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Wellness Strategies: Stress Reduction Techniques that Work

Woman walks outdoors as one of the stress reduction techniques that works for her

That moment when you realize that it’s time to take your life to the next level is when you need to start making improvements to achieve a better quality of life than ever before. Many strategies are simple to put into place so it doesn’t have to be a huge learning curve or massive shift in lifestyle either. For millions of people globally, wellness strategies are a way to make big improvements in their lives. By focusing on wellness using stress reduction techniques, for example, you open up the door to becoming a more productive, positive, and passionate person.

Firstly, Choose Stress Reduction Techniques

One of the best ways to make mental and physical wellbeing happen is by using stress reduction techniques that will work for you. Furthermore, the key to success with wellness strategies is choosing anxiety reduction strategies that you will actually use regularly. So make them ones that you’re at least fairly comfortable using or you won’t do them.

To find what works best for you, try different stress-reduction methods. See which ones give you the results you want. While there are a wide range of stress reduction techniques out there, not everything works well for everyone.

Types of Stress Reduction Techniques

For example, many people have less anxiety when they consistently do yoga practice. At the same time though, many people find this type of exercise to be boring or lacking in the intensity that they’ve come to expect from their workouts.

Another example of wellness strategies is meditation. Many people have overcome “scatter-brained” ways of thinking through the use of meditation. A few types of meditation are:

  • Conscious breathing
  • Rhythmically repeating a mantra, such as “Peace, love, and joy”

Meanwhile, other women find the process of sitting in stillness and silence to be boring and unproductive. So, you really do have to find the stress reduction techniques that work well for YOU.

If, instead, a more rigorous exercise routine is what you want to use to lower stress, then go for it! Some examples are:

  • Ride your bike
  • Jump rope
  • Lift weights
  • Use SmartSquat’s exercise board

Once you experiment and find the stress-reduction technique that suits you, implement ways tol make your new habit stick so you can optimize results.

Woman sits in yoga pose by the water. Yoga is one of her go-to wellness strategies.
Effective stress reduction techniques include yoga. Or, perhaps you prefer meditation, walking, running, or another activity. Photo via Pixabay.

Be Consistent with Wellness Strategies Too

In addition to bringing stress reduction techniques into your life, make sure that you do them consistently. As wellness experts know, many individuals fall into the trap of going on a brief health kick and fall back into their old behavioural patterns that aren’t necessarily good for them. If this life pattern sounds familiar to you, know that you’re not alone. But continuing to do that will not lead to the long-term, significant health results that you want.

That’s because the key to consistently seeing good results from wellness strategies is consistency. It’s for this reason that you want to choose stress reduction techniques that you’ll actually do. When this is the case, then you’re more likely to stick to it. And then you’ll commit to achieving and maintaining a healthly mind and body.

Concluding Thoughts

To stay on track health-wise, bring stress reduction techniques into your life. Do them regularly too. Start using these techniques immediately so you can see the dynamic results that will take your life to a new level.

17 thoughts on “Wellness Strategies: Stress Reduction Techniques that Work”

  1. I love this! I tend to get frazzled in life and say things like, “I don’t have time to exercise!” or “I don’t have the patience to meditate!” I’ve found, though, that if I slow down and make stress-reduction a priority, many other things just naturally seem to fall into place (with a little discipline sprinkled in, of course).

    1. Reducing stress is a priority – yes! For your mental health, it is :) Great feedback here!

    1. Being more focused on our breathing really can make a difference – I’m glad you’re doing so, Alison ♥

  2. I’d really like to return to a Yoga class, I was able to switch off during the meditation at the end of the class. For me now, Music is by stress busting mechanism, either dancing to it, singing along to it or learning to play the guitar…gives me a sense of renewed energy and yet an inner feeling of peace. Lovely post as always, thank you Christy xxx

    1. I love that music is such a healthy outlet for you, sweetie! Thanks for your beautiful comments that I’m catching up on today xoxo

  3. Hey Christy! I liked the key word, consistency! i know I will be on a work out routine and then I can easily become lazy. I remind myself that I will feel better when I exercise! Those lovely endorphins never let me down!

  4. For me, exercise itself becomes sort of meditation. I use the repetition of steps and counting out moves to calm myself. Of course, peaceful scenery also helps my “meditation” when the weather is nice and I have time to go to the park to exercise.

    1. Oh Sue, you went into the Spam folder, oh dear! I got you out safely xx Thanks for the beautiful comments. Gardening is a great source of relaxation for many people and I’m glad you find solace in it too. Hugs on this weekend and always.

  5. I am with you all the way, for reducing stress and exercise.. ( gently does it these days by me, but gardening I think is one of the best ways I know of keeping fit. ) LOL.. Meditation and Sleep when the body says Sleep.. :-)
    Have a beautiful week Christy xx

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