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Is your health at risk or safe?

Health at risk? Eating healthy helps

As much as you’d like to think you’re healthy, you never know what is around the corner. In other words, is your health at risk or safe?

Looking back over the years

The more you’ve abused your body in the past through things like binge eating and drinking, the more likely you are to have problems in the future. Even if you have started to follow a healthy lifestyle, the past can catch up with you.

There are also things out of your control that you need to consider. Life sometimes throws you a curveball that you just didn’t expect health-wise.

But your health is one of the most important things, giving you life, and a good quality one hopefully. It is something a lot of people take for granted, though.

What you’re doing to your body and what you’re putting into it should always be at the forefront of your mind. But your health might not be as safe as you assume. To better understand if your health is at risk, below are the main things that will be affecting it. 

Food and your health at risk

Probably one of the biggest factors of the outcome of your health. The worse your diet is, the worse your health will be, typically.

You’d think it would be a given, but the amount of people that ignore this statement is high. That is why the obesity rate is alarmingly prevalent, and even child obesity is creeping up in numbers.

So, if you’re looking to protect your health, you need to look at your diet first. A westernized diet full of processed fats, sugars, and salts isn’t what you need to be putting in your body.

Not only is can it lead to obesity, but it is also causing bowel, liver, and kidney conditions that were once a rarity. Sure, I get that the lure of junk food is sometimes too much. But once you break the cycle of reaching for a chocolate bar rather than an apple, you’ll almost instantly start seeing results.

Did you know it is possible to become addicted to junk food, such as chocolate? The dopamine receptors in our brain are activated when we eat foods that make us happy. When these levels drop, you’re left wanting more. It’s sort of like a drug addiction.

If that doesn’t put you off it, then the unhealthy attributes of those foods should. A healthy diet to follow is one that is low in saturated fats, sugars, and salt. If you want a diet to follow, consider the paleo diet.

The paleo approach is a clean eating diet that fills you with natural and organic foods. It’ll help you to obtain all the vitamins and nutrients needed for normal body functions. Slowly introduce yourself to the diet by doing it two days a week until you feel you can increase, after getting your doctor’s permission to start.

Fitness and your health at risk

As for fitness, this activity is something we all should all do. But so many of us find it hard to do.

Having the motivation to go from being a couch potato to a gym enthusiast isn’t easy. Again, just like with the diet, work into it slowly and don’t push yourself.

Try going to the gym, or simply for a run or fast walk, two times a week to begin with, after your doctor approves it. Start off slow and work your way up with the amount of exercise you’re doing during the days you’re doing it.

For one, you don’t want to injure yourself. Secondly, you don’t want to push so hard that you hate it and never give it another chance.

There are many health benefits of getting active. It’ll improve the function of your cardiovascular system, for example, which will reduce the chance of having conditions like heart disease.

Fitness will obviously help you to lose weight too, if you couple it with a sensible diet. It’ll also help improve your energy levels as a whole, even though you might feel drained during the exercise at first.

Things out of your control

Some things in life that put your health at risk simply can’t be helped. Contracting some diseases can be completely out of your control if they are genetic. However, some conditions are caused by factors that are within your control, including the ones listed above: food and fitness.

But it isn’t just disease. Something as simple as walking out into the road to get to the other side could completely change your life. Just one wrong judgment or one accident can permanently damage your health.

When this unfortunate incident happens, all you can do is try to make life as normal as possible. It’ll affect your days in so many ways. You may not be able to work, socialize, etc. If you’re involved in a collision with a car, the chances of injuries are high.

Motor vehicle accidents commonly lead to injuries of the neck, back, and spinal cord. Brain damage is also a risk.

If the brain damage affects how you function, you first need to look for some compensation to help you get back to normal life. Brain injury lawyers specialize in this legal area to help you.

But the rehabilitation is all down to you. It might be worth seeking out counseling services for an injury that is out of your control. It is hard to go from a well-functioning life to one where you’re no longer as mobile or have other limitations. Talking to the family can be distressing, and if that’s the case then talk to a professional if you feel depressed or anxious.

Lifestyle choices

The lifestyle choices you make greatly impact whether your health is at risk or safe. Drinking is such as big thing for many teenagers, and partying can seem more important than thinking of your health at that young age.

Let’s face it, when you’re a teen, your health really is the last thing on your mind. You feel invincible.

Even into early adulthood, many people still go out and binge drink until they’re sick, feeling low the next day. Do you not think that reaction is your body trying to tell you something?

Each time you drink to excess, you’re putting vital organs, such as your liver and kidneys, under pressure. Being under pressure from a young age isn’t what they’re designed to do. If you’re having a drink, try not to drink to excess and follow the daily allowance guidance on the internet.

What are other ways your health is at risk? Do think about this issue often? Why or why not?

51 thoughts on “Is your health at risk or safe?”

  1. Great post, it’s so true that you don’t care about your health while you’re a teenager, and make many mistakes during that time! Good thing the schools are educating more about the aftermath of not caring for your body in that very important stage of life

  2. I don’t know how I missed this great article of yours Christy. This is a powerful message and one that I hope people listen to. You are spot-on – Self-Care is essential! :)

    1. Unfortunately, these take so much time (and I want to post one a week so people stay interested in working out) that I seldom get the opportunity to read all the wonderful posts, especially yours, that I enjoy and love to read. Again thank you, you have been a friend and I appreciate you – you have a good soul!

  3. Good read! I recently went sugar free (processed food free) for 5 days and posted for the first 3 days on what I ate instead. Your post resonates with me because sometimes you can’t truly control things but you can absolutely educate yourself and prepare. Thanks for this post!

  4. Cannot agree more! “A healthy diet to follow is one that is low in saturated fats, sugars, and salt. ” is the ticker for me! It’s something I try to be conscious of now that I’m 37. Why was it easy as teenagers to just eat a whole bag of crisps with little to no care in the world?

  5. This is a good read! Many people fail to neglect their physical health, and it damages them in the long haul. Even if we change our lifestyle, it sometimes may catch up. Taking care of ourselves is so important.

  6. Great read! I think that instant gratification has become a poison in American society to our health. People do not realize that their bad choices are molding their future.
    Education, passion and discipline are the three vital elements to health. As a society, we need to encourage these things more and less of McDonalds.

  7. Nice post, I have worked so hard and stretched myself physically and mentally so far. I hope to change my diet soon if I’m to have any glimmer of hope(health wise) in future

  8. I love that your brought up the lifestyle choices! A lot of people think that being healthy is like a chore and they don’t want to do it, but once you make that switch and turn it into a lifestyle it is mind-blowing how different you will feel!

  9. A most excellent post with helpful practices Christy. It has been said that if we are good for 80% of the time, we can slack off the other 20 without dire consequence. Not sure I’m with this so I do my best to eat healthy and gym 3 times a week. :) <3

  10. I’m a firm believer that eating bad food for you = negative thinking and good food = positive thoughts. One of the biggest steps in showing some self love is changing the way your diet is for your physical health.
    Great post.

  11. Another informative post on health and life, Christy. Very important points. Definitely agree with the one on maintaining fitness. Recently I have taken up walking in a bid to improve my fitness. For a the longest time I was a couch potato but now with every walk I do, I feel better about myself. I do aim to do 5km in less than 45 minutes and that helps me work up a sweat :D

  12. My ex-husband’s grandmother lived to be 105. She was in great health all the way to the end. Her motto was: “everything, in moderation”. She had her cocktail everyday…just one.

    I think of her often when I get the urge to over-indulge in anything.
    Great post

  13. Amazing post, Christy! Although some health conditions are not in our control, we should not make a dump yard out of our bodies by eating junk food. Thanks for sharing 😊😊♥️♥️♥️♥️

  14. My health is 100% safe…. How health defensive was Jesus christ? .. Have you ever heard jesus christ was sick in the scriptures? Am talking from the spiritual platform and those that are also in the realm should testify to that.

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