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Walk, Don’t Run: The Key to a Healthier Life

Healthier you

It isn’t easy to know the path to healthier existence when you’re floundering and looking around for answers from any and all directions. While it’s tempting to look for a golden bullet that’ll give your body a jolt, the truth is that there are no quick-fix diets or the like that’ll make everything better. That comes from making small, incremental changes to your life, not making sweeping changes, and hoping that it works out. Below, we take a look at how you can incorporate the “walk, don’t run” approach into your life to give your health a boost.

A New Habit

The reason that so many New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first month is that people are too ambitious with what they set out to achieve. If you say you’re going to become vegetarian, but you’ve never even reduced your meat intake, then you’re going to find it an uphill battle. Instead of making grand claims to yourself and anybody who will listen, plan to make a small change. In the case of vegetarianism, you should give up meat two days a week, then increase it to three, four, all the way up to a meat-free week (and life).

Healthier Ways

It’s unrealistic to treat your body as a temple. There’ll always be a vice that we know isn’t amazing for our body but we like anyway. The trick here is to make sure you’re doing the best possible version of your vice. If you like fast food, then have it only occasionally, and when you do then try to eat from the more upscale fast food joints. If you like smoking, don’t promise that the next cigarette is your last; switch to an eliquid vaporizer instead. Instead of drinking alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights, pick just one, and don’t drink too many. Life can be enjoyed to the full if you do things in moderation.

The 15-Minute Rule

Like with New Year’s resolutions, people often have misconceptions about just how much exercise they’ll be able to stomach once they decide they want to get fit. If you’ve joined the gym under the illusion of going for one hour a day, it’s time to curb your enthusiasm, because you won’t be going anywhere near that amount of time. Instead, start small: super small; 15 minutes small. You’ll gradually work your way up to an hour. If you go big too fast, you’ll only end up giving up.

Sample New Hobbies

One of the best to get exercise and stay energized is to sample new activities. Instead of buying all the fancy equipment for a sport, loan the items and try a number of them. That way, you’ll be able to figure out what activities you actually like by getting used to them slowly.

Also, don’t forget to kill the mood sappers! Sitting on Facebook and the like for too long can make us feel sad, and thus less likely to make the necessary changes in our lives.

17 thoughts on “Walk, Don’t Run: The Key to a Healthier Life”

  1. thanks for the tips, I’ve been undecided about signing up for a gym, but I will focus on what I can achieve. Saving money on apps.

  2. Great post as usual, Christy. I tried some of this myself when I was getting back into daily walks after a long period of not getting regular exercise. I started with twenty minute walks around the neighborhood, and gradually increased the time as my energy and stamina increased. Now, I don’t feel right if I miss my walk!

  3. Great advice, Christy! When I first became vegetarian 11 years ago, I was actually “flexitarian” — I allowed myself meat whenever the urge was strong. After six months, I no longer felt the urge. I became a full vegetarian. Nowadays I also minimize eggs and dairy. Most of my home-cooked meals are vegan. It’s taken me a while to get to this point. So I agree, gradual changes definitely work better for many people. At least, they work better for me!

  4. Great post, and I agree. One of the ways I get a “work-out” now is to hula hoop! I would rather do something fun than go to the gym. I just started hooping and it’s a blast.

  5. And more literally, some weight lifting websites suggest walking over running for weight lifters because it is a cardio exercise that doesn’t sap energy from muscle recovery. And if you are overweight, running will bang up the knees and feet. I go for walks three days a weeks and lift weight three other days.

    My first regular exercise was when my father, brother, and I joined TKD together. By coincidence three other father/son combinations also joined at the same time and we became the core of our family oriented club. Thursday night was pizza night after class.

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