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Why Kriste Lewis is A Cheerleader Making a Difference

When Kriste Lewis became an NFL cheerleader last month, it was a big step toward making a difference in a world full of stereotypes. She joined the Saintsations, which is the New Orleans cheerleading squad, and it was not the typical cheerleading hire. She is a cheerleader making a difference!

For starters, Kriste Lewis is 40 years old. While most people think of a cheerleader as being in her early 20s, at least at the time of being hired, Lewis is double that age. I loved hearing her age as it provided me with proof that age truly is just a number, and it’s more the spirit that counts when you apply for a job or go after your goals. She is now one of 36 women on the Saints team.

As well, she is a Mom of two kids. Her children are 11 and 14 years old; they are both boys. I was struck by this detail too because stereotypes can hold less-than-flattering images of Moms as being out of shape. Lewis is throwing that stereotype on its face with her toned body and high energy levels needed to be successful in cheerleading.

In addition, this mother of two symbolizes hope for the many women who feel they have to give up on their dreams to fulfill their parenting activities. I have known women who think that they have to give up on their dreams because they are now Moms. Kriste Lewis is proof that you CAN be a Mom and have a career too – even your dream job!

In addition, Kriste Lewis has kidney disease, a condition she was first diagnosed with 14 years ago. It’s great that she is not letting illness stand in her way either. I applaud this woman for pushing aside obstacles and being a cheerleader making a difference! Watch out NFL, this is one determined lady with a great, positive spirit!

What lessons do you take away from the news of Kriste Lewis becoming an NFL cheerleader?

Looking for more ways women are making a difference? Check out this post on women’s World AIDS Day contributions.

24 thoughts on “Why Kriste Lewis is A Cheerleader Making a Difference”

  1. Well, her dream has come true. She made the Saintsations, the New Orleans cheerleading squad.Fourteen years ago she was diagnosed with polysistic kidney disease.

  2. Well, You wait for inspiration to work hard and stories like this hit you hard!! Really hard. Inspiring and informative article my friend!!

    Swetank. Be Bettr, Stay Bettr! :D

  3. Wow, Kriste is an inspiration. The lessons I’d take away are that it’s never to late to do what you want and anything is possible if you work hard enough for it. :)

    1. Your comment makes me so happy as providing inspiration is the reason I started this site! Many hugs!

  4. What a positive and inspiring story for women as they grow older, Christy. She’s not only beautiful, but she is breaking the stereotype pattern of women in their 40’s and having children. I have to admit though, what really hit home is hearing that she has kidney disease. This is because two years ago our daughter was diagnosed with an incurable liver disease (she was 20; almost 23 now). She doesn’t even drink; it’s an auto immune disease, which took us all by surprise. I don’t remember if I told you or not. It’s a slow progressing disease, horrible, in fact, and the only cure is a liver transplant within the next 10 years or so and that’s even if a liver is available. It’s all up to the timing and beyond daunting, but she’s doing okay; occasionally, her symptoms will flare up and remind us that this awful disease lies dormant inside of her. But on the outside, she smiles and has the best attitude and endures. So, my point is, kidney disease is serious, too, and it gives me hope that Kriste is able to do what she does and make a difference, in spite of her diagnosis. Thanks for sharing! ♥

    1. Oh Lauren! Thank you for sharing your story here and it really means a lot to me that you did. Yes, reading stories such as this one helps give us hope, particularly when we have a personal attachment in some way, such as with you and the kidney disease details. I am so glad your daughter is pulling through such a scary diagnosis and learning to smile and be brave through it! She is blessed to have you as a Mom!! Many hugs to you and your family xoxo

  5. Amazing, I thought women doing cheerleading were very young, and she has definitely taught me a lesson with pursuing any type of physical/intellectual pursuit regardless of age. Very brave of her.

    1. Hi Maria, thanks for the thoughtful comment here. You’re right about it being ‘brave’ (enter applause for her!)

  6. I guess the biggest takeaway for me is that you can live your dreams despite a debilitating condition — in her case, kidney disease. She looks like she’s being true to herself and enjoying life, great lessons for all of us!

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