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Why Your Health Should Mean More

Wellness is important

Your health should be the thing at the top of your list of priorities. The benefits that you can receive from making an effort to stay healthy are amazing. And yet people don’t seem to care enough, and this is most likely due to the fact they haven’t experienced all these benefits yet, so why bother? But that’s only because they’re not doing what needs to be done, like keeping in shape and consuming the right foods. But the most difficult area to fix is the motivation.

A lack of motivation is the biggest obstruction that we can have in our minds. It restricts us from doing many things within our lives because we’re unable to find that drive to go and do it – whatever it may be. But maybe with a few examples of how your life can change once you start caring about your health, you will feel motivated enough to take action.

Here are just a few reasons.

Less stress

If you don’t already know – stress is a serious thing. Stress alone can make you physically and mentally ill. It can stop you from sleeping and keeping your focus at work. It can cause you to break out, it messes with your appetite, and you can feel very frustrated. Regular exercise can help to alleviate stress because it releases endorphins into the brain that make you feel happy and even euphoric.

A second chance

If you’re struggling to look after your own health and need a helping hand, there are centers like New England Recovery and Wellness that welcome you in with open arms and give you that care you need.

Whether you’ve been struggling with an addiction, or you aren’t coping well with your mental health – these people give you a second chance to get better and start again.

Natural preventative

Actively exercising and eating healthily will not only rejuvenate your appearance, from giving you better, younger looking skin to losing those extra pounds that you’ve been carrying.

It can also prevent us from getting ill, whether that be from the common flu that’s going around or a more serious health problem like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.

So, the sooner you introduce good habits, the easier it will be to get rid of the bad ones.

Save money

Who doesn’t want to save money? We’re constantly on a mission to spend less so that we can live more comfortably, metaphorically and literally. Think about it.

Doctors appointments. Medication. Fast food. New clothes.

These are just a few examples of the things you will be spending your money on if you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle. Some people try to argue that it’s too expensive to afford a gym membership – but working out is free. You can do it anywhere, anytime.

Grocery shopping with a list will also save you money while staying focused on what you need, rather than want.

So what are you waiting for? Start living better today.

24 thoughts on “Why Your Health Should Mean More”

  1. Its always in my head, and i know the importance too, but yes i lack motivation…Thankyou for inspiring through your post, i always look upto it. xxx

  2. I’m with Jill, I feel awful on the days I chose to not exercise. So, I work out every day if possible: dance class, yoga, walking. I use to run (and loved it) but my knees don’t anymore. I think the more we get into the ‘habit’ of taking care of ourselves, the more our SELVES ask us to feed it properly and move it about every day. Thanks for another great post, Christy.

  3. What a motivating post Christy, as usual you are spot on. Healthy eating makes a huge difference to your body which in turn helps your mind. Little changes can make big differences xx

  4. I used to avoid exercise as a younger adult because I was lazy and hated it. Now the big obstacle is pain. Good post, Christy!

  5. Alessandro Tinchini

    One of the main problems is that people fall into laziness quite often after staring. Focus is all, when it comes to making a good, healthy change in one’s life.

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