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Weekly Inspiration Roundup Vol. 14

Inspiring reads from bloggers

Just because it’s Friday the 13th doesn’t mean we have to be all doom and gloom! It’s time for the inspirational roundup of the week, featuring… YOU! I love your blog posts, and our connections mean so much to me. Thank you all for another great week :) Here are some of my faves from this week:

Let Your Emotions Flow

This post from Posy Sisters combines the beauty of autumn with the beauty of the human spirit. They are both resilient! The write, titled Do NOT cage your emotions, let them flow is a powerful message of finding light and regaining hope.

Inspiring reads from bloggers
Reads that inspire, from around the blogging community. Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain.

Autism and the Self-Esteem Movement

Laina of The Silent Wave often gives thoughtful posts on autism, and this one is no exception. In Autism, irony, and the Self-Esteem Movement, she discusses the movement that occurred in classrooms, starting in the ’70s that was “supposed to” empower students. This wasn’t so much so for those who in the autistic spectrum. Find out why.

The Peace Inside Us

Embracing the Peace Within is an inspirational blog post over at Peaceful Journey that touches on finding solace in oneself with the world around us is turbulent. This is an internal process. I find myself re-reading it today and breathing deeply. A perfect activity for a Friday!

Jenny on Mental Health

Jenny in Neverland blogs about The Mental Health Tag and while it’s not a post new to this week it’s new to me, so I include it here! Her words about battling anxiety will no doubt appeal to many people, and I thank Jenny for speaking up about her own experience with this mental health issue.

Stay Strong, Ladies

When you want a bit of “you got this” feeling, you’d be wise to head over to Tony Burgess’ Stay Strong Sisters post. He explains, “as a man I want the women in my life and around the world to determine their own fate…” YES, there is so much within our control, and we deserve to be loud and proud as women! Great encouragement here.

Date Night as Parents

Mamabasic tackles the subject of date night after having kids this week. It’s a fantastic read for any parent who wonders how to (and why to) fit in a date with their significant other regularly. The inspirational blog post is full of great suggestions for keeping a couple emotionally close and enjoying a break from the kids now and then.

Hand Held Apple Pie Recipe

Janine Huldie’s blog features mommy tips, lifestyle advice, pet info, and… recipes! Her Hand Held Apple Pies Kid Friendly Recipe sounds so delicious that I want to make it myself! It’s refreshing to see that this is one that the kiddies can join in on in the kitchen, from baking to eating ;)

Colostomy Day and Stoma Myths

Thank you to Invisibly Me for teaching us so much about stomas. In this post, you’ll learn about Colostomy Day, which was on Saturday October 7th this year, as well as what exactly are stomas, and the common myths about stomas. Let’s talk health issues. Education is where it’s at!

26 thoughts on “Weekly Inspiration Roundup Vol. 14”

  1. Once again, I’ve discovered some awesome folks! Thank you for sharing all these, sweet Christy! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. I’m going to go take a look at “Embracing the Peace Within” – that sounds like it calls to me. :) Sending you hugs! xo

    1. I’m so glad you’re doing well ~ and we’re all for peace, yes! I looked for your site this morning and it said server error.. perhaps it was just a problem at my end? Hugs!

    2. Hehe, I did update my plugins on Friday – you know what? I bet you just happened by when I was updating. Hehe. I was trying to pick a “low traffic” time. lol.
      In any case, thank you, thank you! <3

    3. I just checked and your site is up and running, yay! Glad it wasn’t a problem you didn’t know about :) Thanks for the response and I’ll have time for a read over at your place tomorrow ~ Will leave a comment there too ~ Hugs!

  2. Some great picks, especially as I’ve not seen a few of these (not caging your emotions – I love this one!) Thanks for sharing mine too lovely, it’s appreciated in helping raise awareness :)
    Hope you have a lovely weekend! x

    1. That’s a wonderful way to look at the 13th, Teagan! It was a busy week, making up for lost time being sick, and I feel it was productive. I hope your Saturday is wonderful <3

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