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These food facts will shock you

How your diet impacts your health

Do you think you know enough about the food that you eat regularly? The things we eat play a huge role in our lives and have a big impact on both our health and the environment around us. However, even though this is such a central aspect of our lives, there are still quite a few of us who don’t know some food facts that we really ought to. For instance, do you know how food relates to climate change? If not, it’s time to widen your food knowledge. What you read below may shock you.

Climate change and food. The environmental impact of farming is alarming.
How does livestock affect the greenhouse effect? Photo via Pixabay.

1. Livestock Contributes To The Greenhouse Effect

Looking after livestock and ensuring that it turns into meat that is suitable for human production requires industrial farming methods. And these are having a dramatic effect on the environment. In fact, between 14.5 to 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock farming.

But there are farms and companies that are trying to change this climate change problem. You can learn more about one such company by following the link. This huge environmental impact of livestock is just one of the reasons why the world’s vegetarian population is on the rise.

2. Food Facts: 1/3 Of Food Goes to Waste

While cooking, you will probably throw some old ingredients out. You might even throw out some leftovers if you and your family don’t eat everything made for a meal. While you might not give this a second thought, it can really add up when looking at this activity on a global scale.

About a third of food made for human consumption in the world gets wasted. So, it’s important to try and reduce your food waste. That’s because disposing of it using industrial methods can be bad for the environment. Plus, with so many people starving in this world, it’s sad to see food go to waste!

Positive change CAN start at the individual level. If you find that food has spoiled then obviously don’t eat it. But why not compost it instead of throwing it out? Or, even better, try and not cook too much food for each meal.

A surprising food fact is the large amount of food that goes to waste
As much as 1/3 of food goes to waste, including leftovers families throw out. Pixabay Photo.

3. The Food Industry Must Adapt To Climate Change

So far, climate change hasn’t had too bad an effect on the food industry. However, it is thought that this stability won’t last for much longer.

Many experts believe that the whole food and farming industry needs to start adapting, and do so soon. Climate change could soon start to reduce annual crop yields, which could provide food shortages around the world.

Did you know that going vegan can have environmental benefits? For example, eating plants provides the opportunity to slow down greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Meat Links To Certain Health Conditions

Another of the food facts to know about is that eating too much meat, especially processed meat, can increase the risk of specific health issues. This includes people suffering from health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Well, now that list of diseases and illnesses is starting to increase as more researcher look at meat and the conditions that it can cause. Many health experts advise people to limit their intake of red meat and have a few completely meat-free days during the week, if possible.

Once you start to learn more about the food and ingredients that you eat, you will fully understand how your diet can impact your health and the world around you. Eventually, you’ll be able to make changes for the better by knowing more food facts!

25 thoughts on “These food facts will shock you”

  1. Hi Christy…
    Informative and thought provoking as over the past several years I have become more and more aware of where my food has come. As you know I lived in the north, wild game became a part of my foods. Later I raised my own beef and knew where it came from. I avoid all sorts of processed foods. ( with the exception of Mars Bars and M&M’s)
    Now I am far more careful in my food selection. Leftovers are a part of my diet as I hate to see food go to waste. Any leftover can be made into another meal with a little time and a little care… Great article…

    Hugs as always…

  2. I’ve definitely cut out a lot of meat, especially red meat, for its environmental impact. I was a vegetarian for years because of animal abuses.
    The waste is the thing I feel the most. For the past year I’ve subscribed to a service that sends me only exactly as much as I need to make recipes for 2, which has been much better. Our culture likes to sell things in mega packs, which isn’t practical for small households.

  3. great post Christy! We just watched Forks over Knives recently, and it finally helped my husband see that he was eating way too much meat, especially red meat.

  4. This is very important information, Christy. While I would have trouble convincing my family to give up meat entirely, this is a good argument for limiting our consumption of it.

  5. Hi Christy,

    in our culture is to eat a lot of meat. Especially red meat,which is very heavy for the body,and not so healthy. Good alternative is white meat, or blue meat like some types of fish. Thank you for valuable post

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