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Am I feeling heartburn or something else?

Feeling heartburn

Are you feeling heartburn or could it be a symptom of something else? Understanding what to look for can help you distinguish between heartburn and allergies

Feeling heartburn

I think we’ve all had a little heartburn from time to time. When you eat a little too fast, for example, you might experience some pain. That’s normal, and you can stop it if you just slow down a little when you eat meals and snacks.

But, if you’re experiencing heartburn more than normal, you might be having some bigger problems. If you start to get heartburn more than a few times a week, take the time  to see a GI Doctor because there’s a chance that you might have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Around 20 percent of Americans suffer from the condition but the number could be far higher because a lot of people just put it down to heartburn. Other symptoms include bad breath and tooth decay, so if you experience these symptoms along with heartburn, seek medical advice straightaway.

Feel heartburn or allergies instead?

Did you know that what you’re feeling might not be hearburn but allergies instead? Having allergies during the spring months is awful. It feels like the whole world is trying to attack you and wherever you go, your symptoms just won’t go away. The best way to treat it is to take antihistamines, but you might find that they don’t do anything.

Allergies can trigger a burning sensation in the chest, which is a common symptom of acid reflex. But it could be allergies. Or, you might actually have a serious case of the flu.

Telling the difference isn’t that easy but there are some small details that can give away the signs. If your snot is a dark green color, that’s a sign of infection. Fevers are another symptom that is never caused by allergies so that should be a cause for concern as well. If you think that you might be experiencing something more than allergies, see your doctor because you’ll need antibiotics to clear it up.

Headaches from acidity

Headaches aren’t usually a cause for concern. We all get them from time to time and they can be caused by all sorts of things including stress and dehydration.

A simple headache is easily rectified with an aspirin, but in some cases, that might not be getting to the root of the issue. If your headaches come on immediately and often, it could be related to acidity.

Getting pain in your head or sinuses can occur with acid reflux. If you bend forward, you might find it worsens the discomfort.

If your headache combines with symptoms like a stiff neck, you might be suffering from Lyme disease. When you’re getting older, you’re more susceptible to serious conditions that cause headaches so if you’re having them often, so be sure to see your doctor if you are worried about how you are feeling, including getting continual headaches.

25 thoughts on “Am I feeling heartburn or something else?”

  1. I suffered from heartburn for months on and off, combined with symptoms which came on afterwards, it turned out to be gall bladder related and I had surgery to have mine removed earlier this year. Amazing what heartburn can signify.

  2. Heartburn is terrible! I had the worst Heartburn when I was pregnant. I couldn’t keep any food down and it was making me feel nauseous. Luckily it went away after I gave birth. I can’t imagine what it’d be like to have it all the time!

  3. I got a spring allergy this year, but (as you’ve mentioned) a visit to the doctor saved my day! Luckily, I didn’t have fever…so it was just the smell of flowers that had gotten to me!

  4. That’s a great advice, Christy. It’s true that we ignore these common aches and pains, but our body is telling us, actually insisting that we pay attention and seek medical assistance asap.

  5. The Laughable Cheese

    I knew someone with very serious heart burn. it was kind of scary, he’d be in terrible pain many many times after he ate. And yes it was serious he said but he wouldn’t get the surgery he needed. I think he had a hole in his esophagus or something. I don’t remember, but it required an expensive surgery. don’t ever know what he’s doing now. But yes it can be serious.

  6. Sound advice, Christy. I know some people are petrified at the thought of seeing their doctor. I’ve been seeing mine every three months for 22 years now. There’s nothing to fear but fear itself!

    1. Yes, sometimes we build things up in our minds! You’re right about that, John. Thanks for checking in with the blog in addition to your doctor ;)

  7. As always you write some very good points. I would add that for the symptom of heartburn it can be a symptom of ovarian cancer. We strongly suggest that the woman see a gynecologist if heartburn lasts longer than 2 weeks and request an Angio ultrasound and CA125.

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