensive sheets and clothespins and have the perfect afternoon or evening indoor activity. Or it makes a unique birthday or slumber party present.

I remember making pillow forts as a girl, so when I saw this idea, I wanted to share it. And, nope, I’m not being compensated for telling you about it. Hope it makes for some awesome playtime.

What are other ways to entertain kids indoors if the weather outside isn’t very good? Did you do pillow forts as a kid?

11 thoughts on “Build an Epic Pillow Fort with this Printable Fort Kit”

  1. Cute! We had bunk beds. We would tuck blankets under the top mattress making a curtain wall around the bottom bunk. It was kind of a tent/bunker. LOL I can still see 5 other little kids crowded in there sometimes. Lots of fun!

  2. It’s always fun to build a blanket or sheet fort (we call them ‘cubbies’). I was a bit confused about how it could be printable, but I see it’s printable suggestions or instructions. :)

    1. Yes printable accessories and instructions :) Oooh I like the name cubbies too!

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