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Mesothelioma and Women: A Look at the Impact

Mesothelioma in women: Families impacted.

Nearly 1 in 10 Americans in the United States will suffer from a rare disease. With over 7,000 different rare diseases, it’s possible that you’ve come across someone already today who is battling one. Mesothelioma cancer has historically been more common in men, but women can still develop this rare cancer through exposure to asbestos. Recent studies have proven that women have been exposed to cancer-causing asbestos through both firsthand and secondhand sources.

What is Mesothelioma Cancer?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can develop in different places in the body, including the abdomen and heart. But most commonly it occurs in the lining of the lungs. There is no known cure and about 20 million people risk developing mesothelioma through asbestos exposure.

Nearly 3,000 people receive a mesothelioma diagnosis each year in the U.S. Unlike other types of cancer, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and melanoma, which can be carried in a gene and passed on through the family, mesothelioma is only contracted through exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a set of six dangerous carcinogenic fibers that are naturally occurring. It is well known for its resistance to heat and chemicals.

After asbestos enters the body, symptoms of mesothelioma can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years to surface. This typically puts mesothelioma patients in the 55 and over age group. This type of cancer often has an initial misdiagnosis because of its common symptoms, such as chest pain, constant coughing, and fatigue. After diagnosis, the typical life expectancy for patients is anywhere between 12 to 21 months. Female patients typically have a longer life expectancy than men, at about 5.5 months longer.

Effects by Gender: Mesothelioma in Women

Men are five times more likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma than women. So, in the past, research was male-centered. According to Journal Chest, women are twice as likely to develop peritoneal mesothelioma, which develops in the thin lining of the abdomen.

Due to the cancer’s rareness, there should be more emphasis on understanding its effects on women. As the medical community continues to learn more about the rare disease, it remains clear that early detection can significantly improve patient outcomes.

Exposure to Asbestos

Firsthand exposure to asbestos causes a small percentage of the mesothelioma cases in women. In the early 20th century, the women who worked during wartime either in the military or in positions vacated by men who served were at a higher risk of mesothelioma.

This infographic from Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance shows the differences between then and now:

While first-hand exposure is possible for women, they often experience secondhand exposure (see the next section). Many industries commonly used asbestos during the 20th century. Jobs like construction, firefighting, factory work, and the military have all involved some contact with asbestos.

At the time, these jobs usually employed more men than women. Today, there’s a much smaller gender gap. Women are becoming first responders, firefighters, and police officers. Unfortunately, these heroic careers still often put people at risk of asbestos exposure.

Secondhand Exposure

Secondhand asbestos exposure is a common concern because the fibers easily stay on clothes and furniture. After work, men would come home to their families, unknowingly putting their wives and others at risk for asbestos-related diseases. With debris left on their hair, skin, clothing, and shoes, exposure could happen from anything as simple as a physical touch to when they greeted each other.

There is no safe level of asbestos exposure. So, shaking out clothing, folding it, or vacuuming couches and rugs are all potential sources of exposure to asbestos for many women. And these women must now deal with the rare disease.

Environmental Exposure

Also, living close to an asbestos mine or manufacturing facility can put a woman at risk. That is definitely a consideration when moving homes for her health and others. Also, check if the area has asbestos-containing natural deposits.

The close proximity can mean that the air is contaminated. In an older building, whether working or living there, it puts the individual at risk if it has asbestos.

Product Use

Unfortunately, women may have used some products available for consumer use that contain asbestos. Potting soil is one example, as is crayons.

The use of products in the past that contained asbestos, such as cosmetics, put women at risk of exposure and mesothelioma. Early detection and treatment are crucial to improving the prognosis for women and any other gender.

What is Mesothelioma Awareness Day?

September 26 is a day to remember those who bravely fought but lost their battle with mesothelioma cancer. It is an annual observance also to support those who continue to fight this rare disease. And it is a time to show their families and loved ones that we stand together in hopes of finding a cure someday.

Educating the public is integral to Mesothelioma. From risk factors to symptoms and treatment options, there is a lot to convey to help individuals make informed decisions and potentially help save lives.

For additional information about Mesothelioma, legal options, and financial compensation, visit


Top photo via Unsplash.

4 thoughts on “Mesothelioma and Women: A Look at the Impact”

  1. This touched my heart because my Aunt passed away in 2016 from this, and 1 year and 1 month later west our shining star…MY UNCLE LONNIE to the same Carver only my aunt went faster….

  2. Life expectancy after diagnosis is pretty grim at this point. Hopefully after diagnosis in the near future, immunotherapy will be the game changer for treatment as your article suggested.

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