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Serious Physical Injury? How to Cope After

How to cope with a serious physical injury

There is nothing more harrowing than suffering a serious injury that leaves you, or a loved one, with life-long injuries. In the space of a moment, a person’s life can turn upside down; that’s how long it can take for long-term injuries to happen, and it can be due to avoidable errors too. This thought and the many that will follow can leave people searching for answers that aren’t there. While it may be impossible for another person to understand what you’re going through, and you may feel utterly alone, it’s important to remember that others have made it through to a happier, more comfortable place on the other side. And so can you. Here are suggestions for how to cope better with a serious physical injury.

Give Yourself Time

To suddenly lose an ability that you’ve had all your life is similar to losing a loved one. As such, people who acquire a disability often experience the same stages of grief that people go through when they a loved one passes away. 

Yes, you will likely be in denial, angry, and even get depressed. But, ultimately, you will accept it. However, you can’t rush this process. It takes time to reach the level of peace necessary to move forward.

Look to the Future

When you reach the acceptance stage, life won’t suddenly become all rosy. But it will be real, and when it’s real, you can start making plans for the future. This mean you’ll plan figure out ways to adapt to your new circumstances.

If your accident was the fault of someone else, you could get closure on the incident that led to the injury, as well as financial compensation, from or another source.

With the accident part behind you, you’ll be able to figure out the next stage of your life. This involves adjusting your goals, dreams, and family life to your physical injury. 

Use Resources for Serious Physical Injury Sufferers

Friends and family will likely be on hand to give you support, but even with all the will in the world, they can only do so much. You’ll likely feel isolated and alone, thinking that nobody understands what you’re going through with your serious physical injury.

But there are many other people out there who learn how to cope with the same serious physical injury as you. They’ll be able to offer guidance, advice on whether you can sue the car manufacturer, if applicable, and provide support. Get involved in these communities; they will be invaluable on your march to living a fulfilling life.

Find Your New Comfort Zone

Humans are adaptable, resilient creatures by design. You’re entering a new phase of your life, and it’ll involve learning new skills, new sources of happiness, and a new role within your household and the wider community. Be patient, and work hard at how to cope better. Just because you have a serious physical injury doesn’t mean you have nothing to offer the world.

How to Cope: Remember This

Lastly, history is full of people who have overcome a serious physical injury to achieve greatness. The true test of a character is not the setbacks they experience, but the way in which they respond to those setbacks. While at times things can feel bleak, never forget that situations can improve if we fully apply ourselves.

31 thoughts on “Serious Physical Injury? How to Cope After”

  1. Love the positive energy that this post radiates with! :) Thanks for the inspiration Christy…such words really help many who get mired in negativity.

  2. Thank you for your advices. I have a very rare kind of muscle desease and I’m loosing continuously mobility and power. Sometimes it is very hard for me to get along with this, especially at work. Sometimes I live through a kind of hell, despite trying to accept the illness and to deal with it.

  3. I wish I had read this article a few years back when I was going through physical changes.
    I’ve improved tremendously but had no idea that it could be very similar to the stages of death. I used to tell my husband that I felt like I had lost a best friend. This is very uplifting. I believe it can help so many who go through changes during aging too. A well-written account, Christy, of how to cope. The url’s help too.
    Isadora 😎

  4. Christy, this is a very positive post to help with a very negative situation. What you say is true, and I know a few who have overcome their situation.
    For some reason ~ Terry Fox comes into my mind.

  5. Nice article. Good information. Your personal experience? The only thing I would change would be to make the sub-headings within the piece smaller. At the moment, they are the same size as the headings, which makes it difficult when reading through several posts on the same page.
    Kindness – Robert. :)

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