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The Golden Rules of Healthy Living

Healthy diet is important, as many women know

While it might not be on top of everyone’s mind, staying healthy is important to a lot of people. Many of us women want to live as long as possible or at least be healthy enough to enjoy life to the fullest while we’re alive. And even if you sometimes struggle to care about your own health, you certainly care about how healthy your kids are. Life can get busy, so concentrating on keeping yourself and your family happy can sometimes be difficult. There are a few key elements you should focus on to make things a little easier. They’re mostly things you can weave into your everyday life.

A Healthy Diet

Ask any woman how to stay healthy, and many will say that a healthy diet is a huge part of it. It’s not just about whether you’re eating foods that have the “wrong” things in them, but whether you’re getting enough of the right things.

It’s easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle and have eating habits that aren’t always healthy. But it’s best to have a balanced diet with the essential nutrients. You should be getting enough protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and more.

However, you don’t have to spend all your time trying to perfectly balance your diet. Keep it varied and try new things, and you’re likely to get all the nutrients you need without really thinking about it.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is the other main element to staying fit and healthy. People often have very different ideas about exercising. Some women love to do it as much as possible, while others try not to ever willingly work up a sweat. It can be hard to get over the feelings about exercise that school gave you, but it is possible to do as an adult. And if you have kids, you can help them feel more positive about it too.

Exercise doesn’t have to be a goal in itself. You can do lots of things that help to keep you fit but are also fun things to do or just part of your day. Walking to work or going on a family bike ride are two examples.

Getting the right healthcare
An important part of healthy living is good medical care. Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain.

The Right Medical Care

Medical care is also a vital part of looking after your health, and it’s not exactly something you can do yourself. While you can learn a little first aid, you need medical experts to look after your whole body.

An important part of getting the right healthcare is to have the best insurance for your family. The different health plans at GoBear can show you some of the elements you can compare. You need to consider what your insurance covers and which services it allows you to use.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Eating right and exercising aren’t the only healthy choices for a woman to consider. It’s also important to think about your approach to things like smoking, drinking, or even looking both ways before you cross the street. The choices you make can have an effect on how healthy you are, and how safe you are too.

You can easily make these key elements of being healthy an everyday part of your life. You’ll hardly need to think about them soon.

55 thoughts on “The Golden Rules of Healthy Living”

  1. supportyourlocalhealthygirl

    Wow – what a fantastic read. Any posts that encourage women to maintain healthy habits are of particular interest to me. I really loved what you said about a ‘balanced diet’ doesn’t require much thinking. I believe this is especially important in a society today that stresses the importance of healthy eating and the variety of conflicting diet information that exists out there on the internet that women are particularly susceptible to that can, in fact, encourage overthinking.
    I hadn’t even considered the right medical care as a golden rule but you are surely right! Having adequate health care and access to professional services can avoid some of the problematics that come with resorting to the web for health related matters that really require professional attention.

    1. Getting the right medical care is something we cannot give up on obtaining – we deserve it! Thanks for being here xx

  2. I enjoyed this article/write-up. One thing I’ve discovered as I get older, is that it’s important to know your family health history. Knowing the illness can help determine what things you may need to incorporate or eliminate from your diet. In my family there are many diabetics. So reducing carbs help me feel better. When we know our history, when can change are habits. We are more effective, when we have energy, and are confident in our own skin and body.

    1. It sounds like you have a pro-active approach that is meeting your needs and for that I commend you! Let’s keep being confident and living more fully :)

  3. Hi
    Nice post! I’ve made a post about calories so if you have time and will please go and check it out! If you like it pls follow me, I follow you.
    Thank you! :D

    1. Thank you again for reblogging it! It’s one of the most popular posts as of late and so glad it resonates with you <3

  4. Great post, Christy! I love where you’re going with this…Healthy Living ALL THE WAY! It’s important to remove foods that don’t serve you. All food is either alkaline or acidic forming. If your body is more acidic, you are more prone to disease, illness, bacteria and viruses. One of the things that always scares me is….if you think about that one food you crave, that one food is the one causing the most damage to your body! Scary thought!
    Kassy |

  5. They say you can’t out train a bad diet, and I believe it. Are we working out for only vanity or also longevity!? They need to work in conjunction. Great post!

    1. Heidi, I hear you! I find that when I exercise I feel so much better mentally and physically. For vanity no. And I don’t like the word “diet”!! Thanks for being here :)

  6. Learning to live a BALANCED REALISTIC lifestyle is a key to LONG TERM success. It means becoming more involved in learning what it takes to become and remain healthy. It also means participating with doctors rather than simply relying on doctors when it comes to health care decisions. Having various types of doctors (naturopaths, chiropractors, medical doctors, acupuncturists, herbalists, etc…) to discuss the various options makes it easier to make better informed decisions. Relying on ANY one doctor for all health matters will limit quality (and possibly) better options available.

    Great overall post with quality information. Well done.

    1. I like what you say about participating WITH doctors. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  7. My family had been making healthy eating changes in the past while! If you try to combat one bad habit a month, it makes it easier. This month we eliminated over processed wheat from our diets, next month the focus is on sodium! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other 😁

    1. Great suggestion to change one eating habit a month! Would you be interested in guest posting here about that strategy? If so (no pressure) feel free to reach out to me via my Contact page at the blog. Regardless, I wish you and your family well :)

    2. That would be amazing! Thank you Christy! I will send you a message through your contact page next week (we are taking our music students on a camping trip for a couple days).
      Talk to you soon!!

  8. I am a long term veggie who eats a fulfilled nutritional diet. It seems Vitamin B is my hardest challenge, so I have incorporated the B Strips. They melt in your mouth, and taste like toothpaste….uch, but oh well, because they absorb better than a pill, All nutrients are better achieved naturally, but sometimes we need extra help.
    My biggest thing as an older woman, is calcium.
    Did you know 30%of women who take calcium pill supplements have a higher rate of heart disease?
    This is why I am not vegan, anymore. I am almost vegan, but I eat a few very, very mild cheeses for the calcium. These are from free range, no antibiotic fed, or hormone fed cows.
    Also, there is a recipe : calcium/vitamin C/vitamin D! You can’t absorb calcium without the others.
    There are many Orange juices in the market now that have calcium and Vit D added.A glass of that a day is a big help.
    I get a bone scan every couple of years.
    My bones were disappearing.
    Since I smartened up, my bones have replenished!
    This is important for me to share!

    1. Hi Resa, yes, I heard that recently about calcium pills and quite honestly it scared me! Also, wonderful to hear about your bone replenishment – that’s awesome! Given that many women start to get osteoporosis, this is wonderful news about anti-aging and making efforts to stay healthy xx Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. There’s a young guy at the gym who works out every day and claims he has a healthy diet (he is thin, so maybe he does), but always lights up on the way to his car. What! This is 2017!!

    1. Wowa, you must have been in shock when you first saw him light the cigarette! Where I live, a lot of young people are “vaping” (e-cigs). I just want people to have healthy lives :)

    2. I was. How could a person be on such a healthy track and seemingly doing all the right things and then smoke? I’m not sure the vapor cigarettes are any healthier. When someone walks by smoking one of them, it bothers my asthma as much as if they were smoking a cigarette.

    3. The problem is he is addicted to cigarettes and hasn’t found a way out.. he may be lying to himself, a topic I addressed yesterday in the “home” post. I’m hopeful he’ll face the issue soon. It’s for his benefit in the long run!

  10. I’d like to think I’ve been having plenty of exercise and following a healthy diet for years, Christy – give or take a few lapses here and there. 😀 Your advice is excellent.

    1. It’s all about trying too.. If we go off one day and have junk food then the next day just try to be more mindful. Plus, moderation is important. Thanks for commenting :)

  11. Well stated Christy. A healthy diet is the most important thing, I believe. Plus, working out. But if you eat in a healthy way, everything is easier, obviously… Proteins are so important if you exercise regularly. I started eating red meat once a week, because I have been told It was good and other meats don’t replace that… I could have taken shakes and all that stuff, But I am not so into those ones… plus they are most times expensive and I am not aiming to grow my body… and don’t do ‘that’ much exercise either…
    Hugs 💟

    1. Hi Aqui, you are indeed taking good care with limiting red meat but still including it and paying attention to the balance between exercise and food. It doesn’t have to be complex, right? I adore you!! Hugs

    2. Oh! I didn’t know that you had heard of that phrase, Aqui. My, your English has really improved since I first met you :) Awww xxoo

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