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3 jobs to develop business skills for success as an entrepreneur

Develop business skills

Inequality is still a major obstacle for many women. Furthermore, in some companies, the glass ceiling remains stubbornly in place. But change is happening, although slow, with more female entrepreneurs stepping out to reach for their true calling. The progress in recent decades benefits women, the American economy, and young females who have leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Indra Nooyi to inspire them. Yes, launching your own business is possible! For business success, it’s true that you need determination and a wide skill set, but you may already have many of these skills. That’s especially true if you’ve worked in any of these jobs that develop business skills:

1. Administration

There’s one skill for business success that a leader needs more than any other. That’s the ability to multi-task effectively.

Organizational skills are part of being good at multi-tasking too. Therefore, an administrative background can be the perfect foundation for launching your own business.

When you check out the Administration Specialist Job Description, you’ll see that it includes many transferable skills that can lead to long-term business success. These competencies include the ability to:

  • Coordinate staff schedules
  • Do business research and analysis
  • Communicate with suppliers, clients, and the public
  • Office management and organization
  • Use and maintain advanced IT systems

After reading that list, do you think you have what it takes? Do you have experience with all these tasks, and others, as an administrator? If so, you’ll likely find you have the skills for business success on your own or with a trustworthy team.

2. Marketing jobs to develop business skills

Of the essential skills for business success, another vital one is marketing abilities. Therefore, a marketing background can give you a big advantage over corporate rivals.

Being a marketing specialist means that you’re able to promote your products and services quickly and efficiently. Then you’re reaching the right people at the ideal time for maximum sales.

As with several other business tasks, marketing is changing rapidly with the continual advance of technology. Plus, many businesses are turning to social media to promote their brand. This means that being an expert in social media is also very helpful. If you have a lot of meaningful social media connections, then your message can spread far for more business success.

3. Raising children

Moms have so many skills that it’s little wonder that many of them find themselves drawn to starting their own business. After all, raising children is a role unlike any other.

As a parent, for example, you need to be able to quickly assess situations and take firm action. You also must:

  • Communicate clearly
  • Give instructions to follow down to the letter
  • Be able to teach others how to do tasks,
  • And then trust in their ability to do so

It hardly needs saying that these abilities are skills for business success. Look at what you’ve gained already by growing these competencies in motherhood!

Develop business skills to become a successful entrepreneur

In summary, the experience of raising kids, past administration jobs, or sales and marketing positions, can all arm you with the most important skills for running a business. And don’t be shy about showing off those skills on your resume or in the work environement either!

Other important factors for business success include a readiness to work hard and an unshakable belief in yourself and what you’re doing. With these skills at hand, launching your own business can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make in life.

16 thoughts on “3 jobs to develop business skills for success as an entrepreneur”

  1. Excellent article, Christy! I so agree; raising children requires multi-tasking skills, organization skills, and mediation skills that puts a veteran mom on par with other women who earn their stripes in business fields. Thanks for sharing such an encouraging post!

  2. I was very interested to read your thoughts about raising children being beneficial in business. I couldn’t agree more. Great article.

  3. Love this article… I just decided to start my own fitness blog and Instagram page, and having the administration skills from being a teacher, helped me so much. As multi tasking helps a lot, and all the while studying Personal Training at the same time. I always wanted to work in the marketing direction, and maybe someday I will do a course to get the background, would you recommend that? But children is in the future, so one day I will definitely have all 3 of these. Love Mel

    1. Hi Mel, I’m cheering you on in your studying and blog work. Business success takes hard work and it sounds like you’re motivated to reach your goals :)

  4. So true… Good three choices. Discipline comes in many shapes, I believe being able to delegate and to follow rules, of course… as well as multitasking are so important these days. I liked what you say about raising children, BTW. Agree! Sending love, Chris 😘✨

    1. So nice to read your words here, Aqui! Hard work brings many benefits in one’s career – Let’s have a great rest of the week. Hugs and love xo

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