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Put Yourself First: Here’s Why Taking Care of You is Essential

Put yourself first like this woman

Women are often last on their list of priorities. You’ll probably help out family, friends, a boss, and colleagues daily before taking care of your own needs. But here’s proof that you have to put yourself first now and then.

You’ll Be Rundown in No Time

If you put yourself last again and again, it’s the surefire route to:

  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Many other health issues

Your body simply can’t maintain this fast pace over an extended period. Instead, ensure your own well-being comes first. It’s much like the plane safety rules of putting your breathing mask on before putting one on your child.

Here’s the point: You can’t look after those who matter the most if you don’t put yourself first. So, now is the time to form great lifestyle and health habits that put you as the focal point, before others.

Put Yourself First: Little Changes Matter

Little changes and improvements can make a major difference in your health and happiness, and how you feel in life. Sometimes it will take a little more of a push to make more significant changes, but then you have plenty of strength and stamina for everyone else. That just means you just need to redirect it back to yourself.

Here are some tips to form great habits so you can take care of your mind and body to then continue to take care of others.

Rest, Recharge, Recoup

It’s crucial that you take enough time away from work, socializing, and any other responsibilities. That’s especially true if they’re leading to unhealthy habits or a harmful mindset.

Try not to think about what you might miss out on when you put yourself first. Instead, look at it as though you are taking action to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible. Head to a health recovery center and discover a new form of support and recovery, if you need it.

Also, when you return home after work or an outing, choose a night in with a bath, Netflix, and your cozy clothes over a night out for drinks or working until the early hours. While this decision might not come naturally, the more you take time to rest and sleep, the more you’ll begin to feel the benefits. Then you’ll end up with more energy than you thought was possible.

Nourish, Nurture, Nest

It’s worth making an effort to fill up on nourishing and nutritious food regularly as part of your efforts to improve your life. Soups, salads and one-pot meals are a great way to pack loads of vegetables and vitamins into your diet. Plus, they’ll keep you warm and full so that you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy treats later in the day.

Make sure that you’re getting enough water throughout your day too. Hot water and lemon is a great way to boost your hydration and help keep everything running as smoothly as possible in your body.

Positive Results of Putting Yourself First

In general, when you get proper hydration, are full of delicious nutrients, and stay active, this combo can keep illness away. Furthermore, you’ll find yourself feeling positive and enjoying a fulfilling lifestyle. When you put yourself first, then you can take on everything else with plenty of energy and effort.

50 thoughts on “Put Yourself First: Here’s Why Taking Care of You is Essential”

    1. You’re so right that self-care isn’t something that many of us women take to naturally – it often comes from experience that we learn we must put ourselves first or risk exhaustion. Hugs!

  1. This was well timed, I’m just recovering from a Fibromyalgia flare up and was about to get stuck in with things when I read this. Instead, I have decided to give myself some recovery time to recharge my battery a bit. What would be the point in starting back with a flat battery, it would be no help to me or anyone else 👍🏻

    1. You got the message here about self-care for women 100%, Linnea! Enjoy your weekend 🤗

  2. Such great advice, Christy, and I’m in need of all of that at the moment but not much chance for a while. You know what they say about rest and the wicked!

  3. I just had a thought Christy. I read your posts on my phone and then Like them when I am on my laptop. The Likes may come flying through all together, so it looks like I am not actually reading your supportive and helpful posts, but I am. I just wanted you to know. Hugs Xx <3

    1. You are so considerate to send me this comment, Jane 🤗 I love having your support here.

  4. Amazing as always, Christy. Self love, self care, self support. It’s really difficult for women — especially moms, to remember to make time and take care of themselves. xox

    1. Self love – exactly! Caring for ourselves is anything but selfish xo Thanks Micki!

  5. Great reminder!! I am struggling really hard with making myself a priority. I feel I am here to care for everyone else. I KNOW I need to put myself at the top of the list, but it’s just very hard….

  6. This is something I had to really WORK at when I became a mom. There’s always so much to do and I felt guilty for leaving my husband alone with the baby for more than a few minutes, which is so ridiculous! Now I make sure to take time for myself because the entire family is better off when I do.

    1. I hope you get more time for yourself soon. Feeling mom guilt is something many women experience so you’re not alone ♥

  7. A woman’s life is not an easy route…..
    A woman needs time to manage her own personal life…
    A woman ought to be appreciated more because of the roles they play…

    That is one of the reasons my mum holds a dear place in my heart.

    1. “We cannot pour out of an empty cup” is such an astute statement. Wishing you a beautiful day!

    1. Our self is who we know best – So yes I’m nodding at your comment to be our own best friend ❤

    1. I really am grateful for your reblog and for backing up the message in this post, Beckie. It’s time we put ourselves first xx

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