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Key advice to live by as you age

Advice to live by as age

Aging is simply a part of life. It’s a reality most people will have to deal with as time marches on. Thankfully, there are a few helpful pieces of advice to live by as you age to make it easier.

Overall, try not to worry as much and instead focus on what’s in your control and how you can go about improving your life situation. Most importantly, remember to relax and have fun. Learn to pick your battles. Follow your passions as they are what puts a smile on your face. All of this amounts to you looking back and being proud of how you lived life.

Make time for loved ones

Work hard to keep a connection with those who you love as you age and make it a point to spend quality time with them. Life is short. As time goes on you start to realize that your time here and with others is limited.

You may regret working long hours and never making time for fun, but you’ll unlikely feel any regret for hanging out with people who you cherish. Learn to forgive and move forward emotionally. Appreciate the people who are always there for you.

More advice to live by: Practice self-care

Another piece of advice to live by as you age is to always care for yourself. In other words, don’t let your well-being take a backseat to whatever’s happening around you.

It’s difficult to function and get by if you’re in poor health, so do whatever it takes to feel your best each day. Take action early, such as checking into medicare supplemental insurance and determining where you want to live after you retire. Make time in your schedule for self-care activities.

Continue following your passions

It’s easy to become lost as you age, retire and find yourself unsure of what to do next. It’s a good idea to continue to identify and follow your passions, continuing to do so as you age.

Stay busy by finding hobbies of interest. Spend time with people who you enjoy being around and participate in activities that put a smile on your face. Do more of what makes you happy and less of what zaps your energy and steals your joy.

As you age, learn to pick your battles

Stressing out about every little incident you encounter or problem that comes your way adds up to exhaustion. It’s important that you learn to pick your battles as you age.

Generally, don’t spread yourself too thin by giving your energy to all that crosses your path. Get in tune with your morals and values; let them guide you. Pay attention to what matters to you the most in life.

Concluding words on advice to live by

When you break it down, age is truly just a number. Don’t let it bother you too much, if possible.

As said earlier, learn to pick your battles! At the end of the day, it’s all about how you live your life and treat those around you. Hopefully the words above are helpful to you over the years.

17 thoughts on “Key advice to live by as you age”

  1. I love your post Christy, as I get older I am less stressed about things that bothered me in my 20’s & 30’s, life changes, you realise what is really important, you don’t put up with crap anymore and you go for what you want. Life is beautiful and precious, we need to live it. Wonderful post Christy xx

  2. These are great pieces of advice! I especially like the advice on learning to pick your battles. That is something I struggle with currently and am learning what requires a battle and what doesn’t. Thanks for posting this!

  3. Sage advice, sweet friend. I think if more people really pay attention to taking care of themselves and taking time for loved ones, they are well on their way to having some great golden years. I say that and I can’t believe I’m rounding the bases for age 40…jeez…lol

  4. Very interesting Christy, ageing is one of the things that happens to us all, me being 5years off 60 with disabilities, who knows what I will be like. But a positive attitude goes a long way rather than feeling sorry for myself thinking about what I can’t do, I reverse it and there are a lot worse than me. I believe it helps even if you are a fit person, I try to make an effort and over time it becomes what I call my new normal. Thank you as always Christy for sharing this post 😘😘😘

  5. As our population ages this information becomes so important! Especially the part where you tell us to follow our passion. People need to know it is okay to follow their dreams no matter what age they are.

  6. As someone who is facing 60 soon, I find people my age are more active and connected than ever. We no longer have children to care for, so our friendships become closer. Not to mention all of the new friends I’ve found. My generation isn’t sitting down and waiting to get old. Quite the contrary.

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