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Taking Care Of Your Mental Health As Well As Physical

Brain cartoon symbolizing taking care of your mental health

When it comes to health and questions surrounding your own, it is very common to think of your physical health. However, with the recent surge of information being shared on the internet about cognitive well-being, it may be time to reevaluate your weekly health routine and dedicate some time to looking after your brainā€™s health. Yes, taking care of your mental and physical health are equally important.

When a person is suffering from depression or anxiety, the chemical called serotonin, which helps to balance our emotions, is extremely low or absent in the brain. There are plenty of ways to increase this chemical while taking care of both your physical and mental health. Here are a few examples to help get you started obtaining the well-balanced and healthy lifestyle that everyone strives for.

Get outside

If you were to write down the amount of time you spend just enjoying the outside world – rather than doing the commute to work or weekly errands – you may be surprised how little is on the page. As humans, we rarely remember to slow down and breathe once in a while – much less enjoy some fresh oxygen and sun just for the sake of it.

However, if you are feeling like your stress levels are hitting the roof, getting outside for a walk and a breath of fresh air could be the thing your body is craving. That’s why it’s part of taking care of your mental health effectively. Not only can fresh air boost your mood, but you will also be soaking up some very important vitamin D from the sun.

Many people actually choose to supplement this vitamin as well as getting some sun, as it is rare you will be able to take in your guided daily allowance every day. To do this, you could enjoy the health benefits of Sunset – a supplement for vitamins A, B, D, and omega three, take a daily vitamin D capsule, or a multivitamin.

All are great ways to ensure you are stocked up on the vitamin well known as ā€œthe happy vitamin,ā€ as it has been proven to give your serotonin levels a much-needed boost. Supplements, however, aren’t a replacement for spending some time out in the sun. So,Ā  get outside alongside your daily supplement.

Taking care of your mental health: Schedule ‘me time’

It is very rare that a woman ever takes a timeout due to the sheer volume of work and responsibility that is on her plate at any given moment. If you rarely feel like you have five minutes to yourself, it may be time to start timetabling in some regular self-care time.

Having an evening on a Sunday (or weekday that suits you) to do whatever makes you feel relaxed. Binging on a Netflix series, having a pamper evening, going for a run, doing some meditation – whatever works best for you, making some time for it is extremely important.

It will help you to refuel, get your creative juices flowing and assist your productivity. It will also give you time out from the daily grind of life and help see things as a little clearer and less overwhelming. Youā€™ll be looking at life from a calmer perspective. Many people look toĀ productsĀ like theĀ shrooms online CanadaĀ stores sell to help them relax further. This is something you can use in your spare time to really unwind and eliminate any stress you’re feeling.

Life is hard, and it will not nurture you. That’s why it’s vital to take the time out to nurture yourself.

More about taking care of your mental health and physical health

Of course, having a well-balanced lifestyle involves eating balanced meals and exercising regularly. Fitness is a great way of releasing ā€œfeel goodā€ endorphins and helping you to feel energized, even in winter.

However, it is a smart move to have both your mental and physical well-being at the top of your priority list, rather than favoring one over the other. Making a few simple changes detailed in this blog will help you to do that.

Photo source: Tumisu from Pixabay.

54 thoughts on “Taking Care Of Your Mental Health As Well As Physical”

  1. Great post indeed! This is the elephant in the room that needs to be put in the limelight so others might be aware of.

  2. My disassociation has only recently been discovered by me. As youā€™ll see in my blogs I am finding it very confusing. Trying to connect with others to try to understand and feel less frightened. Xx

  3. Love this hun! I work in the NHS in an inpatient mental health hospital and its so interesting to see that mental health and physical health are so very linked. We need to get a balance of looking after both. x

  4. Yesss! Love this. So important to TALK about mental health and how important it is, that way we can decrease the stigma. Thanks for covering this topic!

  5. Great post, I agree that mental health is often overshadowed by physical health. They do go hand-in-hand though and certainly going outside and enjoying nature can be just as good for the physical being as well as the mind :-)

  6. Very good blog. I get outside for at least an hour and a half every day and it is so important to me. Thanks for writing this.

  7. I absolutely love the emphasis on mental health these days. It’s so, so important to not only take care of your body but also your mind, especially considering how powerful the mind is. It can be your biggest supporter or your biggest oppressor, your best friend or your worst enemy. Thank you for this wonderful article!
    For the first point, I definitely agree that being outdoors and soaking in the sun are such important daily tasks. I love picnics because there’s something so nice about lying in the sun and eating a meal outside for once. For the second, ah… I deplore this… because I never get “me” time. And as an introvert, I really need my “me” time. Even if I get a little bit, I’m never sure how long it’d last which just makes me waste the time anxiously waiting for someone to arrive and ruin it… That’s why I’m always daydreaming about my own apartment. Never getting privacy definitely puts a strain on me mentally and emotionally…

  8. I really understand the importance of mental health so much more now after a having a baby. Itā€™s So important to take care of both Mind and body. I started my blog to help me not go crazy lol

  9. I have really been working on this since last August (so not quite a New Year resolution! Yoga has been helping with the Me time because you are forced to concentrate on the present and quiet thoughts, mine are always racing.

  10. Hey :) It is a very nice post! Nowadays, people forget a lot about themselves or are under pressure to be something they dream about. So very well done :)
    Keep in touch & have a BeYOUtiful weekend!
    PS: on DFBlog MOOD is a post about a fashion show from paris couture that relates well to this article of yours. Have a look <3

  11. Wonderful post. Informative material like this really helps a person who is just starting to go through something. For someone looking for advice, crystals and aroma therapies, although great,ought to be too advanced. It’s good to have basics out there.

  12. If I didn’t have dance and yoga classes in my life, I would be a difficult person to live with. During the winter when it’s too cold to get outside, finding an exercise routine inside is paramount to my mental health. Also, fresh air! At night I keep the window open next to my bed even if it’s 15 degrees out – how I love to breath in that fresh air! Good post, as always Christy.

  13. Life is all mental. Mental health has a massive impact on physical health. Mental health issues have been raging in society for a long time.

    Mental health, spiritual health, physical health, emotional health, and financial health are all important and impact each other.

  14. You are so right about getting outside, Christy. Even during the cold winter months, if I find a sunny room in the house, I can feel a difference in my mood. Great stuff!

  15. Hey there, Christy! This is an awesome post! Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. I believe there are many health benefits to getting out into nature both physical and mental. We’re so busy we forget about this simple pleasure. :)

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