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Living with diabetes: You can still have a full life!

living with diabetes quote

More than 29 million Americans have diabetes at any one time. That is a shocking figure as it means there’s a good chance some readers of this blog might contract the condition at some point. There is a misconception that many people have about the illness and how it will affect their lives. Contrary to popular belief, it’s still possible to have a long and healthy existence while living with diabetes.

The guidance below can help you or someone you know who has diabetes to gain some normality and manage the condition. Thankfully, medical advances are at a stage where diabetes no longer has an adverse effect on lifespans.

Living with diabetes: Be at your best with these 3 tips:

1. Always eat breakfast

It’s critical that all people with diabetes try to consume a healthy diet.

Ideally, you’ll eat at least three meals a day that contains lots of vegetables. However, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for people living with diabetes.

Thus, be sure to wake up early every morning and cook something that will provide the body with the energy it requires for the day ahead. Fish is often a recommendation for people with blood-sugar problems.

Why fish? This particular food source contains lots of essential nutrients without too much sugar.

If anyone needs help planning weekly meals, a few places to get inspiration are diabetic recipes online or buying specialty diabetic cookbooks. Asking your doctor for advice is always a good idea.

2. Make time to exercise

For most diabetics, it’s best to stay as fit and active as possible. The benefits of exercise are many, including:

  • Helps the body to use insulin
  • Burns excess body fat
  • Strengthens muscles and bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves blood flow

So, someone living with diabetes might consider joining a local gym and going there regularly before or after the office. But first, talk with your doctor about which exercises are best for you and get their approval for your safety.

3. Take the right medication

Nobody likes the idea of having to inject into their body every single day. However, that is something diabetics will get used to doing over time. It’s essential that people living with diabetes get regular check-ups with their doctor to monitor progress.

In most cases, doctors prescribe insulin and similar to take intravenously. People living in the US can check online for the best prices and deals so that you’re living within a budget while maintaining your best health. <

Some specialists provide lots of information, and some might even offer a Trulicity coupon or discount codes sometimes. Those who have to use the drugs every day can get big savings over the course of the year.

Conclusions about living with diabetes

By now it’s probably clear that YES it’s very possible to live a full life after a diagnosis of diabetes. Just be sure you eat healthy, workout regularly, and never forget to take your meds.

Of course, there are many health conditions that people with diabetes are prone to getting, due to complications. However, it’s best to face those bridges when or if you come to them. So live life fully, starting today!

34 thoughts on “Living with diabetes: You can still have a full life!”

  1. I truly love this! At first when I was diagnosed I thought that I couldn’t really live, how could I go to the movies, eat out, bbq at a friends, without is being incredibly irritating. Luckily, I have started to figure it out. I love this blog. Thank you!

  2. Your points are good, but it would have been better if you could have differentiated between type 1 and type 2. My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 just after her first birthday. She leads a relatively normal life, but it’s not normal for the word insulin to be part of their first five words. For those who are caregivers for young children, this advice is true, but over simplifies a the issues we face. It also contributes to the misconception that we could be handling it better if we would just get our kids to eat more vegetables.

  3. Hi Christy
    Great article & a very useful read. Diabetes is on the rise globally and awareness to prevent its complications is much needed. To add to your tips, diabetics must always be careful about adjusting their diet as per medications and vice versa under the guidance of a qualified professional. This will surely aid in controlling sugar levels.

  4. I will add, go easy on carbs, as they turn to sugar in the body. Also, a helpful tip is to always make sure you eat a bit of protein with or right after a fruit, it helps slow down the rising sugar levels. My husband is diabetic so I’m on top of everything to do, but yes, exercise is amazing, just walking can help keep sugars down. :) xx

  5. Thank you, Christy, for sharing the article on diabetes. My husband has been a type 1 diabetic requiring insulin for over 40 years and has beaten the odds of developing complications by balancing food intake, exercise, and stress reduction. It is a more regimented lifestyle requiring discipline, but it is one that everyone can take to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

    1. Your husband is doing everything right, by the sounds of it, Linnea, and I wish you both good health and happiness :)

  6. Diabetes is on the rise, and much of it is because of unhealthy lifestyles and diets. Recently, a friend died because they would not take heed of all the tips you have advised.They wound up with a leg amputated. I believe that ended their will to live.
    Healthy eating and exercise is FUN!!

  7. Hi Christy,

    Good article. I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2000. I’ve had lots of ups and downs and would say that if people follow the tips in your article they will do well. I switched to a plant-based diet nearly ten months ago and saw an immediate impact on my sugar control. As a bonus I have lost about 15% of my weight since then which continues to make it easier to not only control sugar but do all of those other things, too.

    1. That’s wonderful news, Brian. I’m glad you are on a great path, and I’m pleased by your positive attitude :) Thanks for taking time here!

  8. Well done, Christy. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1995. It is a battle! I finally abandoned Trulicity about 3 months ago. It didn’t work for me and made me feel nauseous for much of every day. Yes, healthy eating and exercise is vital – bless those who are able to follow this regimen.

  9. Great article!

    I know people who were prediabetic that changed their eating habits and implemented more exercise, and are no longer prediabetic. So, making healthier lifestyle choices definitely helps. Also it is important to know your family history, and start implementing healthy eating and exercise habits early.

    1. I’m glad your mom is in a good place regarding her health. Thanks for sharing your story!

  10. Great advice. Those in my family who are fighting this disease would agree with your suggestions. I would say most of us would benefit from eating healthy and exercise to prevent getting health issues. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  11. I had my thyroid removed completely and people who went through the same had trouble managing their weight . I never did…i stuck it out with exactly what you said about diabetic patients..big breakfast and regular exercise….its been 12 years though and i have been successful about it..

    1. I should have added that he cured himself. He went veggie and took up 12k a day on a cross-trainer. I’ll mention this post to him again.

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