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Don’t Be Blind To The Facts: Sure-Fire Signs Your Eyesight Is Deteriorating

Eyesight is probably the most important sense to a human being. We can all imagine living without hearing, taste, smell, and touch, but going blind sends shivers down the spine. Yet, eyesight is the sense which the majority of people take for granted. As long as the eyes open in the morning, there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, aren’t sight-related problems for old people? No, they are not. Regardless of your age, sight can deteriorate and the signs are there for all to see. Thankfully, even if they appear, it is possible to protect your eyes.

These are the signs your sight is declining and how to prevent it from getting worse.

Eye Pain

The most obvious symptom is pain in and around the eye area. Like every other part of the body, this is your brain telling you that there is an issue. Typically, it is a sign of narrow-angle glaucoma, which can permanently affect your eyesight. Aside from pain, redness and even vomiting are signals that you have eye-related problems. The only course of action in this scenario is to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Emergency optometrists are on call at hospitals 24/7.

Blurry Field Of Vision

If your eyesight isn’t as clear as it was before, this is a sign of macular degeneration. In simple terms, it means your eyes are deteriorating and your vision is going as a result. Again, the main treatment for this condition is to consult a medical professional for advice. However, blurry eyesight can also be because your eyes are tired and fatigued. Do you spend all day looking at a computer screen? If so, take a break give your eyes a rest. Shutting them for ten-minutes allows them to relax and regenerate.

Double Vision

As points out, there are lots of reasons for this ailment. For example, it could be Myasthenia gravis, which is a condition that stops communication between the nerves and muscles. Or, says it might be a warped cornea. For your information, this is a fancy way of saying your cornea has damage. As you can see, the causes are wide-ranging, so a variety of treatments might be necessary. Self-medication is an option as eye drops can improve inflammation and swelling. Wearing glasses is another method which corrects blurred vision, as are muscle exercises.

Spots And Floaters

One of the most common symptoms is a field of spots which occur randomly. It is possible that this is due to a disease of illness, but the truth is usually less scary. Normally, it is because your eyes are tired or they have gotten too much light. People forget that eyes are sensitive and need protecting, especially when the sun is intense. And, there doesn’t need to be a solar eclipse for this to be the case. To get rid of the floaters, try and wear sunglasses and stay out of the sun. Also, don’t wear contacts for too long.

If any of the above become apparent, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible.   

15 thoughts on “Don’t Be Blind To The Facts: Sure-Fire Signs Your Eyesight Is Deteriorating”

    1. Yes, my mom had floaters and she thought she was losing her vision! As it turned out, she had popped a blood vessel behind the eye. Thank you Debby and let’s say “see ya” to floaters ;)

  1. Hi Christy…
    I have had narrow-angle-glaucoma since early 2000. It came on rather quickly especially in my left eye. The ophthalmologist has stated I have lost 40-50% vision in the left eye. It was caught early enough to protect the right eye. My pressures were off the charts when they first discovered it sitting at the 30 plus range in the left and the right was in the low teens. I have to run the full gambit of test every six months. Now my pressures remain 10 and below and I am very thankful.

    Just a note glaucoma is a hereditary disease. In my case on my mothers side. Thus if someone in your family has had it please get checked and do not wait like I did. I beg anyone who is suspect to get checked immediately, if not the end result is not great.

    I will be on prescribed medication I must use each night for the rest of my life.


    1. Thank you for sharing your story with us in regards to this subject, Rolly. Knowing you are thankful for what you have rather than what has been lost is what makes you so special!

  2. Christy, an interesting article and a great reminder for us to take notice of changes in our vision. I have an eye disease of the cornea and with time will require a partial cornea transplant when the vision, symptoms and pain become too much…for now the main problem is intolerance and pain to strong light – always have to wear sunglasses when out, even in winter and also driving at night is nigh impossible as the lights of oncoming cars is blinding. Oh yes, computer work is a problem too with back lit screens…taking small breaks often is the only answer and to have it on very low brightness. I treasure my vision more than ever.

    1. Small breaks is so important! And it’s not just for our eyes, of course, but also mentally imperative ;) We come back refreshed mentally and physically to the computer then. Thanks Annika!

  3. I’ve been wearing glasses since (earliest pictures I remember) I was 4 and I’ve seen “floaters” since I was a teenager. The floaters I have, are very mild, to say the least, AND I can (somewhat) control, at least to a small degree.

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