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Women’s posture problems, revealed

women's posture problems

Bad posture affects many women in the western world, yet few people even realize they have an issue. As we grow and get taller, we change our postures slowly for a variety of reasons, and once we hit adulthood, it seems natural to hold ourselves that way. The trouble is, women’s posture problems can develop into serious conditions.

Bad backs are typical, of course, but it also causes imbalances in your body’s center of gravity, which can affect your hips, knees, and shoulders. Plus, it will reduce your flexibility and compromise muscle growth, which makes things like losing weight and burning fat incredibly difficult.

So, if you have a hunch, or slouch, or slightly off-kilter gait, it could be a more pressing problem than you think. In today’s guide, we’re going to discuss a few of the biggest culprits when it comes to women’s posture problems. Let’s take a closer look.

Rounded shoulders/hunches

Rounded shoulders are caused by several different reasons. You might have unstable sternoclavicular joints, which means your pectoral muscles overcompensates and makes your shoulders move forward.

Your postural muscles problems might also be an issue – if they are weak, your shoulders will keep slumping forward as you get tired. Finally, your shoulders could round because of body image issues. Taller women who are self-conscious about their height often slouch forward to make themselves appear smaller, and the habit soon turns into a long-term posture problem.

Forward tilts and women’s posture problems

Another big problem for some women is tilting forward. It can occur in a couple of ways. Both tilts can apply a lot of pressure on the spine and surrounding muscles, and result in a sore back – and a visit to your chiropractor.

Firstly, your head and neck can droop down, so it almost hangs in front of your shoulders – it’s down to having stiff muscles at the back of your neck. You can also experience anterior pelvic tilt, which is when your body angles forward from the hips, usually due to weak core muscles.

Sticking out rear

Finally, if you wear high heels a lot or have excessive weight around your midriff, you could end up suffering from hyperlordosis. It’s a curvature of the back that makes you look a little like a duck – your rear sticks out and you have a pronounced bend in your lower back.

The solutions

While personal trainers and a chiropractor will be able to give you precise solutions to your posture problems, there are a few things that can help you iron out your kinks. First, start imagining your body is held up by a piece of string running right through its center. Your neck should be straight, and your shoulders should be parallel to the hips and feet.

Try to ensure that weight is balanced evenly on both feet, and don’t be afraid to use mirrors or photographs to make sure you are standing correctly. Use products for posture improvement as necessary, especially if you work all day on your desk. Also, core exercises to build muscle in your midriff area are going to help give you the strength you need for a good posture.

In almost all posture problems, a weak core is one of the primary culprits.

Final words on women’s posture problems

Poor posture can lead to all kinds of spinal, hip, and knee problems, which will affect you badly in later life. Get it sorted now, and you will find you suffer fewer aches and pains!

20 thoughts on “Women’s posture problems, revealed”

  1. And let us not forget about sinks! A known culprit of bad posture!

    I stand 5’9″ tall and the sinks always reach right below my upper thighs! This means I always have to bend over so not to splash water on the floor… Now one may think this not a problem – but imagine how many other items tall people have to deal with …

    BUT I do stand up straight with head held high and do my best to avoid collision with low-lying objects. 😄

    1. OH! Architects need to cater to the taller woman too when building counters and other home pieces ~ So glad you added that detail, Mel!

  2. Loved this! The computers contribute to so many bad posture habits. Every time I get to the revisions on a book my neck gets crooked from turning it to read pages while I type. I’m still searching for the perfect chair. :) xx

  3. This post is so valuable. I was on bed rest for almost 7 months, because
    I had Complete Placenta Previa. I used to sleep on one side, I was so scared to move or walk. I couldn’t play my little one, wasn’t doing anything other than sleeping. My spine alignment was messed up with that, muscles got so weak. After delivering the baby, still, couldn’t do anything for another one year. I wanted to feel fine, so much Claustrophobic. My husband decides to have Personal Trainer. I had Personal Trainer for two years. He fixed my posture and I looked same as used to be. :)

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