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5 Natural Ways to Boost Milk Supply

Boost breast milk production

Regina’s guest post offers natural tips for breastfeeding moms to help boost their milk supply. This subject matter can be a big worry for a new mother. As there are a lot of myths on this subject, it’s good to get the facts straight.

When Your Goal is to Boost Milk Supply

As a mother, you will always want your baby to get the best start to life possible. And one of the best ways to ensure this is by breastfeeding the infant for at least the first half a year of his life. But, as much as you might want to, sometimes it is not always possible. One of the things that might discourage you from breastfeeding your little one is a low milk supply.

Various things can lead to a low supply of milk for lactating mothers. However, in most instances, it is all in the mind because many moms will assume that they are producing little breast milk while, in truth, the baby is getting more than enough of it. But how do you boost your milk supply if you know for a fact you are not producing enough?

5 Tips to Increase Milk Supply

1. Nurse More Often

The more you nurse, the more milk you will make as a result. Nursing more often is one of the best solutions to low milk supply. In fact, for most moms, it is all they need to do to increase their milk.

The principle behind this is straightforward. Nursing more often triggers the body’s internal mechanism to make more milk as it is an indication that the baby needs more of it.

2. Drink Enough Fluid

Water makes up a massive part of breast milk. So it goes without saying that your body will need a lot of it to make the milk. But this is not to say that if you do not drink enough water, your body will not produce milk.

It means that if you are dehydrated, the body will not produce enough milk for your baby because it has to divide the little fluid in your body among other functions to keep your systems running. And you do not always have to take some boring plain water because vegetable and fruit juices, almond milk, and induced water can also help to keep you hydrated.

3. Deal with Stress to Help Boost Milk Supply

Stress is an everyday issue for most moms because there is always a lot to deal with when you have a new baby. But, if you do not find ways of coping with stress and anxiety, they can affect your milk production. Everything in the body is interconnected, so if your mind is not calm, your milk output also reduces.

Some easy ways to lower stress and anxiety levels can include:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Prayer

Do what works for you to find calm in your day. If opting for exercise, such as yoga, always see your doctor first to make sure it’s a safe option for you. When you are calm, everything in your body works well, and you can make more milk then.

4. Drain the Breasts

Draining one breast before moving the baby to the other is always recommended when making breast milk fattier. But what some moms might not know is that it can also help to boost the milk supply.

If the breast is empty, there will be room for more milk, and this means that your body has to produce more of it. Many moms tend to keep shifting the baby between the breasts, so they feed on the less fatty foremilk, and the breasts remain full, which means there is no room for the production of more milk.

5. Consider Pumping

If your baby is not nursing as frequently and efficiently as you want, some pumping sessions between the feeding sessions might be necessary. The aim of pumping is removing more milk from your breast or increasing nursing frequency to trigger the body to make more milk.

And you do not have to discard the milk that you pump either. Instead, refrigerate it for the infant to consume when you are temporarily away from them.

Concluding Words on How to Boost Milk Supply

A low milk supply can be frustrating for new moms. It is one of those things that can give you sleepless nights. After all, no one wants to imagine that their little angel is not getting enough food. But, the best news is that in most cases, there is nothing to worry about because if your infant is gaining enough weight, it means that your milk supply is sufficient.

However, it is still possible to boost the milk supply, and the five points above will help you with this. Lastly, remember to consume at least 2,500 calories a day and get someone to help out around the house so that you can have more time to nurse your little one.

About Today’s Writer

Regina Dinges is a mother of three and a blogger at Follow her on Twitter now.


Top photo: Pixabay photo, CC0.

4 thoughts on “5 Natural Ways to Boost Milk Supply”

  1. L’allaitement, c’est d’abord le colostrum essentiel pour le BB.
    Des BB plus fort, plus robustes…
    Très bon sujet ma petite Christy, Merci
    Je t’embrasse
    Ton ami Tony de France.

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