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Your guide for teaching kids responsiblity and being more community-focused

Teaching kids responsibility and community-focused

Parents want their kids to grow up with the right priorities and values. Teaching kids personal responsibility is a good thing. One of the most important things of all to many people is being community-focused, as well as enjoying collaborations. So, how can you make that happen?

Your vision for teaching kids responsibility and being community-focused

Getting along with the people around you is good and positive, and it’s something to try to instill in your children too. You’ll want them to be community-focused, along with teaching kids responsibility. 

Encourage them to help the neighbors

If you have older neighbors and they sometimes require a little extra help around the home, this need is something to explore with your kids. If you encourage to help people out and do something positive for locals, they’ll soon start to realize the importance of these types of things.

Teaching kids personal responsibility around the house: Start early

It’s important for youth to have as many responsibilities as possible while growing up and coming to terms with the real world. Of course, I’m not talking about adult responsibilities. Instead, it’s about parents giving them tasks around the house or a dog to care for and walk. These things all show the importance of working hard and being responsible.

Get kids admitted to the best preschool

We all know how a school forms part of a kid’s foundation. Parents should know that investing in a good school can have the single biggest impact on a kid’s life.

Preschools that offer additional learning can help kids in more ways than one. From imparting the right level of discipline to truly teaching them about cultural and societal values, a preschool can play a major role.

Get them involved in group activities

When your kids get used to working alongside other people to complete tasks and generally have a good time, they start to realize why community is so utterly important. Life is not a solo mission, and your kids should realize that as soon as possible.

Things like group mission trips could be really beneficial for them for exactly that reason. In addition to teaching kids responsibility, it will instill vital team skills in them as well.

Show them why community matters so much

If you as a parent want them to understand why you’re pushing this community-focused agenda onto them, you need to communicate to them why strong community bonds matter so much. Show them the direct impact and benefits of a strong community spirit and why it’s valuable to them going forward.

It is something that they’ll also benefit from in the long term. As part of being more involved in the community, they might develop political ties. Consider starting to teach kids the fundamentals of politics from a young age.

Let it be fun too

Finally, remember that all of this might not be particularly enjoyable for your kids at first but that’s OK. You can make it more enjoyable by showing them the fun side of being part of a community and working with others. This isn’t a punishment and parents shouldn’t encourage them to think of it as such.

On teaching kids responsibility and to more be more community-focused

As someone who values community, you want your kids to grow up in the same way. You also naturally want them to have similar values.

Just remember not to make any of this a chore. Youngsters typically don’t respond well to that kind of thing. If you put the suggested ideas into play moving forward, you open the door to your kids becoming well-rounded, community-focused young adults.

31 thoughts on “Your guide for teaching kids responsiblity and being more community-focused”

  1. From my experience as an parent I didn’t wait a second as soon as my daughter came home it was game on I did the days and my wife did the nights
    I would talk and she would listen
    I sang songs told her stories
    We did numbers colors shapes
    Painted colored played with buttons
    Marbles and even dry beans
    As soon as she had her last round of shots we took her out on a rainy day and everywhere I had to go she went with me
    She’s in 6th grade now asking me for the car keys
    As Sheldon Mostly

  2. Great tips, Christy! One of the best ways to teach kids to participate in their community is to let them learn from your examples-join a group project where everyone can pitch in.

  3. It is generally women who bring up children.. that tells you everything you need to know. If anyone needs educating it is the girls, the women cause they set the tone.

  4. Great post with lots of good ideas, Christy. It makes me think of the saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Your children will learn from the example you set.

  5. So relevant today — it’s difficult but doubly important to make sure that children see teamwork and its benefits outside of simply sports. Caring for our neighbors is especially important in an increasingly isolated world. Kudos to you for your thoughtful and thought-provoking advice! xox

  6. It’s so great to see kids get engaged. My nephew recently decided to ‘save the salamanders’. He’s 6 and it’s kind of awesome to see him already thinking of something outside himself.

  7. Great post Christy! on another note I received an email from you to subscribe my old site which is now private after I moved to a new hosted server. I had moved all subscribers to my new site . I hope you are able to see my posts there, please let me know.Thank you!

  8. What a fantastic topic!
    I try very diligently to instill a sense of community in my boys (age 11 and 4). We recently took part in a community event after some devastating events happened to local businesses, and my older son said he was so proud to just be there with everyone. So important! Thanks so much for your post! :)

    1. I’m so happy to hear about the community spirit you are instilling in your boys. Thank you too for the enthusiastic comments on the blog –>> Wishing you a great rest of your week :)

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