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Going Green: 3 Challenges, Including Green Tech

Environmentally friendly actions in your house

Nowadays, most people realize the importance of living in a clean and green kind of way. But doing so isn’t as easy as we all wish. Going green can come with unique and surprising problems. To fully embrace a green lifestyle, you have to understand the main challenges before you can start to tackle them. The first example focuses on green tech.

1. Green Tech Problems

There are some issues that will necessarily arise when using green tech. For example, you might be using new energy-saving appliances in the home. Sometimes, these technological items are brand new and haven’t undergone a lot of testing.

The result can be problems with things breaking down. These teething problems are part of trying out new green tech and while it may be inconvenient you have to try to overcome them to push forward and have a greener lifestyle. Even solar panels can have their share of difficulties. Yes, repairing solar panels can be necessary sometimes. Make sure that you let an expert take care of that work though for a proper repair.

Problems can occur with new green tech like solar panels on roofs
Leave repairs of green technologies, such as solar panels, up to the experts.

2. Changes to Your Everyday Behavior

For many people, this point is the most challenging thing of all. Going green often means changing simple everyday habits that you’ve been using for many years. Getting out of that routine and creating new fresh ways of doing activities can be a big struggle for some people. It’s something to work hard at though as your individual actions can positively impact the world.

Sure, you might occasionally forget to recycle things, turn the lights off when you leave the room at home, or conserve water. But if you start to pick up on these mistakes and correct them, then you will eventually get into the habit of doing things differently. We’re all creatures of habit, so it’s not going to be easy, but it certainly is doable.

3. Sacrifice Convenience Now and Then

Occasionally, it’s necessary to sacrifice some of the modern world’s ease and convenience when going green. This means in some cases you have to do without some of the things that make life simpler.

For example, you might want to cut down on the amount of plastic you use and throw away. But, if you choose to do so, you’ll have to reduce the amount of quick, processed, and packaged food you buy from supermarkets every week. It’s definitely a positive step, but that doesn’t make it any easier for you to implement into your lifestyle. That’s just one example of having to sacrifice convenience when going green.

Despite its Challenges, Going Green is Still Important

After reading about these challenges of going green, including potential green tech problems, you might wonder why you should bother doing it at all. But that’s the wrong conclusion to draw. Instead, look at these challenges as worth overcoming because you can have a very positive effect on our environment if you do so.

Still not convinced? I’ll leave you with one final thought. For a lot of people, it’s the financial side of things that can stop them from investing in solar panels and other green tech examples. But if you start conserving energy and water, and looking to clean, renewable alternatives, you can save your family a lot of money over time. Not to mention having the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a difference to the planet. And your kids will appreciate that, like you, they grow up. Now that’s a great incentive to push ahead, isn’t it?

9 thoughts on “Going Green: 3 Challenges, Including Green Tech”

  1. Breaking our habits of convenience and dedicated thinking towards going green can help achieve that goal. Thanks for the positive post, Christy!

  2. John Fioravanti

    All true, Christy. Going greener by eliminating plastic food containers that often contain processed food – which is poisoning all of us slowly. In this example, going greener is going healthier. I am in the process of cleaning up this part of my diet. But you’re right, processed food is more convenient. I have been a dedicated recycler since 1990. Thanks for the great article!

    1. Hi John, great point you make about the plastic in the containers. It’s leading to an increase in estrogen in many people.. and it’s not healthy (the food or the container). I know we’re all allowed some less-than-healthy food choices but for the most part I just want us to take care of our bodies and mind to live the best lives possible. Hugs!

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