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A Guide To Birth Control (That Isn’t The Pill)

Injection form of contraceptive

The terms “birth control” and “the Pill” are largely interchangeable. When TV shows and movies refer to birth control, they mean the Pill. For most people, the Pill is the beginning and end of birth control, and most of us would assume the Pill was the most commonly used birth control.

There are Other Options than the Birth Control Pill

It’s not. I’ll discuss what is soon, but the point for the moment is that the Pill is not the only option when it comes to your contraceptive choices and reproductive health. In fact, the Pill is one of the least effective contraceptives, with a success rate of around 92 percent – meaning eight women in 100 could have an unwanted pregnancy even when using the pill.

That’s a pretty disturbing statistic. So let’s break through the pill’s monopoly and examine the other birth control methods, and you can see what might work best for you.

1. Depo-Provera

What is it?

An injection that provides very effective contraceptive benefits.

Who does it suit?

Anyone who struggles to take the pill on a regular basis or wants a more convenient contraceptive choice. Many women try the Depo as their first choice of experimenting with non-pill birth control, due to its relatively short lifespan.

How long does it last?

You will need to receive a Depo shot from a medical professional every three months.

What else do I need to know?

There is evidence that the Depo can reduce bone density during use. To counteract this, it’s worth discussing calcium supplements with your doctor. As these AlgaeCal plant calcium reviews show, many people have great success increasing their bone density using supplemented calcium, which can help to minimize the effect you may receive from the Depo.

A long-term form of birth control
This is Implanon, an example of a contraceptive implant, and the device used to implant it. Photo by Vera de Kok, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

2. Contraceptive Implant

What is it?

A small stick, inserted into the upper arms, releases synthetic hormones into your bloodstream. It is incredibly effective at preventing pregnancy. You cannot feel the stick, nor is it painful. Pictured is the device used to insert the implant and the implant itself. Insertion is usually done under local anesthetic and is painless.

Who does it suit?

This seems to be rather random. Some women love the contraceptive implant; others despise it! There is no known reason why women react so differently to the implant.

How long does it last?

Up to three years, making it incredibly convenient.

What else do I need to know?

The contraceptive implant is one of the most expensive forms of birth control. If cost is a concern for you, then it might be best to try another method first.

An IUD gets placed into the uterus
Mirena, shown here, is an example of an IUD. Photo by Sarahmirk, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

3. IUD

What is it?

A small device that releases localized hormones into the uterus when placed inside.

Who does it suit?

If you have been particularly impacted by the side effects of other forms of contraception, an IUD might be a good choice for you. This is because the synthetic hormones it contains are localized, which many women report leads to a vast reduction in side effects. That’s why the IUD is the most commonly used form of birth control.

How long does it last?

Some IUDs can last up to 12 years, though the most common lifespan given is between three to five years.

What else do I need to know?

You will need to visit a qualified medical professional to have the device inserted and, later, removed. The procedure can be uncomfortable and there are risks associated with IUDs.

So, do you think you might be tempted to switch your birth control method, or is the good old Pill still working for you?


Top photo: Looking for an alternative form of contraceptive to the pill? Depo-Provera may be an option. Photo by User:Ciell, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.

2 thoughts on “A Guide To Birth Control (That Isn’t The Pill)”

  1. Birth pilss and whatever you gals take, isn’t it eaisier if you make the guy weare a condom?
    Or like the other day I was watching an american channel and a question by an audience said ” I have one child and I don’t know where he came from” or something like that, basically this girl just got pregnant and even didn’t know wich of the other guys I suppose for her own statement was the child’s kid and she asks the “doctor”, you dumb shit, stup fooling around and fucking everythng that moves and then you will now who is your child from wich guy, that is what I was thinking, but I found it funny how the t.v
    “doctor” handle her….. I would just say, get your act together, stop you fucking left and right, or if you do use some kind of protection and don’t spill out kids as they are whiskeys that I can not drink but at the end of the day my taxes will go for you dumb idiot and the kids, the kids have no fault but the mother….. that pissed me off

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