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Overweight health risks + what to do about them

Overweight health risks

Let’s face it; we’re all guilty of piling on the pounds occasionally. Maybe you eat junk food when under stress or avoid exercise when life gets super busy. Sometimes the weight gain isn’t evident until trying to put on that pair of jeans that fit a few months ago but now are too snug to be comfortable, or when climbing a set of stairs is enough activity to feel exhaustion. Overweight health risks are many, unfortunately, as the excess pounds can make you prone to certain health conditions. Thus, everyday solutions, such as a healthier lifestyle, are necessary.

4 overweight health risks:

Type 2 diabetes

This is the most common cause of diabetes and is particularly prevalent in those who are overweight. Bad habits such as unhealthy eating and no exercise are two of the reasons why Type 2 diabetes can develop over time.

However, family history and genes can also play a part in the development of the disease, so it does not always link to lifestyle choices. People with this disease have high blood sugar levels, which can lead to other conditions, such as heart and kidney disease.

The disease can be avoidable or you can delay it by losing weight and taking more exercise to regulate blood sugar levels. Healthy eating is also important; it’s wise to avoid foods that are high in sugar.


Overweight health risks also include high blood pressure, which is one of the leading causes of having a stroke. Scary, right?

Extra body weight can also lead to a high blood sugar and cholesterol level, which are also linked to strokes. Therefore, losing weight is essential.

As part of this, high-cholesterol foods such as burgers and chips should be avoided in favor of healthier options. Blood pressure can be regulated by taking less salt in your diet and embarking on more exercise each day.

Kidney disease

We have seen how being overweight increases the chances of diabetes and high blood pressure, and these are two of the common causes of kidney disease. However, studies also suggest being overweight can increase the chances of the disease even without those conditions.

To keep your kidneys healthy, losing weight is a must. Again, eating healthily is important, so cut down on foods rich in sodium, as well as red meats and fatty products. You should also quit bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol, which can increase the chances of kidney disease.


Being overweight isn’t the only risk factor in osteoarthritis, as age and joint injuries can also be a cause. However, extra body fat will also increase the problem for sufferers due to the extra pressure on the joints.

Losing weight will reduce the stress, and alleviate the pain. As usual, exercise is necessary for getting rid of excess weight.

Regular activity will also help those suffering from the problem as it will loosen up stiff joints.

Final words on overweight health risks

Being overweight does not mean you are unhealthy, but losing weight will reduce the risks of the conditions above.

16 thoughts on “Overweight health risks + what to do about them”

  1. Great post Christy, and also great comment Miriam! I’m currently on a weight-loss journey, and not because I want to be skinny, but because I want to be healthy :) We should always love ourselves regardless of what stage we are at in our health, but we must equally recognise areas we need to improve on because self-love requires self-reflection and the want to be the best version of ourselves.

    1. Being healthy is the goal – yes! It’s about how we feel more than how we look. Wishing you a satisfying journey and thanks for being here :)

  2. The biological basis of obesity is incredibly complex and evolutionarily redundant. Our bodies will defend higher weights which is the real reason that reduced calorie diets help you lose weight only in the short term. Ultimately, your homeostatic biological mechanisms will make sure that after every “starvation” diet, you will regain the weight and then some (because your metabolic rate will slow down to conserve calories).

    Don’t use the numbers on the scale or tape measure to define your health. There’s a lot you can do to improve your health which won’t necessarily lead to weight loss, many enumerated in this article and in the comments. Love yourself no matter what.

    1. Excellent comment and I thank you Miriam for taking the time to express it so well here! Your comment adds value to the post. Great to have you here in the community :)

  3. Wonderful post, again (!)
    I do, however, think that diabetes too often is associated obesity. My mum has type 1 and whenever I mention such, everyone start judging. While her figure is better than most women really ;).
    But I agree, being overweight can be very risky!

    1. Congratulations on your accomplishment! You were determined and held to your goal – inspirational! <3

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